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蒙台梭利 Montessori英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-19 13:14:31


蒙台梭利 Montessori英语短句 例句大全



1.Examination ofMontessori s Education Thought from 3-D;蒙台梭利教育思想的三维审视

2.Montessori Education Ideological Harmony and Enlightenment;蒙台梭利和谐教育思想与启示

3.OnMontessori s Multiage Education;蒙台梭利教育中的混龄教育


1.Study of Montessori Sensorial Education for the Special Children蒙台梭利智障儿童感官教育思想研究

2.The Study on the Montessori Movement in America (1909-);美国蒙台梭利教育运动研究(1909-)

3.Preliminary Inquiry into the Spread and Nativism of the Montessori s Education Method;蒙台梭利教育法的传播及本土化初探

4.The Application of the Work Theroy from Montessori;蒙台梭利“工作”教育理论应用的思考

5.The Application of the Montessori Teaching Method in Maths Teaching;蒙台梭利教学法在数学教学中的运用

6.Montessori s educational thoughts in modern China--On the 100~(th) anniversary of Montessori s idea of children education;蒙台梭利教育思想在近代中国——纪念蒙台梭利“儿童之家”创办一百周年

7.The Research on Cross-age Interaction in Experimental Class of Montessori Educational Model蒙台梭利实验班中的幼儿异龄互动行为研究

8.Introduction and Influences of Montessori s Pre-school Educational Idea in China;蒙台梭利学前教育思想在中国的引进及其影响

9.On the Role of Montessori Teacher in Children s Initiative Learning;论蒙台梭利教师在儿童主动学习中的角色

10.The Development of the Practice of Montessori Education in China and Its Prospects;蒙台梭利教育实践在中国的发展与展望

11.Reflection and Observation of an Indian Montessori Preschool Institution;印度蒙台梭利幼教机构考察叙事与反思

12.The Application of Montessori Education Theory in Our Kindergarten;试论蒙台梭利教育理论在我国幼儿园中的运用

13.Theories and methods of Montessori on sensorial education of children;蒙台梭利关于幼儿的感官教育理论及方法

14.Analysis of Montessori s View on Internal Application Value of Children s Education Theory;浅析蒙台梭利儿童教育理论的内在应用价值

15.Montessori s Disciplinary Idea and the Kindergarten s Disciplinary Education;蒙台梭利纪律教育思想与幼儿园常规教育

16.Function and Application of Montessori Teaching Aids of the "error control"浅谈蒙台梭利教具的“错误控制”功能及应用

17.The Present Situation and Erroneous Zone to Profit from the Montessori Educational Method in China我国借鉴蒙台梭利教育法的现状及误区

18.As regards the education of young children, Madame Montessori"s methods seem to me full of wisdom.关于幼儿的教育,在我看来,蒙台梭利夫人的方法是充满了智慧的。


Maria Montessori蒙台梭利

1.The word work is a basic concept ofMaria Montessori s educational theory."工作"是蒙台梭利教育理论的一个基本概念,其实质和成人的工作是不同的,儿童的"工作"就是活动,是儿童在"有准备的环境"中的自由活动。

2.Maria Montessori (Maria Montessori ,1870—1952)became renowned for the outstanding achievements of Casa dei Bambini, at the beginning of the 20~(th) century.20世纪初,伴随着“儿童之家”的显赫成就,玛丽亚·蒙台梭利(MariaMontessori,1870—1952)的名字享誉全球,蒙台梭利方法也迅速地在世界的每个角落传颂,在世界范围内掀起了一股“蒙台梭利热”,声势浩大的国际蒙台梭利运动正在紧锣密鼓地酝酿之中。

3)Maria Montessori (1870~1952)蒙台梭利,M.

4)Montessori teacher蒙台梭利教师

5)Montessori teaching tools蒙台梭利教具

1.The use ofMontessori teaching tools is not necessarily its feature.蒙台梭利教育法是一种经过专业机构认证的,具有混龄分班、长时间活动、有准备的环境、独立学习和小组学习并存等特征的教学方法,不以是否使用蒙台梭利教具为评判标准。

6)Montessori method蒙台梭利教育法

1.Function of environment is highly emphasized inMontessori method.蒙台梭利教育法非常强调环境的作用。

2.Montessori method emphasizes teacher’s role as inductor and support in children’s initiative learning.蒙台梭利教育法强调教师要在儿童的主动学习中扮演引导者和支持者的角色。

3.Blind following,extemalism and lack of tutors are the main defects in the practice ofMontessori method in China.教师素质是影响蒙台梭利教育法有效性的重要因素,扎实培训是提高蒙台梭利教师素质的有效途径。


