100字范文 > 信赖义务 fiduciary duty英语短句 例句大全

信赖义务 fiduciary duty英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-09 05:55:02


信赖义务 fiduciary duty英语短句 例句大全

信赖义务,fiduciary duty

1)fiduciary duty信赖义务

1.So,the conclusion is that we should endow thefiduciary duty to the managers in the statutory law.由此得出的结论是:法律应该把基金经理直接作为规范的对象,明确其信赖义务和责任。


1.The trustee undertakes to trust the obligation to the client, including faithful obligation and attention obligation.受托人对委托人承担信赖义务,包括忠实义务和注意义务。

2.Its produce on the basis of trust of client and relevant interests people and it include duty of care, confidentiality obligation and duty to disclosure.它基于委托人和相关利益人的信赖而产生,主要分为注意义务、保密义务和告知义务。

3.The consumers fully trust the company"s service.用户十分信赖公司的服务

4.He is too shrewd to trust in bussiness matters.他在商业事务上太精明了,不能信赖。

5.Willful betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust;perfidy.背叛对忠诚、信任或信赖的有意背叛;背信弃义

6.He calls himself the "reliable conservative".他自称为“可信赖的保守主义者”。

7.a direct reduction in tax liability (not dependent on the taxpayer"s tax bracket).在交税义务上直接降低(不依赖纳税人的等级)。

8.`It"s your trade, not mine, pilot, and I confide in you."“这是你的业务,我是外行,我完全信赖你,船主。”

9.However, supervision, by definition, is not built on trust alone.然而,按照定义,监查不仅仅以信赖为基础。

10.Contextual Independence of Lexical Pragmatic Information and the Inefficiency of Its Interpretation in Dictionaries词汇语用信息的语境依赖与词汇释义之缺陷

11.Marked by betrayal of fidelity, confidence, or trust;perfidious.背叛的以背叛忠诚、信赖或信任为特征的;背信弃义的

12.On Interpretation and Confirmation of Trust Duty of Fiduciary Institution信托投资机构信托义务的释义与认定

13.Relying on honor and not legally enforceable, as a duty or an obligation.信用的(任务或责任等)非法律强制的而是依赖于信用的

14.not true to an obligation or trust.对义务或者信任不忠诚。

15.In common law, such duty is called "fiduciary duty".在英美法上,这种义务称作信义义务(fiduciary duty)。

16.This guest house has a long history, complete facilities, fine technique and all-round service. It enjoys the trust of numerous guests.本宾馆历史悠久,设备齐全、技术精良、服务周到,令广大旅客信赖。

17.Taipei can also make greater investments toward a credible national defense.台北也可以增加军事开支以建设可以信赖的防务。

18.We conciliate a large customs" faith with high quality and service in these years.多年来,以质量为先导,以服务求生存,博得了广大客户的信赖。


fiduciary duty theory信赖义务理论

3)fund manager fiduciary duty基金管理人信赖义务

4)fiduciary duty信义义务

1.Fiduciary Duty of Controlling Shareholder of Target Company in Anti-takeover Measures;反收购中目标公司控股股东信义义务研究

2.So the statutes and judicial decisions of the United States keep modifying its statutory norms and changing the norms of the fiduciary duties to apply broadly thefiduciary duty rules and impose a strictfiduciary duty requirements and standards on those controlling the co.为此,美国制定法和判例法不断修正和调整信义义务规范,通过宽泛地适用信义义务规则,课以公司控制者更严格的信义义务要求和标准,加重其信义义务责任,甚至类比适用合伙原则,给予小股东,特别是小型封闭公司小股东充分、有效的保护和救济,值得我们借鉴。

3.To regulate controlling shareholdersfiduciary duty and legal liability is a important field that we should do more research .信义义务(注意义务和忠实义务)是控制股东应履行的基本义务。

5)fiduciary duties信义义务

1.Study on the Controlling Shareholders Fiduciary Duties;试论控制股东的信义义务

2.Study on Directors Fiduciary Duties of Targeted Company in Counter-takeover;目标公司反收购中董事信义义务研究

3.A Study on the Fiduciary Duties of the Professional Managers;职业经理人信义义务研究

6)fiduciary duty诚信义务

1.Study on the Fiduciary Duty of Majority Shareholders of Listed Company in Affiliated Transaction;上市公司关联交易中控制股东的诚信义务

2.Agent Bank s Fiduciary Duty to Other Participating Banks in International Syndicated Loan;国际银团贷款中代理行对其他银行的诚信义务研究

3.A Study on the Fiduciary Duty of Controlling Shareholders in China;我国控制股东诚信义务研究


