100字范文 > 峰值功率密度 peak power density英语短句 例句大全

峰值功率密度 peak power density英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-04-24 19:00:31


峰值功率密度 peak power density英语短句 例句大全

峰值功率密度,peak power density

1)peak power density峰值功率密度

2)power density value功率密度值

3)peak probability density峰值概率密度

1.The precondition of structure multiaxial fatigue analysis in frequency domain with Von Mises stress is to obtain itspeak probability density function.本文利用平稳随机过程的穿越分析和极值的概率分析,给出了计算Von Mises应力过程峰值概率密度函数的公式,为进一步进行疲劳损伤及寿命分析打下了基础。

4)peak power峰值功率

prehensive test technology of pulsed laserpeak power in common wavebands;几种常见波段脉冲激光峰值功率综合测试技术研究

2.Study on the methods of measurement and calibration of thepeak power of the narrow pulsed semiconductor laser窄脉冲半导体激光器峰值功率测试及校准方法研究

3.In the paper,a kind of stretch enlargement and fast discharge circuit for the detecting of single and repeat frequency impulse signal is introduced,and applied on the detection ofpeak power of narrow impulse laser.介绍了一种用于对单个及重频窄脉冲信号进行检测的展宽放大和快速放电电路,并应用在窄激光脉冲峰值功率检测中。


1.Pulse power (peak power)脉冲功率(峰值功率)

2.peak load effective duration factor峰值功率持续时间率

3.High Peak Power and High Pulse Energy Nd:YAG Laser;高峰值功率高脉冲能量Nd:YAG激光器研究

4.Research on X-band High Power Multi-beam Klystron;X波段高峰值功率多注速调管的研究

5.Analysis of the Algorithm to Reduce the PAPR in OFDM SystemOFDM中降低PAPR(峰值功率比)算法改进浅析

6.Study of High Peak Power Acousto-optical Q-switch Pulse Laser for Drilling;打孔用高峰值功率声光调Q脉冲激光器的研制

7.Research on the Electron-Optical System of High Peak Power Multi-Beam Klystron;高峰值功率多注速调管电子光学系统的研究

8.Research on high peak power active-active transient mode-locked pulsed laser高峰值功率主动-主动瞬态锁模激光技术研究

9.Calculating formula and actual measurement result of echo peak power is put forward.同时给出回波峰值功率计算公式及实际测量结果

10.Introduce of Max Power Point Tracking System;空间飞行器太阳能峰值功率跟踪控制系统(MPPT)研究

11.Air breakdown in coupling area of high peak power laser pulse and silica optical fiber高峰值功率脉冲激光与石英光纤耦合的空气击穿问题

12.Study on the methods of measurement and calibration of the peak power of the narrow pulsed semiconductor laser窄脉冲半导体激光器峰值功率测试及校准方法研究

13.Research on Reduction PAPR in OFDM System;降低OFDM系统峰值平均功率比的研究

14.Research on PAPR for OFDM Communication Ystems;OFDM系统峰值平均功率比的研究

15.Research on Reduction of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio in OFDM SystemOFDM系统降低峰值平均功率比技术研究

16.Research on Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction of OFDM System;OFDM系统中降低峰值平均功率比技术的研究

17.Research on Peak-to-average Power Ratio Reduction for OFDM System;OFDM系统中峰值平均功率比降低技术研究

18.The Research on Peak-to-Average Power Ratio Reduction for OFDM Systems;OFDM系统峰值平均功率比降低技术的研究


power density value功率密度值

3)peak probability density峰值概率密度

1.The precondition of structure multiaxial fatigue analysis in frequency domain with Von Mises stress is to obtain itspeak probability density function.本文利用平稳随机过程的穿越分析和极值的概率分析,给出了计算Von Mises应力过程峰值概率密度函数的公式,为进一步进行疲劳损伤及寿命分析打下了基础。

4)peak power峰值功率

prehensive test technology of pulsed laserpeak power in common wavebands;几种常见波段脉冲激光峰值功率综合测试技术研究

2.Study on the methods of measurement and calibration of thepeak power of the narrow pulsed semiconductor laser窄脉冲半导体激光器峰值功率测试及校准方法研究

3.In the paper,a kind of stretch enlargement and fast discharge circuit for the detecting of single and repeat frequency impulse signal is introduced,and applied on the detection ofpeak power of narrow impulse laser.介绍了一种用于对单个及重频窄脉冲信号进行检测的展宽放大和快速放电电路,并应用在窄激光脉冲峰值功率检测中。

5)power peaking功率峰值

6)peak value density峰值密度


功率谱密度估计随机信号的功率谱密度用来描述信号的能量特征随频率的变化关系。功率谱密度简称为功率谱,是自相关函数的傅里叶变换。对功率谱密度的估计又称功率谱估计。平稳随机信号x(t)的(自)功率谱Sxx(ω)定义为(1)式中rxx(τ)为平稳随机信号的自相关函数。对于离散情况,功率谱表示为(2)式中T为离散随机信号的抽样间隔时间。当利用随机信号的 N个抽样值来计算其自相关估值时,即可得到功率谱估计为 (3)可见,随机信号的功率谱与自相关函数互为傅里叶变换的关系,这两个函数分别从频率域和时间域来表征随机信号的基本特征。按上式计算功率谱估值,其运算量往往很大,通常采用快速傅里叶变换算法,以减少运算次数。计算信号功率谱的方法可以分为两类:一为线性估计方法,有自相关估计、自协方差法及周期图法等。另一类为非线性估计方法,有最大似然法、最大熵法等。线性估计方法是有偏的谱估计方法,谱分辨率随数据长度的增加而提高。非线性估计方法大多是无偏的谱估计方法,可以获得高的谱分辨率。参考书目何振亚:《数字信号处理的理论与应用》,人民邮电出版社,北京,1983。A. V. Oppenheim, R. W. Schafer, Digital Signal Processing Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs,New Jersey,1975.
