100字范文 > 时间步长限制 time step limit英语短句 例句大全

时间步长限制 time step limit英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-15 07:53:50


时间步长限制 time step limit英语短句 例句大全

时间步长限制,time step limit

1)time step limit时间步长限制

pensated particle in cell-Monte Carlo collision model with widetime step limit一种补偿时间步长限制的粒子模拟-蒙特卡罗碰撞模型


pensated particle in cell-Monte Carlo collision model with wide time step limit一种补偿时间步长限制的粒子模拟-蒙特卡罗碰撞模型

2.time slicking时间限制[限定], 定时, 限时

3.Analysis of Influence of Time Step on Numerical Simulation Using Finite Volume Method时间步长对有限容积法数值模拟的影响分析

4.approves the military action, or extends the time limit.批准军事行动或者延长时间限制。

5.Be restricted By time[law]受时间[法律]限制

6.Finite-time control of PMSM position servo system永磁同步电机位置伺服系统的有限时间控制

7.Finite Time Tracking Controller Design for a Class of Fifth-order Model of an Induction Motor一类五阶异步电机模型的有限时间跟踪控制

8.How long does it take to go to the park on foot ?步行到公园要多长时间?

9.of or relating to or limited by time.属于时间、与时间有关或受时间限制。

10.A Non Time Step Parameters Time Finite Element Method for Space Structure空间结构的非时间步参数时间有限元法

11.PMSM speed-adjusting system based on disturbance observer and finite-time control基于扰动观测器和有限时间控制的永磁同步电机调速系统

12.Note: If you have limited hard disk space or you want to reduce synchronization time, it"s a good idea to limit the number of linked pages you store.注意: 如果硬盘空间有限或想减少同步时间,可以限制存储的链接页数。

13.work within restricted hours在受限制时间内工作

14.Working hours are limited by statute.工作时间有法令限制。

15.unlimited placement time不受限制的充填时间

16.Time is the limiting factor.时间是限制性的因素.

17.China"s cultural ecumenism is long and durable, but attempts to make it commensurate with political oneness have only produced entities of limited scales of time and of space.中国文化统一的时间漫长,但每当与政治统一结合的时候,所产生的体制往往局限于时间和空间。

18.Finite Time Synchronization of Hyperchaotic Chen-Lee Systems超混沌Chen-Lee系统的有限时间同步


time step control时间步长控制

3)Time step时间步长

1.Influence of time step on the calculated melting point of Cu;时间步长对铜平衡熔点模拟计算结果的影响

2.Practical Algorithm for Time Step in Low Pressure Die Casting Solidification Simulation;低压铸造凝固模拟中时间步长的实用算法

3.Time step is calculated by considering the heat conduction,convection and radiation based on the conservation of energy.为了尽可能缩短铸件凝固模拟的计算时间,从不同的角度对凝固模拟求解中的时间步长的计算进行了分析;并根据能量守恒原理,在考虑热传导、对流、辐射情况下进行了时间步长的推算,得出了差分网格单元在不同条件、不同位置的实用时间步长计算公式。

4)time step时步;时间步长 TS

5)automatic timestep control自动时间步长控制

6)time step method时间步长法

1.The model was solved with the application of different methods,such astime step method,equivalent method and their combination.采用了时间步长法、等效法以及二者结合的等效时间步长法三种方法求解模型。


