100字范文 > 文化心态 cultural psychology英语短句 例句大全

文化心态 cultural psychology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-25 05:32:54


文化心态 cultural psychology英语短句 例句大全

文化心态,cultural psychology

1)cultural psychology文化心态

1.A perspective oncultural psychology in assimilation to loanwords from English;汉语外来词吸收的文化心态透视

2.Tuoba"scultural psychology and the literature development during the early period of the North Wei dynasty拓跋氏的文化心态与北魏前期的文学发展

3.This paper gives an analysis of the traits,functions,phenomena andcultural psychology of the bilingual education of Yunnan minority nationalities,which will be of great help to an understanding of their languages and lives.双语教育是我国民族教育的重要组成部分,本文试就云南少数民族双语教育的特点、功能、现象与文化心态作一分析,以便更好地了解云南少数民族语言生活现状。


1.On the Cultural Mentality of Intellectuals in the Yuan Dynasty;从《琵琶记》看元代文人的文化心态

2.Aphasia" in Chinese Literary Comment and the Post-colonial Cultural Psychology;中国文论的“失语”与后殖民文化心态

3.Cultural Paradox and Cultural Mood in Globalization Age--China"s Cultural Strategic Selection in 21st Century全球化时代的文化悖论与文化心态——21世纪中华文化的战略选择

4.Seeing Evaluative Orbit of Western Cultural Mentality through the Development of Scientific History;从科学史看西方文化心态的演变轨迹

5.Worshipful Images of Intellectuals--On the Cultural Psychology of Zhuge Liang Worship;浅论中国儒士“诸葛崇拜”的文化心态

6.Yin Engraves Divine Expression Meaning Source and Its Originality Main Points of Explaining Psychology of Culture;“巫”字义源及先民审美文化心态探析

7.On the Cultural Mentality of Contributors to the Short Story Monthly from 1910 to 1920;1910—19《小说月报》作者群的文化心态

8.Strengthening Self and Being Man--On Cultural Psychology of Dingling s Inditement;强己与做人——丁玲创作的文化心态

9.Probe into the cultural psychology of laying stress on filial piety in the Wei,Jin and Southern Dynasties;魏晋南朝时期“重孝”文化心态探论

10.Amusement and Responsibilitya study of Zhang Hen-shui s cultural psychology in writing;消闲与责任——论张恨水创作的文化心态

11.The Orderly Reorganization in the Evolution of the Social Cultural Psyche;社会文化心态演变中的有序重组规律

12.On the Generation Mechanism of "Lei" Family New Words and Its Socio-Cultural Reflections“雷”族新词的产生机制及社会文化心态

13.On the Cultural Mentality of the Scholars Failing in Imperial Examinations from Tang Dynasty s Novels in Classical Chinese;从唐代文言小说看落第士子的文化心态

14.An Analysis of the Yuan Scholars Life Awareness and Cultural Attitudes In Yuan Sanqu;从元散曲看元代文人的生命意识与文化心态

15.Tuoba"s cultural psychology and the literature development during the early period of the North Wei dynasty拓跋氏的文化心态与北魏前期的文学发展

16.On Liu Zongyuan’s Patterning of Subjective Consciousness and Cultural Mentality;论柳宗元的主体意识与文化心态模式化

17.An Analysis of the Cultural Psychology of the Phenomenon of Monarchs Jealousy of Their Officials Literary Talents ──A Peculiar Phenomenon in the Literary History of the Southern and Northern Dynasties;君主嫉臣文才的文化心态分析──南北朝文学史中的一种奇特现象

18.The Contemporary Encounter for Cultural spirits of Taoism and Buddhism庄禅文化精神的现代遭遇——《废都》与贾平凹的文化心态


cultural mentality文化心态

1.Analysis of thecultural mentality of the modernist poets in Peiping in 1930s;20世纪30年代北平现代主义诗人文化心态分析

2.Since the 1980s, because of the inferiority complex, anxiety, the impetuous, and othercultural mentality, the scholars had a logorrhea when the constructed the national literary theory.上世纪80年代以来,由于受自卑、焦虑、浮躁等文化心态的驱使,学者们在建构民族文论时患上多语症,呈现出了语量超多、语意空洞、语法杂乱、语境自闭等症状。

3.The author discusses that thecultural mentality is one of the determinants of domestication and foreignization in cultural respect and shows that thecultural mentality is influenced not only by the translator\"s cultural status in the world but also by his historical and social environments.本文主要从文化心态方面探讨了翻译过程中影响归化、异化的因素,指出译者的文化心态是影响采用归化还是异化策略的重要因素之一。

3)cultural mind文化心态

1.Fostering a Wholesome Cultural Mind Towards Globalization;树立全球化时代的健康文化心态

2.With this breakthrough point,this article explored thecultural minds of the poets in flourishing Tang Dynasty from two aspects: aggressive mind and straightforward self-confident mind.本文以此为切入点,从两个层面论述了盛唐诗人的文化心态:一是“愿乘长风破万里浪”的进取心态;二是“举头望君门,屈指取公卿”的率真自信心态。

3.To explore the causes of the Chinese advanced intellectuals for accepting Marxism we must take into account the inherentcultural mind of the traditional Confucianist education, especially the Confucianist social ideal of cultivating oneself and regulate family affairs, lead the nation and manage the world-wide relations benevolently.探究五四时期中国先进知识分子接受马克思主义的原因时 ,必须考虑在传统儒家教育下所形成的固有文化心态。

4)cultural mood文化心态

5)psychology culture心态文化

1.The writer attaches the importance to introduce the difference of custom knowledge andpsychology culture in t.文章着重介绍如何通过中西方的习俗文化和心态文化差异的传授,帮助提高学生的听力水平。

6)intercultural psychology跨文化心态

1.This thesis defines the concepts of communication and intercultural communication and points out that while the acquisition of the intercultural skills requires the learning of intercultural knowledge, it requires more suchintercultural psychology as understanding and acceptance, being concerned with self and others, being committed and mindful.文章阐释了交际和跨文化交际的概念,指出,跨文化交际能力的培养固然有赖于跨文化知识的学习,但更需要培养诸如理解包容、关爱自己关心他人、在心在意的跨文化心态。


