100字范文 > 蒙山 Mengshan mountains英语短句 例句大全

蒙山 Mengshan mountains英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-20 23:35:13


蒙山 Mengshan mountains英语短句 例句大全

蒙山,Mengshan mountains

1)Mengshan mountains蒙山

1.The environment conditions and countermeasures forthe sustainable development of the Mengshan Mountains tourism;蒙山旅游业可持续发展的环境条件及对策

2.The characteristics and tourism development of the touristresources of theMengshan mountains;蒙山旅游资源特征及旅游业发展研究

parison on the characteristics of mosquito communities structure at different altitude ofMengshan mountains蒙山不同海拔高度蚊虫群落结构特点的比较研究


1.2. Yimeng Mountain Area refers to the region of the Yi and Meng Mountains in Shantung Province.〔2〕沂蒙山区,指山东省的沂山、蒙山一带地区。

2.An Endemic Investigation of Lyme Disease in Yimeng Mountains,Shandong Province山东省沂蒙山区莱姆病自然疫源地调查

3.A Study on the Tourism Ecological Carrying Capacity of Shandong Province Mengshan Country Forest Park;山东省蒙山国家森林公园旅游生态承载力研究

4.An Essay on the Exploration and the Construction of the Ecological Environment in the Mengshan Mountains Area;山东蒙山旅游资源开发与生态环境建设探讨

5.Characteristic and Protection of Yimengshan Geopark in Shandong Province山东沂蒙山国家地质公园遗迹资源特点及保护

6.A New Chinese Record of Dictyosporium from Yimeng Mountains of Shandong Province采自山东沂蒙山的砖格孢属一中国新记录种

7.Studies on the Relationships of Mengshancui Jujube with Chinese Jujube and Wild Jujube蒙山脆枣与枣及酸枣亲缘关系的研究

8.Recreational Carrying Capacity Studies in Yunmengshan National Forest Park;云蒙山国家森林公园游憩承载力研究

9.The mountains were hazy in the distance.远处的山显得雾蒙蒙的。

10.Heavy mists hung in the valley and obscured the mountains.蒙蒙雾霭笼罩着山谷, 遮掩了群山。

11.Since it was hazy, we couldn" t see the mountains.因为是雾蒙蒙的,所以我们看不见山脉。

12.Down in the valley the fog still lingers.下面山谷里仍然雾气蒙蒙。

13.furskin ,of Mongolian goats of kids, raw, whole整张生蒙古山羊或小山羊毛皮

14.The various types of changdiao of the Inner Mongolia Plateau;the xintianyou, shanqu and pashandiao of Shanxi and Shaanxi provinces and the western part of Inner Mongolia;内蒙占草原的各种"长调"歌曲,晋、陕、内蒙古西部的"信天游"、"山曲"、"爬山调",

15.Green Mountain Stateph.1. 【俚】格林山州,青山州(美国佛蒙特州别名


17.Study on Tectonic Quaternary Volcanoes in Arshan-Chaihe Area, Inner-Mongolia;内蒙古阿尔山—柴河第四纪火山构造研究

18.The experiment effect of Hybrid progeny about Liaoning Cashmere Goats crossbreeding mongolian-tibetan Cashmere Goats in Gannan辽宁绒山羊改良当地蒙藏山羊试验效果观察


Mount Meng蒙山

prehensive Use and Development on Forest Tourist NaturalResoures inMount Meng;蒙山森林旅游资源保护与综合开发利用

2.Sustainable Utilization of Tourism Resources inMount Meng of Shandong Province;山东蒙山旅游资源可持续利用研究

3)Mountain meng蒙山

1.Countermeasures Study On the Development of Ecotourism in Mountain Meng;蒙山生态旅游开发对策研究

2.In this article, the author studies the seasons and dates of watching the sunrise from the sea on the peak of Mountain Meng by calculating from the point of view of astronomy and geography.从天文地理的角度对蒙山顶峰观日出海上的季节与日期进行了计算研究 。


1.Investigation on Wild Fruit Resources of Rose Family inMengshan Forest Park of the State;蒙山国家森林公园蔷薇科野生果树资源调查及利用

2.Mengshan Tourism Market Positioning and Marketing Strategies;蒙山旅游客源市场定位及营销策略

5)Mengshan mountain蒙山

1.With the method of representative investigation and site-specific observation,the effects of different vegetations on water and soil conservation inMengshan mountain were investigated on three aspects: soil melioration,entironment improvement and water and soil conservation.采用典型调查和定位观测的方法,分别从改良土壤、改善环境和保特水土3方面,对蒙山不同植被下水土保持效果进行了调查。

6)Mengshan Mountain Area蒙山山区

1.Study on Wild Fruit Trees Resources of Rose family inMengshan Mountain Area;蒙山山区蔷薇科野生果树资源研究


