100字范文 > 孳生密度 breeding density英语短句 例句大全

孳生密度 breeding density英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-17 19:50:18


孳生密度 breeding density英语短句 例句大全

孳生密度,breeding density

1)breeding density孳生密度

1.Objective To investigate thebreeding density and diversity of acaroid mites community in three different habitants in Hefei City,China.多样性分析结果表明,3种不同生境中粉螨平均孳生密度(No。

2.In a year, the averagebreeding density of Acaroid mites was (3.淮南地区一年之中粉螨的平均孳生密度为(3。


1.Seasonal variations of mite specific antibodies in serum from asthma patients and breeding densities in their bedrooms哮喘患者血清螨特异性抗体与卧室尘螨孳生密度的季节变化

2.Allergic asthma and breeding density of acaroid mites in the house storages in Hainan Area淮南地区房舍储藏物粉螨孳生密度与过敏性哮喘关系的研究

3.In the spring along the Mississippi River, Cnephia pecuarum is a serious livestock pest.春季密西西比河边的水牛蚋孳生,对家畜为害严重。

4.Infestation by vermin, especially parasitic vermin.害虫孳生;寄生虫孳生害虫,尤指寄生虫的侵扰

5.This happy state of affairs, which leads to elevated larvae numbers, he called a match.研究显示,若鲱鱼的稚鱼孵化时浮游植物也同时密集孳生,则当年大部份的子代会存活到成鱼期。

6.A cleaning system shall be established in border ports to eliminate the breeding grounds of flies and mosquitos, install litter bins and their regular cleaning so as to keep the environment clean and tidy.国境口岸应当建立卫生清扫制度,消灭蚊蝇孳生场所,设置污物箱,定期进行清理,保持环境整洁.

7.Investigation of Lepisma Breeding in Libraries of Universities高校图书馆衣鱼孳生种类和生态调查

8.A preliminary survey of the acaroid mites breeding in some stored Chinese traditional medicinal materials部分储藏中药材中粉螨孳生情况调查

9.Investigation of Dust Mites in Dormitories, Classrooms and Library of a College;某院校学生生活和学习环境尘螨孳生情况

10.Experimental study on biological control of excessive propagation of Cyclops水蚤类浮游动物孳生的生物控制试验研究

11.Studies on Excessive Propagation and Inactivation Experiment of Small Aquatic Animals in Surface Water Resources;地表水源中小型水生动物孳生与灭活实验研究

12.Problems and solutions of the invertebrates breeding in biological activated carbon filter生物活性炭滤池中无脊椎动物孳生问题与对策

13."Their ox is ready at all times to give seed; their cow gives birth, without dropping her young."他们的公牛孳生而不断绝。母牛下犊而不掉胎。

14.Article68 The pledgee shall be entitled to collect the fruits derived from the pledged property.第六十八条质权人有权收取质物所生的孳息。

15.Spraying the area around buildings with an insecticide also prevents insect build up.建筑物周围洒布杀虫药也能防止昆虫孳生。

16.Their bull gendereth, and faileth not; their cow calveth, and casteth not her calf.10他们的公牛孳生而不断绝。母牛下犊而不掉胎。

17.Breeding Investigation of Acaroid Mites in 40 Kinds of Flowers and Leafages from Chinese Medicinal Materials40种花类和叶类中药材孳生粉螨的研究

position and diversity of acaroid mites (Acari:Astigmata)community in stored food储藏食物孳生粉螨群落结构及多样性分析(英文)



1.Acaroid mitesbreeding in traditional chinese medicinal herbs from entire grass;全草类中药材中的粉螨孳生情况调查

2.To investigate thebreeding density and diversity of acaroid mites in different environments,480 samples were collected from 15 regions at storage circumstances,dwelling places and working places,respectively,each region for 20 sampling points and each for 2 samples.为了解安徽省不同环境中粉螨孳生密度及其物种多样性,在安徽省15个地区的仓储、居室、工作场所3类环境中,各取20个采样点,每点采样品2份,共1800份,每份10 g,过筛,进行粉螨的分离、鉴定与计数。

3.Objective To study thebreeding of acaroid mites in flowers and leafages from Chinese medicinal materials.目的调查花类和叶类中药材粉螨孳生情况。

3)Habitat environment孳生环境


1.Objective:To survey the larvalhabitats and density of dengue vectors in Shantou city.目的:调查汕头市登革热媒介蚊虫幼虫孳生地类型和孳生密度,为登革热防治提供基础资料。

2.AIM: To explore the application of LANDSAT E TM+ images in the surveillance of snailhabitats in marshland of Jiangning Count y.目的 :研究应用陆地卫星 7(LandsatEnhancementThematicMapperPlus,LandsatETM +)图像监测江宁县江滩钉螺孳生地地表特征。

5)breeding site孳生地

1.Investigation on mosquito larvaebreeding sites at Pudong international airport of Shanghai;上海浦东机场蚊幼孳生地的调查

6)Breeding habit孳生习性

1.Investigation on the breeding habits and influence factors of the Armigeres subbalbeatus;骚扰阿蚊孳生习性及其影响因素的调查研究

2.Objective:To grasp the dangerous degree of dengue,the breeding habit and distribution of vector in Shanghai.目的 :掌握上海地区发生登革热的危险程度 ,了解媒介蚊虫孳生习性与分布 ,为制定防制方案提供依据 ;方法 :在现场不同环境和容器采集蚊虫幼虫与人诱法 ;结果 :①在上海地区未捕到埃及伊蚊 ,②白蚊伊蚊幼虫出现期为 4~ 11月 ,幼虫数量高峰为 6~ 9月 ,③ 6~ 9月间白纹伊蚊的房屋指数 8 9,容器指数 8 5 9,布雷图指数 12 19,幼虫密度指数 2 16,叮刺指数每 3 0min为 8 3只 ,WHO值达Ⅲ级 ,其数量已达到能引起登革热流行的程度 ,④幼虫孳生广泛 ,以轮胎、缸罐、花盆、竹节等小容器为主 ,⑤幼虫阳性率在城乡间 ,不同房屋结构的住区间 ,不同单位间有显著差异 (P<0 0 1) ;结论 :上海地区登革热媒介蚊种为白纹伊蚊 ,其媒介数量已处于危险程度 ,应密度关注 ,加强媒介能量监测 ,及时制定有效的预防措


