100字范文 > 黄河下游滩区 Downstream Beach Area of Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

黄河下游滩区 Downstream Beach Area of Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-10 03:16:09


黄河下游滩区 Downstream Beach Area of Yellow River英语短句 例句大全

黄河下游滩区,Downstream Beach Area of Yellow River

1)Downstream Beach Area of Yellow River黄河下游滩区

1.Safety Construction and Related Policies in theDownstream Beach Area of Yellow River;黄河下游滩区安全建设及相关政策研究


1.Psychological requirements for safety of residents in floodplains in lower reaches of the Yellow River;黄河下游滩区居民对安全的心理需求

2.Safety Construction and Related Policies in the Downstream Beach Area of Yellow River;黄河下游滩区安全建设及相关政策研究

3.Studies on psychology of residents in floodplains in lower reaches of the Yellow River and recommendations;黄河下游滩区居民心理研究的启示与建议

4.Analysis of multi-factors influencing psychology of resettlements in floodplains in lower reaches of the Yellow River;影响黄河下游滩区搬迁居民心理的多因素分析

5.Psychological assessment of residents in floodplains in lower reaches of the Yellow River on disaster relief and compensation;黄河下游滩区居民对救助与补偿的心理评价

6.Demography feature of people living in floodplains of lower reaches of the Yellow River and their production and living conditions;黄河下游滩区居民人口学特征及生产生活状况

7.Designing and data acquisition of psychological studies of residents in floodplains of lower reaches of the Yellow River;黄河下游滩区居民心理研究的设计及信息获取

8.Psychological studies of residents in floodplains of lower reaches of the Yellow River;开展黄河下游滩区居民心理研究的现实意义

9.Study of Mitigation Measures and Analysis of Flood Risk at Floodplain in Yellow River Downstream黄河下游滩区洪水风险分析及减灾措施研究

10.Assessment on Ecosystem Services of Eco-economic Protection Forest;黄河下游滩区生态经济型防护林生态系统服务功能价值评价

11.Study on Forestry Development Problems of Middle and Lower Reaches of Yellow River Floodplain in Henan Province;河南省黄河中下游滩区林业发展问题研究

12.Characteristics and Functions of Vegetation on Down-reach Floodplain of Yellow River in He" Nan;黄河下游河南段滩地植被特征与功能研究

13.Research on Overbank Flood Sediment Concentration and Its Gradation Changes of Lower Yellow River黄河下游漫滩洪水含沙量和级配变化研究

parison of different approaches to determine bankfull discharge in the Lower Yellow River黄河下游平滩流量不同确定方法的比较

15.Study on Methods of Hydrograph Forecasting of Sediment Concentration for the Yellow River Reach from Huayuankou to Jiahetan;黄河下游花园口至夹河滩段含沙量过程预报方法研究

16.Water Conservation Function of Polar Plantations on Lowland in Yellow River黄河下游滩地杨树人工林林下土壤水源涵养功能研究

17.Millet is cultivated in the middle or lower reaches of the Yellow River.在黄河中下游地区,人们种植谷子。

18.Evaluation on comprehensive benefits of water-saving reconstruction of typical irrigation districts in lower reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游典型引黄灌区节水改造综合效益评价


Yellow River Beach黄河滩区

1.The Development and Utilization of Ecological RegionUsed for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Production inYellow River Beach;黄河滩区农牧业生态区的开发和利用

2.The Current Situation and Prospect of Green Grass Engineering Construction inYellow River Beach in Henan Province;河南省黄河滩区绿色草业工程建设的现状与展望

3.The pattern of grassland livestock industry in Yellow River beach has a realistic significance of the regional sustainable development and to relieve the contradiction between the development and the life of the lower reaches of Yellow River.草地畜牧业是我国高效、低耗、持续发展的现代畜牧业的优势所在,在黄河滩区发展草地畜牧业对滩区持续发展和黄河下游寿命矛盾的缓解有重要的现实意义,本文将从滩区的基本情况着手,探讨发展滩区草地畜牧业主导型农业类型的可行性及其效益。

3)irrigation area on the lower Yellow River黄河下游灌区

4)lower floodplain area下游滩区

1.According to the rules and characteristics of flood stage and water-sands trait from the midstream and downstream of Yellow River and the actuality of the development oflower floodplain area,this paper analyzes a series of problems existing .根据黄河中下游洪水水位变化规律和特征、黄河下游来水来沙特点,以及滩区的开发利用现状,分析了黄河下游滩区的社会经济发展、生态保护和安全保障方面的问题,并提出了在新世纪、新的形势下,下游滩区发展的一些策略。

5)The Flood Plain of Mid-yellow river黄河中游河漫滩

6)lower reaches of Yellow River黄河下游

1.Protective countermeasures of wetland natural reserve areas inlower reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游沿岸湿地自然保护区的保护对策

2.Engineering geological problems of foundation pits of floodgates in thelower reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游涵闸基坑的主要工程地质问题

3.Research on compensation policy for beach area inlower reaches of Yellow River;黄河下游滩区运用补偿政策研究


黄河滩湿地自然生态保护区黄河滩湿地自然生态保护区是本的核心和灵魂,作为本规划的物质基础和客观载体,有其独特的不可替代的功能,是中国焦作黄河滩湿地生态旅游区的地望所在。黄河滩地自然生态保护区总占地面积 为12.863平方公里。要的主题形象是黄河滩湿地自然生态,以黄河滩、黄河水、野生植被景观为核心,竭力营造突出生态、绿色、环保、野趣特色的自然环境景观。黄河滩湿地生态保护区的植物植被分人工栽种和野生的,其中人工栽种地带性植被为落叶阔林毛白杨已达十万亩,三所内就能形成夺目的壮丽景观和巨大的自然氧吧。黄河滩湿地野生草类有蒲草、蔺草、抓地龙、芦草、涝豆、狗尾草、羊胡子草、水白草、地绵草、旱莲草、节节草、鸭拓草、鸡眼草、灯笼草、车前草、鸡爪草、牛心草等近百种。遗憾的是早些年,人们为了温饱而大面积开荒各地使黄河滩上的野生草类只能偷偷生长,问题的关键在于是否能够退耕还草,使之得到有效保护,如果能够坚持退耕还草,并进行为期两年的全封闭式的养护,其生态景观的吸引力将是无法估量的,不仅仅是对人类,而且对于野生动物种群都同档具有吸引力。黄河滩上的野生灌木如果能得到有效保护,两年内就能形成独特的野生植被景观。黄河滩上的野生动物有布谷鸟、大雁、斑鸠、乌鸦、啄木鸟、鹌鹑、猫头鹰、麻雀、灰喜鹊、苍鹰等鸟类;黄鼠狼、刺猬、蝙蝠、野兔、蛇、狐、鼠类等兽类以及水生动物,野生昆虫数十种。黄河常年奔流不息,由于近年水位下降,只能在夏季出现使其恢复长急流。但是作为母亲河形象在炎黄子孙心目的地位是无法替代和消失的。
