100字范文 > 高管持股 managerial ownership英语短句 例句大全

高管持股 managerial ownership英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-30 12:34:00


高管持股 managerial ownership英语短句 例句大全

高管持股,managerial ownership

1)managerial ownership高管持股

1.Managerial Ownership and Firm Value:Empirical Evi-dence Based on the Convergence of Interest Effects and the Entrenchment Effects;高管持股与企业价值——基于利益趋同效应与壕沟防守效应的经验研究

2.It is found out in the research and proved with true examples that popular managers are inclined to pursue control right through gaining the ownership;and there is an evident negative linear relation between finance risk and managerial tendency to have ownership,and nonlinear relation betweenmanagerial ownership & incentive performance.通过对上市公司的实证研究发现,企业财务风险与高管持股倾向存在负的线性关系,高管持股份额与企业激励效果(管理层努力水平)呈非线性关系。


1.The relationship between earnings management and trading shares and shareholding of managers高管持股和流通股与盈余管理的关系

2.Executive Equity-Based Compensation,Executive Private Benefits and Corporate M&As高管持股、高管的私有收益与公司的并购行为

3.Research on the Relationship between Managerial Ownership and the Performance of Chinese Listed Companies;我国上市公司高管持股与企业绩效关系研究

4.A Probe of the Relationship between Executive Ownership and the Performance of China s Listed Companies;我国上市公司高管持股与企业绩效关系探讨

5.Correlation Comparison of Managerial Ownership and Company Performance between before and after Reform of the Shareholder Structure;股权分置改革前后高管持股与公司业绩相关性比较研究

6.Ownership Structure, Executive Ownership and Performance: Evidence from Private Listed Firms in China;股权结构、高管持股与公司绩效——来自民营上市公司的证据

7.On senior administrators ownership and performance in listed companies;上市公司高管持股与经营绩效——基于平行数据的实证研究

8.Managerial Ownership and Firm Value:Empirical Evi-dence Based on the Convergence of Interest Effects and the Entrenchment Effects高管持股与企业价值——基于利益趋同效应与壕沟防守效应的经验研究

9.Restricted Share and Management Reduction of SME Firms in 中小板公司限售股份及高管减持情况分析

10.The Impact of the Controlling Shareholder on Top Management Turnover:Evidence from the Listed Companies in China第一大股东持股与高层管理人员变更:区间效应的实证研究


12.An Empirical Analysis of the Correlation between Senior Manager Stockholding and Corporate Performance of Listed High-tech Enterprises;上市高新技术企业高管人员持股与企业绩效关系实证分析

13.The Empirical Study on the Institutional Ownership and Executives′ Remuneration;机构持股与上市公司高级管理层薪酬关系实证研究

14.Share price falls under continuing profit - taking .在持续高价出售股票中,股价下跌了。

15.Analysis of ESOP Schemes and Management for Technological Small Businesses中小型科技企业员工持股模式及股权管理分析

16.Equity Separation Managerial Ownership and the Value of IPOs;股权分散、管理层持股与上市公司IPO价值

17.Manager Buy Off, Payout Policies and Agency costs of Listed Companies;管理层持股、股利政策与上市公司代理成本

18.acquire or gain control of(a business company),esp by obtaining the support of a majority of its shareholders接收, 接管(公司)(尤指依靠多数股东支持)


senior management shareholding ratio高管层持股比例

3)management shareholders管理层持股

1.Based on authorized procuration theory and taking the research example of China s annual report of ,which revealed the research phenomena ofmanagement shareholders,we have made a research of the relationship ofmanagement shareholders and company s performance.基于委托代理理论,以我国年报中披露了管理层持股情况的沪深两市非金融类A股上市公司为研究对象,对管理层持股比例与公司业绩之间的相关性进行了实证研究。

2.This paper analyzes the relationship betweenmanagement shareholders and technology innovation.研究了管理层持股与企业技术创新的关系。

4)the stock ownership reward of the managers管理者持股

5)management stock position管理层持股

1.Management stock position proportion in China s listed company is generally low, which limits the effect of the contractual model ofmanagement stock position.管理层持股的契约模型表明管理层持股能通过激励、信息传递机制和控制权分配三个渠道作用于公司治理结构和影响公司治理绩效。

2.Currently the relationship betweenmanagement stock position and corporate performance always is an argumentative issue in theory and practice.管理层持股与公司绩效之间的关系一直是一个国内外学术界和实务界争论的话题。

6)managerial ownership管理层持股

1.Empirical Analysis on the Relation of Managerial Ownership and Corporate Performance Based on the Background of Full Circulation;全流通背景下管理层持股与公司绩效关系研究

2.The Study on the Relation of the Managerial Ownership and Corporate Performance about Listed Companies in Our Country;我国上市公司管理层持股与公司业绩的相关性研究

3.Analyst Following,Managerial Ownership and Firm Value——A Empirical Study of Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations Model分析师跟进、管理层持股与公司价值——基于联立方程组模型的实证检验


