100字范文 > 癌症转移 cancer metastasis英语短句 例句大全

癌症转移 cancer metastasis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-22 17:27:58


癌症转移 cancer metastasis英语短句 例句大全

癌症转移,cancer metastasis

1)cancer metastasis癌症转移


1.The lung and breast are the most common distant primary sites for metastasis to oral soft tissue.远程癌症转移到口腔软组织,以肺癌和乳癌最常见。

2.Preparation and Identification of the Syntenin1 Polyclonal Antibody,a Cancer Metastasis Related Gene癌症转移相关基因Syntenin1多克隆抗体的制备与鉴定

3.This case emphasizes the potential for cancers to metastasize to the kidneys, and which may result in ARF by tumor infiltration of the kidneys.此病例强调癌症转移至肾脏的潜力,而可能经由肿瘤细胞浸润肾脏导致急性肾衰竭。

4.MicroRNA with cancer diagnosis,treatment,and inhibition of cancer metastasis微小RNA与癌症的诊断、治疗及转移

5.Metastasis is one of the major causes of mortality in cancer patients.癌转移是引起癌症患者死亡的一个主要原因。

6.The process of metastasis or cancer spread is still much of a mystery to scientists.对科学家来说,癌症的转移过程至今仍是一个谜。

7.An analysis of metastastic brain tumors with higher brain pressure from lung cancer in 16 patients以颅内压增高为主症的肺癌脑转移16例分析

8.Brain metastases of lung cancer with epilepsy as the initial symptom以癫痫为首发症状的肺癌脑转移21例临床分析

9.Metastatic colorectal cancer is a major cause of cancer-related mortality.转移性结直肠癌是癌症相关死亡的主要原因之一。

10.All flaps survive well in early post-operative period, but one late flap failure due to damage of vascular pedicle 7 months after the initial operation.其中4位在两年追踪期间,分别因为癌症复发、转移或自杀死亡。

11.Such "metastatic" cancers were once tantamount to an immediate death sentence.时报报道,一些“可转移的”癌症曾经相当于即刻向病人宣判了死刑。

12.One case report of polycythemia vera companied with lung cancer widespread transfer and literature review真性红细胞增多症合并肺癌广泛转移一例报告并文献复习

13.Reliability of symptoms to determine use of bone scans to identify bone metastases in lung cancer: prospective study由症状决定应用骨扫描识别肺癌骨转移的可靠性:前瞻性研究

14.The Role of Hepatic Inflammatory Status in Postoperative Recurrence/metastasis of Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Its Predication and Intervention肝脏炎症状态对肝癌术后转移复发的影响及其预测与干预

15.Relation between inflammation and growth and metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in process of serial passage in miceLewis肺癌在小鼠体内传代过程中生长转移能力的演变与炎症的关系

16.The findings signal a new way to treat cancers that have spread to the liver, such as metastatic cancers of the colon and breast.这一发现标志着一个治疗诸如结肠癌或乳腺癌等转移到肝脏的癌症的新途径。

17.Study of Mesorectal Spread and Micrometastasis for Patients with Rectal Cancer;直肠癌系膜区域转移与微转移的研究

18.Dr. Berk referred me to Seattle"s Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,the country"s top trans-plant center.波克博士建议我转院到西雅图佛雷德·赫钦森癌症研究中心,那是全国最权威的移植中心。


the pain of cancer donemetastasis癌症骨转移疼痛

3)pulmonary metastases肺转移癌

1.The long-survival of video-assisted thoracic surgery in the treatment ofpulmonary metastases;胸腔镜肺部分切除术治疗肺转移癌的疗效(附45例分析)

2.Surgical treatment for 46 patients withpulmonary metastases and regressive analysis of related prognostic factors;46例肺转移癌的手术治疗及预后因素分析

4)Hepatic metastasis肝转移癌

1.Radical Operation of Colorectal Carcinoma Plus Radiofrequency Ablation for Hepatic Metastasis at Same Stage;一期结直肠癌切除与射频消融治疗肝转移癌

5)liver metastases肝转移癌

1.Objective To observe the performance ofliver metastases with contrast-enhanced ultrasound(CEUS) and assess its clinical application.目的观察肝转移癌超声造影表现并探讨其临床应用价值。

2.Objective To observe the effects of percutaneous ethanol injection therapy (PEIT) for advancedliver metastases and to explore the dose of ethanol.目的观察无水酒精瘤内注射治疗肝转移癌的疗效 ,并探讨无水酒精的用量。

3.Objective:To evaluate the feasibility and toxicity,and estimate the therapeutic effect of patients with unresectableliver metastases from colorectal carcinoma treated with three-dimensional conformal radiation therapy after TACE.结论:对于结直肠癌根治术后出现不宜或不能手术的肝转移癌,应用三维适形放疗结合TACE的治疗模式,是可行的,无严重不良反应,近期疗效显著。

6)Metastatic carcinoma转移癌

1.Expression of site-specific markers of brain metastatic carcinoma and its significance;脑转移癌特异性标志物表达及其意义

2.Objective To explore the main reasons of cinical misdiagnosis of lumbar metastatic carcinoma so as to establish theoretic basis for clinical diagnosis and build up corrective diagnosis.目的探讨腰椎转移癌临床误诊原因。


正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子药物名称:转移因子英文名:Transfer Factor别名: 正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子外文名:Transfer Factor ,TF适应症: 为细胞免疫反应增强剂,能将细胞免疫活性转移给受体,以提高受体的免疫功能。临床上用于治疗某些抗生素难以控制的病毒性或酶菌性细胞内感染(如带状皰疹、流行性乙型脑炎、白色念珠菌感染等)。对恶性肿瘤可作为辅助治疗剂,对自体免疫性疾病也有一定治疗作用。 用量用法: 一般采用皮下注射,注于上臂内侧或大腿内侧腹股沟下端,1次注射1支,每周1~2次,1个月后改为每2周1次。对带状疱疹,一般只需注射1次。 规格: 注射液:每支2ml,相当于1×1000000000白细胞提取物(上海产),北京产则相当于5~10×1000000000. 注:严禁静脉给药.类别:免疫调节剂
