100字范文 > 改良平板法 Modified plating method英语短句 例句大全

改良平板法 Modified plating method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-23 06:29:25


改良平板法 Modified plating method英语短句 例句大全

改良平板法,Modified plating method

1)Modified plating method改良平板法

2)improved heat balance method改良热平衡法

1.Sap flow rates in field grown maize plants weremeasured withimproved heat balance method to determinedirectly the whole plant transpiration rate and the dailytranspiration rate in plant canopy, The results showed that when soil water content was near field moisture capacity planttranspiration rate was mainly controlled by meteorological factors,especially the solar radiation.采用改良热平衡法连续监测玉米植株茎中汁液流速,直接确定整株蒸腾速率和冠层日蒸腾量。

3)Improved maxillary flat bite plate改良上颌平面导板

4)modified Southgate methodSouthgate改良法

1.The step of wiping off amylum was analyzed during the course of determing the dietary fiber in mungbean with themodified Southgate method.对Southgate改良法分析绿豆膳食纤维过程中酶法去除淀粉效果进行了探讨,并采用该法对全绿豆及绿豆皮膳食纤维的各级多糖进行了测定分析,为进一步利用绿豆中的膳食纤维提供理论依据。

5)TVAimproved process改良TVA法

1.The viewpoint is presented that theTVAimproved process is an approach to raising the product quality and decreasing product cost, with the lowest investment and highest profit, for current compound fertilizer plants.本文讨论了复合肥生产成本的构成及降低各项成本的措施,认为以现有的复混肥厂利用"改良TVA法"来提升产品品质,并降低生产成本,是一项投资最小、效益最大的选择。

6)Improved method改良方法


1.An improvement method of extracting total RNA from spinal disc tissue一种椎间盘组织总RNA提取的改良方法

2.A modified approach to remain major auricular nerve and parotid fascia in parotidectomy腮腺筋膜和耳大神经保留的改良方法

3.A grey recurrent population improvement of wheat was suggested by combining the grey breeding method with the wheat dwarf male-sterile technology.将灰色育种方法与矮败群体改良方法相结合,提出了小麦灰色轮回群体改良方法。

4.Improved Method of Taking Explant from Leaves--Using Stiletto Implement从叶片上获取外植体的改良方法——打孔器法

5.Modification of one-step method placement of orbital implant after evisceration眼内容物摘除术后义眼座Ⅰ期植入的改良方法

6.Tilted MR imaging of the eustachian tube: an improved method咽鼓管倾斜位磁共振成像改良方法的探讨

7.Analysis of Genetic Mechanism and Improving Methods for Quality Traits in Japonica Rice;粳稻稻米品质性状的遗传规律和改良方法研究

8.Research on Composite Method to Improve Expansive Soil for Ecological Restoration;基于生态恢复的膨胀土复合改良方法研究

9.Improvement on enema for patients with anal sphincter loosening肛门括约肌松弛病人灌肠方法的改良

10.Reduces Resistance New Method of Based on Soil Amelioration Technology Network;基于土壤改良技术的地网降阻新方法

11.Improving Zigenhagen Method for Extracting Total DNA from Taxus Chinensis;改良Zigenhagen法提取南方红豆杉总DNA

12.A sort of Meliorative Method for Testing DNA from Sperm Smear;一种改良的精斑涂片DNA检验方法

13.Improvement of the Extraction Method of the Genome DNA from Arthrobacter节杆菌基因组DNA提取方法的改良

14.Preparation of scaffold of optimized acellular nerve of rats大鼠去细胞神经支架制备方法的改良

15.Modified procedure for the histochemical demonstration of myosin ATPase改良骨骼肌肌纤维分型ATP酶染色方法


17.Improved ransmission electron microscope sampling method of rat hippocampus改良大鼠海马透射电镜快速取材方法

18.Improved Methods of Synthesizing 2-Aminothiophenes2-氨基噻吩类衍生物的合成方法改良


improved heat balance method改良热平衡法

1.Sap flow rates in field grown maize plants weremeasured withimproved heat balance method to determinedirectly the whole plant transpiration rate and the dailytranspiration rate in plant canopy, The results showed that when soil water content was near field moisture capacity planttranspiration rate was mainly controlled by meteorological factors,especially the solar radiation.采用改良热平衡法连续监测玉米植株茎中汁液流速,直接确定整株蒸腾速率和冠层日蒸腾量。

3)Improved maxillary flat bite plate改良上颌平面导板

4)modified Southgate methodSouthgate改良法

1.The step of wiping off amylum was analyzed during the course of determing the dietary fiber in mungbean with themodified Southgate method.对Southgate改良法分析绿豆膳食纤维过程中酶法去除淀粉效果进行了探讨,并采用该法对全绿豆及绿豆皮膳食纤维的各级多糖进行了测定分析,为进一步利用绿豆中的膳食纤维提供理论依据。

5)TVAimproved process改良TVA法

1.The viewpoint is presented that theTVAimproved process is an approach to raising the product quality and decreasing product cost, with the lowest investment and highest profit, for current compound fertilizer plants.本文讨论了复合肥生产成本的构成及降低各项成本的措施,认为以现有的复混肥厂利用"改良TVA法"来提升产品品质,并降低生产成本,是一项投资最小、效益最大的选择。

6)Improved method改良方法


改良①去掉事物的个别缺点,使更适合要求:~土壤 ㄧ~品种。②改善。
