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转移矩阵方法 transfer matrix method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-21 22:08:29


转移矩阵方法 transfer matrix method英语短句 例句大全

转移矩阵方法,transfer matrix method

1)transfer matrix method转移矩阵方法

1.In order to study the effect of different section on transmission properties of two-dimensional photonic crystals,Transfer Matrix method is used to calculate transmission spectra of two-dimensional photonic crystal composed of different section pole.为了研究柱体截面对二维光子晶体传输特性的影响,应用转移矩阵方法数值计算不同截面形状柱体组成二维光子晶体的透射谱。

2.Thetransfer matrix method and the truncation technique are employed.我们采用了转移矩阵方法和截断近似技术 。

3.A formalism oftransfer matrix method is presented and used to solve a one-dimensional time-independent Schrdinger equation based on a simple one-band effective mass model and the envelope function approximation.应用转移矩阵方法求解三种不同量子阱体系中基于单带有效质量模型和包络函数近似下的一维定态薛定谔方程。


1.Transfer Matrix Method and Band Structure for 1-Dimension Phononic Crystal转移矩阵方法与一维声子晶体的带结构

2.Transition Cost Matrix Based Approach to Robot Path Planning基于转移费用矩阵的机器人路径规划方法

3.A Serial Method of Circuit Reliability Calculation Based on Probabilistic Transfer Matrix基于概率转移矩阵的串行电路可靠度计算方法

4.Particle tunneling in arbitrary potential barriers: a transfer matrix method;粒子在任意势垒中的隧穿:转移矩阵法

5.Based on Revision Transfer Probability Matrix of Markov Methodin the Enterprises Personnel Structure Prediction of Apply基于修正转移概率矩阵的Markov方法在企业人才结构预测中的应用

6.The Application of the transpose in the engineering decision;转置矩阵法在工程方案决策中的应用

7.The core of Markov method is to decide the state transferring probability matrix.马尔柯夫法的核心是确定状态转移概率矩阵。

8.An Algorithm for Finding a Nonzero Kernel of a Structured Matrix With Displacement Rank Approach用位移秩方法求结构矩阵非零核空间的算法

9.A Calculation Method for Generalized Inverse Matrix of Rectangular Matrix;长方形矩阵的广义逆矩阵的计算方法

10.Effects of cover displacement functions for the stiffness matrix of the numerical manifold method覆盖位移函数对数值流形方法刚度矩阵的影响

11.In this paper, the precise initial guidance law based on velocity gain guidance and the state transition matrix for orbit interception were proposed.对于轨道拦截问题,给出了一种基于速度增益制导和状态转移矩阵的精确初制导方法。

12.Iterative algorithm of matrix equation on AX=B Hamitian matrix矩阵方程AX=B关于Hermitian矩阵的迭代解法

13.Prioritization methods and comparative study of hybrid judgement matrix based on transformations;基于转换的混合判断矩阵排序方法及比较研究

14.The Transfer Matrix and the Mode Eigenvalue Equation of TM Wave in the Three-layers Plane Waveguide;三层介质平板波导中TM波的转移矩阵和模式本征方程

15.The Transfer Matrix and the Mode Eigenvalue Equation of TE Wave in the Three-layers Plane Waveguide三层介质平板波导中TE波的转移矩阵和模式本征方程

16.Transfer Matrix and Mode Eigenvalue Equation of Three-layer-material Plane Waveguide Formed by LHM含左手介质的三层介质平板波导的转移矩阵和本征方程的分析

17.Matrix Computational Methods矩阵特征值计算方法

18.The approach to get the decomposition of the Kronecker product of matrix;求矩阵Kronecker积分解的方法


the transfer matrix method转移矩阵方法

1.In this thesis, by utilizingthe transfer matrix method we investigate the influence of spin-magnetic-field interaction and the defect on the transport properties, and the subbands and envelo.本文我们利用转移矩阵方法研究了自旋与磁场的耦合和缺陷对磁量子结构中电子输运性质的影响,以及周期磁量子体系中的子带结构和包络波函数。


