100字范文 > 同形模态 isomorphic mode英语短句 例句大全

同形模态 isomorphic mode英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-15 03:17:11


同形模态 isomorphic mode英语短句 例句大全

同形模态,isomorphic mode

1)isomorphic mode同形模态

2)different forms不同形态

1.Flow and heat transfer characteristics ofdifferent forms of nanometer particles in oscillating heat pipe;振荡热管内不同形态纳米颗粒流动及传热特性


1.And they have different words for those different shapes of pills, don"t they?这些都是不同形态的药。

2.Effect of sediment disturbance on the phosphorus forms migration under different water temperature不同水温时底泥扰动对不同形态磷分布的影响

3.Vertical Distributions of Various Bacteria and Arsenic Species in Sediments of Tuojiang River in Different Seasons;沱江不同季节沉积物中不同菌群和不同形态砷的分布规律研究

4.One of various distinct forms of an organism or a species.形态一个有机体组织或一物种的多种不同形态之一

5.Effects of Different Form N Combined with Ca on Ca Forms and Contents in Rape不同形态氮与钙配施对小白菜体内钙形态及含量的影响

6.Bear form is rumored to be a "warrior" form, Panther form is rumored to be a "rogue" form. What differences are there between a druid forms and the true classes?传闻熊形态是战士形态,豹形态是盗贼形态。德鲁伊与其变形形态间有何不同?

7.There"re may be other choices too.同样的药还有不同的形态。

8.unlike in nature or quality or form or degree.种类、性质、形态和程度不同。

9.Ice, snow and steam are different forms of water.冰、雪、蒸汽是水不同的形态。

10.Many materials can exist in a variety of solid forms.许多物质可以以不同的固体形态存在。

11.Researches on Morphological and Anatomical Nedle Charactcristics in Pinus Armand华山松不同种源针叶形态及解剖研究

12.Research on the Tourism Development of Different Settlement Forms in Guizhou;贵州不同聚落形态旅游业的发展研究

13.Pupal morphogenesis of Lucilia cuprina in different constant temperatures and its significance in Forensic Medicine;不同温度下铜绿蝇蛹期发育形态观察

14.Study on Morphology and Cytology of Erigeron breviscapus Plants with Different Ploidy不同倍性灯盏花形态学与细胞学研究

15.Preliminary Study on Morphological and Physiological Indicators of Different Perilla Varieties不同品种紫苏形态、生理指标初步研究

16.Observation and Comparison of Morphology and Chromosome between Different Ploidies of Antirrihinum majus不同倍性金鱼草形态学与染色体观察

17.Effect of Different N-fertilizer Forms on N_2O Emission in Anthrosol不同氮肥形态对土壤释放N_2O的影响

18.To change into a different shape or form, especially one that is fantastic or bizarre.使变形使…变成一个不同的形状或状态,尤指一种奇特或可笑的形态


different forms不同形态

1.Flow and heat transfer characteristics ofdifferent forms of nanometer particles in oscillating heat pipe;振荡热管内不同形态纳米颗粒流动及传热特性

3)morphological convergence形态趋同


5)morphological assimilation形态同化

6)Homomorphic model同态模型


同形1.同属一体。 2.谓同于原来的形体。
