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吸毒者 Drug users英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-04 16:10:45


吸毒者 Drug users英语短句 例句大全

吸毒者,Drug users

1)Drug users吸毒者

1.Analysis of the infection of HIV among drug users in different communities in Dali Prefecture大理州不同社区吸毒者HIV感染状况分析

2.Objective To develop a low-cost, convenient, accurate, and practical method to estimate the size of drug users in a municipality.结论该市吸毒人群基数估计为68616人,其中静脉注射吸毒者38082人。

3.Objective To understand the prevalence and related risk behaviors of HIV and syphilis infection among drug users in Jieyang city.结果共监测1460名吸毒者,HIV阳性率为0。


1.such as homosexuals and drug abusers,像同性恋者或吸毒者等。

2.Plan for Prevention and Rehabilitation of Drug Addicts预防吸毒和吸毒者康复计划

3.The courts will come down on drug addicts法庭将惩处吸毒者。

4.This stuff is oky for a pleasure jolt.这个东西给无瘾的吸毒者吸正合适。

5.The junkie stole money in order to buy more drugs.这名吸毒者为了买更多的毒品而偷钱。

6.Quality of life of drug user under detoxification pattern戒毒模式下吸毒者生存质量的比较

7.dope addicts exploited by peddlers受毒品贩子盘剥的那些吸毒者.

8.On the Nature and Amount of Acts of Possession by Drug Addicts;论吸毒者持有毒品行为之定性与定量

9.Drug dealers acquire drugs in Thailand and then mail them to Hong Kong drug addicts.毒贩在泰国购买毒品,再寄给香港的吸毒者。

parison of quality of life in drug addict for first time and relapsing addicts during detoxication初次吸毒者与复吸者戒毒期间生活质量比较(英文)

11.the international traffickers who sell addiction and the users struggling to fight free of it(Richard M. Smith)销售毒品的国际贩毒分子和试图戒毒的吸毒者(理查德M.史密斯)

12.the international traffickers who sell addiction and the users struggling to fight free of it(bRichard M. Smith)销售毒品的国际贩毒分子和试图戒毒的吸毒者(b理查德M.史密斯)

13.Detection of HIV,HCV and syphilis in community drug users and analysis of high risk behaviors社区吸毒者HIV、HCV、梅毒检测及高危行为特征分析

14.Detection of drugs in drug addicts" urine with Dot-ELISA method应用斑点酶标法检测吸毒者尿液中常见毒品

15.He was distressed to discover that his daughter had been consorting with drug addicts发现女儿同吸毒者交往,他感到很痛心。

16.Do you think people who use illegal drugs should be put in jail?你认为吸毒者应当关进监狱吗?

17.As a result, cocaine users sometimes have heart attacks.所以,可卡因吸毒者有时会心脏病发作。

18.drug rehabilitationph.1. 对吸毒者的康复治疗;康复训练


Drug addicts吸毒者

1.Analysis on the surveillance of AIDS among drug addicts in Qingyuan City from 2000 to ;2000-清远市吸毒者艾滋病监测情况分析

2.Epidemiological analysis on QOL among drug addicts;吸毒者生存质量的流行病学分析

3.Methods Uniformly designed questionnaires were delivered to 345 drug addicts in the drug rehabilitation center.方法采用同一问卷对戒毒所345名吸毒者进行调查。

3)Drug user吸毒者

1.Quality of life of drug user under detoxification pattern;戒毒模式下吸毒者生存质量的比较

2.Study on HIV prevalence and risk behavior among drug users in Guangdong;广东省吸毒者HIV感染状况和危险因素调查

3.Retention and related factors of methadone treatment among drug users吸毒者美沙酮维持治疗保持时间及影响因素

4)Drug abuser吸毒者

1.According to non-Gaussianity and randomness of the Pulse Signals,the bispectrum estimation is used to analyze the signals for the purpose of extracting the unusual information of the signals of the drug abusers and educing the judgment of how to distinguish drug abusers from healthy persons.根据脉象信号的非高斯随机特性,应用双谱估计对其进行分析,旨在提取吸毒者脉象信号的异常信息,并得出初步区分正常人与吸毒者的判断依据。

2.Objective: To explore the influence of therapeutic community(TC) on the personality characteristics of drug abusers.目的 :了解治疗社区 (TC)对吸毒者人格特征的影响。

3.Objective: To investigate the state of drug abusers with tattoo and look for effective treatment method.目的··:调查吸毒者中的纹身情况 ,寻求有效康复治疗方法。

5)drug addict吸毒者

1.Results: ①Drug addicts self-esteem was significantly negatively correlated with anxiety and depression.目的:通过对比研究探讨吸毒者的自尊、抑郁、焦虑等心理健康状况及其复吸原因。

2.The average power spectrum says the significant difference of distribution of highest power apex exists between thedrug addict and the healthy person.从平均功率谱图中可以看出 ,吸毒者和正常人的最高谱峰分布有显著差异。

3.Objective:To study the effect of narcotics on the lymphocyte micronucleus rate of maledrug addicts.方法 :以 40名男性吸毒者为研究对象 ,以 30名正常男性作为对照 ,对外周血淋巴细胞微核率进行了对比分析 ,用 χ2 检验方法作显著性检验。

6)drug abusers吸毒者

1.Methods The survey was based on the number of registereddrug abusers from the compulsory drug rehabilitation agency of the Public Security Bureau in Dongguan.结论各地可根据本地流动人口状况、吸毒的严重性、戒毒力度等综合情况,参考相应的倍数乘以当地吸毒者在册登记数或上一年戒毒所戒毒人数,估计当地的吸毒人群规模并以此为基础估计当地吸毒人员中HIV感染者的数量。

2.Methods: SCL-90 and 16PF were used to evaluate the mental health of 219drug abusers under compulsory detoxification and 209 offenders involving property violation under reeducation through labor as control.目的:研究吸毒者在劳教戒毒期间的心理健康状况及其与个性的关系。

3.Objective:To investigate the personality character ofdrug abusers under rehabilitation through labor,and to study the psychology recovery feasibility scheme.001);女性吸毒者的N分显著高于男性(P<0。