1.The transfer matrix of negative refractive index medium (NIM) layer and positive refractive index medium (PIM) layer are derived from Maxswell equation.从麦克斯韦方程出发推导了正负折射率介质薄层的转移矩阵;并利用转移矩阵法分别计算了含负折射率材料光子晶体和传统光子晶体的光学特性,通过分析比较,发现正负折射率交替的一维光子晶体有很宽的反射带和很窄的透射带;同时这种光子晶体在入射角在75°内的光学特性几乎不受角度影响。

4)transfer matrix method转移矩阵法

1.Particle tunneling in arbitrary potential barriers: atransfer matrix method;粒子在任意势垒中的隧穿:转移矩阵法

2.Modal losses and confinement factors are calculated for TM modes with thetransfer matrix method (TMM) and effective index method (EIM).通过转移矩阵法和有效折射率法计算了9·0μmGaAs基量子级联激光器波导的模式损耗和限制因子,从而对其波导结构进行优化。

3.By means oftransfer matrix method,we calculated the optical properties of photonic crystal narrow band filters,which are made of two sets of photonic crystals with different photonic band gaps.用转移矩阵法模拟计算了通过2组不同禁带的光子晶体级联构成的窄带滤波器的光学特性,设计了信道间隔为0。

5)transfer matrix转移矩阵法

1.Transfer function of one-dimensional photonic crystal with defect layer is analyzed withtransfer matrix and simulated.利用转移矩阵法分析具有缺陷层的一维光子晶体的传递函数并进行了数值模拟。

2.The transfer characteristics of one-dimensional photonic crystal with linear and nonlinear defect layers are analyzed and simulated with atransfer matrix.利用转移矩阵法分析具有线性和非线性缺陷层的一维光子晶体的传递函数并进行了数值模拟。

3.The photo wave propagation in one dimension quasi-period photonic crystal is studied bytransfer matrix method.用转移矩阵法计算了光波在一维准周期结构的光子晶体中的传播规律 ,与周期性结构相比较 ,此种结构的光子晶体中的带隙结构有一些新的特征。

6)inverse analytical transfer matrix method逆分析转移矩阵方法

1.Also,the refractive-index profiles were obtained usinginverse analytical transfer matrix method from the measured effective-index.用热扩散法制备了Ag+ -Na+ 离子交换光波导 ,对实验所得光波导测量了有效折射率 ,用逆分析转移矩阵方法得到了它们的折射率分布 。

2.After that, we simulated the internal refractive index profile of waveguides using IWKB andinverse analytical transfer matrix method.本文采用K +~Na+及Ag +~Na+离子交换技术制备了玻璃平面光波导,利用布儒斯特定律测定了玻璃衬底的折射率;通过棱镜耦合技术测量了波导各阶导模有效折射率的值,用反WKB及逆分析转移矩阵方法拟合得到波导内部折射率分布。


正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子药物名称:转移因子英文名:Transfer Factor别名: 正常人白细胞转移因子 , 白细胞转移因子,转移因子外文名:Transfer Factor ,TF适应症: 为细胞免疫反应增强剂,能将细胞免疫活性转移给受体,以提高受体的免疫功能。临床上用于治疗某些抗生素难以控制的病毒性或酶菌性细胞内感染(如带状皰疹、流行性乙型脑炎、白色念珠菌感染等)。对恶性肿瘤可作为辅助治疗剂,对自体免疫性疾病也有一定治疗作用。 用量用法: 一般采用皮下注射,注于上臂内侧或大腿内侧腹股沟下端,1次注射1支,每周1~2次,1个月后改为每2周1次。对带状疱疹,一般只需注射1次。 规格: 注射液:每支2ml,相当于1×1000000000白细胞提取物(上海产),北京产则相当于5~10×1000000000. 注:严禁静脉给药.类别:免疫调节剂
