100字范文 > 反铁磁自旋涨落 anti-ferromagnetic spin fluctuations英语短句 例句大全

反铁磁自旋涨落 anti-ferromagnetic spin fluctuations英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-16 01:01:59


反铁磁自旋涨落 anti-ferromagnetic spin fluctuations英语短句 例句大全

反铁磁自旋涨落,anti-ferromagnetic spin fluctuations

1)anti-ferromagnetic spin fluctuations反铁磁自旋涨落

2)spin fluctuation自旋涨落

1.The Effects of Spin Fluctuation and Phonon on The Stoner Model;自旋涨落与声子效应对Stoner模型的影响

2.A theory of the optical conductivity due to the interlayer hopping assisted by thespin fluctuations has been developed.本文提出自旋涨落协助跃迁光导理论 ,理论计算与实验一致 ,因此本文认为低掺杂铜氧化物的C -轴光导的异常行为可以用自旋涨落协助跃迁光导理论解释。


1.The Electronic Structure and Spin Fluctuation of the Periodic Anderson Model周期性安德森模型的电子结构与自旋涨落性质

2.Multiple superconducting gaps and anisotropic spin fluctuations in iron-pnictides revealed by nuclear magnetic resonance铁基高温超导体的超导能隙和自旋涨落:核磁共振研究

3.Analysis of Technological Innovation Self-organization Evolution According to Fluctuation Bases;基于涨落机理探析技术创新自组织进化

4.Sunday= sports. It"s like the full moon or the changing of the tides. Let it be.第一条:就像月圆月缺、涨潮落一样,星期日=动。顺其自然吧。

5.Shoots grow in flushes, showing rapid growth, then stopping as the apical bud aborts.花苞最先开始快速的涨大,花苞的尖牙会自然的掉落。

6.Prices are still spiralling up.物价仍在盘旋上涨。

7.the wage-price spiral.工资-物价的螺旋形上涨

8.What goes up can also go down.涨价的东西也会落价。

9.Is the tide coming in or going out?现在是涨潮还是落潮?

10.The flood and ebb tides alternates with each other.涨潮和落潮交替更迭。

11.(of the tide)start to come in or go out(指潮水)开始涨或落

12.The tide ebbs and flows twice in 24 hours.潮水每24 小时涨落两次。

13.the rhythm of the tides, seasons潮汐的涨落、 四季的循环

14.local velocity fluctuation局部速度涨落 -流量计的

15.tail up and down the stream随着潮水涨落而起伏

16.Every tide have its ebb.潮水有涨落,人生有盛衰。

17.The Influence of Thermal Fluctuations in the Josephson Effect;热涨落对Josephson效应的影响

18.Prices are rising, falling, going up, going down, shooting up, plummeting, etc.物价在上涨、 下跌、 上升、 下落、 猛然上涨、 骤然下跌等.


spin fluctuation自旋涨落

1.The Effects of Spin Fluctuation and Phonon on The Stoner Model;自旋涨落与声子效应对Stoner模型的影响

2.A theory of the optical conductivity due to the interlayer hopping assisted by thespin fluctuations has been developed.本文提出自旋涨落协助跃迁光导理论 ,理论计算与实验一致 ,因此本文认为低掺杂铜氧化物的C -轴光导的异常行为可以用自旋涨落协助跃迁光导理论解释。

3)spin configuration of antiferromagnet反铁磁自旋结构

4)anti-ferromagnetic chain反铁磁性自旋链

5)antiferromagnetic spin wave反铁磁自旋波

6)antiferromagnetic spin chain反铁磁自旋链

1.The effect of the topological term to the macroscopic quantum coherence of the biaxial-anisotropyantiferromagnetic spin chain are studied in the limit of large-spin and strong-anisotropy limit.结果表明:有限温度下,在有限长度的量子反铁磁自旋链中,由于拓扑相因子的存在,简并Neel真空态之间隧穿幅的性质将取决于自旋是整数还是半整数。


