100字范文 > 圆跳动 circle run-out英语短句 例句大全

圆跳动 circle run-out英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-21 20:41:01


圆跳动 circle run-out英语短句 例句大全

圆跳动,circle run-out

1)circle run-out圆跳动

1.Through technological test,the radialcircle run-out error of crankshaft generating during the machining process has been studied.通过工艺试验,研究了曲轴在加工过程中产生的径向圆跳动误差,并运用工艺链理论分析法分析了误差的种类和遗传方式。


1.radial runout of mounting face inspection安装面径向圆跳动检查

2.The general tolerances on circular run-out (radial,axial and any surface of revolution)are given in table 4.表4给出了圆跳动未注公差的(。。。。?)括里面的是什么意思啊,多谢!

3.Radial Run-out Measuring System Improvement and Error Compensation of Cylindrical Gear;圆柱齿轮径向跳动检测系统改进及误差补偿

4.High/Long Jumper"跳高,跳远运动员"

5.The Measure and Analysis of Seed Bounce and Rolling Displacement after Touching Soil on Furrow Opener of Single Disk;单圆盘开沟器作用下种子触土后弹跳滚动位移的测定与分析

6.They dance in a round.他们围成圆圈跳舞。

7.To leap or skip about excitedly.雀跃激动地跳跃或跳

8.One that jumps.跳跃者做跳跃动作的人

9.The act or motion of flouncing.急跳急跳的动作或行为

10.Strands of brown hair swayed back and forth in front of her blue eyes with every step, and a huge smile warmed her full, freckled face.她的丝丝褐发随着每一步跳跃在她眼睛前后飘动,那丰满圆润长着雀斑的脸上挂着欢畅的笑容。

11.On his wise shoulders through the checkerwork of leaves the sun flung spangles, dancing coins太阳透过树叶的棋盘格子,往他那睿智的肩头上抛下一片片闪光小圆装饰,跳动着的金币。

12.The diver should project himself into the air from a high-board or springboard.跳水运动员应从跳台或跳板腾空而起。

13.Human-board interaction during a running takeoff in springboard diving;跳板跳水起跳动作时的人板协调关系

14.Study on Practice Method of Male Long Jumper Takeoff Leg s Depth Long Jump;男子跳远运动员起跳腿跳深跳远练习方法研究

15.A throbbing or pulsation, as of the heart.心脏跳动,心脏博动跳动或博动,如心脏

16.The six official groups of dives ale forward dives,Backward dives,reverse dives,inward dives,twist dives and armstand dives.跳水的6组正式起跳动作有:向前跳水,向后跳水,反身跳水,向内跳水,转身跳水和臂立跳水。

17.We all joined hands and danced round in a circle.我们都拉起手来,围成一个圆圈跳舞。

18.Kinetic Comparative Study on Taking-off of Depth-long-jump and Long Jump;跳深跳远与三级跳远跨步跳起跳的动力学比较研究


circular move up and down momentum圆跳动量

3)surface switch端面圆跳动

1.This paper reports a new technology of check and measure, which first use furier transform to acquire information of accurate workpiecesurface switch, then transfer the information into electric and input a computer, as a result, we can measure and sort workpieces automativly and quickly.阐述了一种新型的检测技术 ,其原理是利用光学傅里叶变换取得精密零件端面圆跳动的信息 ,并将此信息变成电信号送入计算机处理 ,从而实现对工件的快速自动测量和分

4)Spindle Round Beating径向圆跳动

5)radical circular run out error径向圆跳动误差

6)roller radial run out胶辊径向圆跳动


