100字范文 > 脾肾气虚 deficiency of vital energy of spleen and kidney英语短句 例句大全

脾肾气虚 deficiency of vital energy of spleen and kidney英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-03-28 21:53:51


脾肾气虚 deficiency of vital energy of spleen and kidney英语短句 例句大全

脾肾气虚,deficiency of vital energy of spleen and kidney

1)deficiency of vital energy of spleen and kidney脾肾气虚

1.Objective: To study the curative effect and to approach the mechanism of ManShenNing(MSN) in treatingdeficiency of vital energy of spleen and kidney of chronic glomerulonephritis(CGN) from the clinical research angle.目的:从临床角度研究慢肾宁治疗慢性肾炎脾肾气虚的疗效,并探讨其作用机理。


1.Clinical Study on ManShenNing Treating Chronic Glomerulonephritis;慢肾宁治疗慢性肾炎脾肾气虚型的临床研究

2.The Clinic Research of the Chronic Nephritis Albuminuria Treated by the Tablet to Strengthen the Function of Spleen and Tonify Kidney;健脾益肾片治疗脾肾气虚型慢性肾炎蛋白尿的临床观察

3.Study on Deficiency of Spleen and Kidney Scale in Urinary of Inernal Medicine;泌尿内科疾病脾肾气虚证量表的研究

4.To Authenticate the Scale of the Deficiency of Spleen an Kidney in Urinary of Internal Medicine泌尿内科疾病脾肾气虚证量表的验证

5.Clinical Study on the Therapy of Both Spleen Qi and Kidney Qi Deficiency Syndrome in Chronic Glomerulonephritis;慢肾汤联合推拿疗法治疗慢性肾小球肾炎脾肾气虚证的临床研究

6.Clinical Investigation on the Insufficiency Syndrome of Spleen and Kidney of Chronic Glomerulonephritis Treated with ShenYanErHao Decoction;肾炎2号方治疗慢性肾炎脾肾气虚型的临床研究

7.Clinical and Experimental Investigation of Shenkangpian in Treating Chronic Glomerulonephritis;肾康片对慢性肾炎脾肾气虚兼血瘀型的实验和临床研究

8.The Clinical Study on Replenishing Qi to Invigorate Blood Decoction Treat Qi Deficiency in Spleen and Kidney-Type Nephrotic Syndrome;益气活血方治疗脾肾气虚型小儿肾病综合征的临床研究

9.Clinical Investigation on the Damp-heat Syndrome of Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency of Chronic Glomerulonephritis Treated with Modified-adjusted TiaoZhongYiQi Decoction加味调中益气汤治疗慢性肾炎脾肾气虚湿热证的临床观察

10.The Observation of the Therapeutic Effects of Radix Astragali Injection Acupoint in Curing the Patients of Chronic Glomerulonephritis with Proteinuria黄芪注射液穴位注射治疗慢性肾炎脾肾气虚型蛋白尿的疗效观察

11.A Clinical Trial to Evaluate the Effect of QI ZHEN ER SHEN TANG in Treating of Malnutrition in the Patients with Chronic Renal Failure Spleen Decoction Kidney Deficiency Syndrome七珍二神汤治疗慢性肾衰竭脾肾气虚证患者营养不良的临床观察

12.Clinical Curative Effect of Shenkangpian in Treating Patients of Both Spleen Qi and Kidney Qi Deficiency Syndrome En Chronic Glomerulonephritis and the Effects on Expression of IL-1 in Kidney of the Adriamycin Nephropathy Rats;肾康片治疗慢性肾炎脾肾气虚兼血瘀证的疗效及对阿霉素肾病大鼠白介素-1表达的影响

13.The Clinical Research of Shen Shuai Ⅰ Hao Treating to Chronic Kidney Disease 3 Period Patients with Spleen and Kidney Qi Deficiency and Wet Muddy肾衰Ⅰ号方对慢性肾脏病3期脾肾气虚湿浊证患者的临床疗效研究

14.Shenqi Pill Treatment of Spleen&Kidney Yang-deficiency Type of Experimental Study of Peptic Ulcer肾气丸治疗脾肾阳虚型消化性溃疡的实验研究

15.The Clinical Effect and Safety on Treating RA (Renal Anemia) of Asthenia of the Spleen and Kindney with Bu Shen Sheng Xue Fang (BSSXF);补肾升血方治疗肾性贫血脾肾两虚、气血不足型的临床研究

16.Clinical Study of Yiqi Yangyin, JianpiBushen on the Treatment of Refractory Renal Disease (Deficiency of Both Vital Energy and Yin)益气养阴、健脾补肾治疗难治性肾病(气阴两虚证)的临床研究

17.Relationship Between Serum Leptin Level and Qi or Yang Deficiency Syndrome of Spleen and Kidney in Chronic Renal Failure慢性肾功能衰竭患者血清瘦素水平与脾肾气(阳)虚证关系的研究

18.Conclusions: 1、 It is proved that the pathogeny of amblyopia is insufficiency of liver and kidney ,insufficiency of spleen and stomache, deficiency of qi and blood.结论:1、从临床观察证实了弱视肝肾精亏、脾胃虚弱、气血不足的病机。


Qi Deficiency in Spleen and Kidney-Type脾肾气虚型

1.The Clinical Study on Replenishing Qi to Invigorate Blood Decoction TreatQi Deficiency in Spleen and Kidney-Type Nephrotic Syndrome;益气活血方治疗脾肾气虚型小儿肾病综合征的临床研究

3)both Qi-Yin deficiency of Kidney-Spleen脾肾气阴两虚型

4)spleen and kidney qi deficiency and wet muddy脾肾气虚湿浊证

1.Objective:the goal of this clinical experiment is to prope the mechanism and therapeutic effect of shen shuaiⅠhao on treating chronic kidney disease 3 period patients withspleen and kidney qi deficiency and wet muddy.目的:通过肾衰Ⅰ号方对慢性肾脏病(CKD)3期脾肾气虚湿浊证患者的临床研究,观察肾衰Ⅰ号对CKD3期脾肾气虚湿浊证患者的临床疗效。

5)syndrome of asdthenic splenonephro-yang脾肾阳(气)虚证

6)Spleen and kidney deficiency脾肾两虚

1.Study of WANG Jing-an treat spleen and kidney deficiency syndrome of cerebral palsy;王静安治脾肾两虚脑瘫的比较研究


肾气虚shenqixu肾气虚Deficiency of Kidney Qi肾气虚弱,功能减退,封藏固摄功能失职,进一步可致阴阳失调的病理变化。
