100字范文 > 河流防洪 river flood control英语短句 例句大全

河流防洪 river flood control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-13 13:51:22


河流防洪 river flood control英语短句 例句大全

河流防洪,river flood control

1)river flood control河流防洪


1.Research of Rivers Flood Prevention Engneering Influence Appraisal Factor Analysis;河流防洪工程影响评价因子分析研究

2.An embankment raised to prevent a river from overflowing.堤岸,防洪堤防止河流泛滥而建造的堤岸

3.A Study on Engineering of the Flood Control of Main Stream in NianChu River of Tibet;西藏年楚河干流防洪工程堤岸防护设计研究

4.The bamboo and log rafting in river courses should not affect the safety of flood passage and flood control works.在河道中流放竹木,不得影响行洪和防洪工程设施的安全。

5.Study on Process or Volume Control in Reservoir Operation and Forecasted Flood Operation Rule for Biliuhe Reservoir;水库洪水调度峰量控制类型与碧流河水库防洪预报调度规则研究

6.Study on Optimal Regulation of Flood Control Multireservoir in Parallel of Huaihe River Basin;淮河流域并联水库群防洪错峰优化调度研究

7.Study on the Planning of the Flood Prevention and Storm Drainage of the Main Stream of Xiaohaihe,in the City of Conghua,Guangdong;广东省从化市小海河干流防洪排涝规划研究

8.Analyzes the Influence Effect of the Projects of Liaohe River Valley in Liaoning Province;辽宁省辽河流域防洪工程布局影响效果分析

9.Research on assessment of impact of river-crossing HV transmission line on flood control高压输电线路跨越河流对防洪的影响评价

10.Main Drainage Channels and Poldered Village Protection Scheme河道及乡村防洪计划

11.Economic benefits of flood control project system in west of Shahe River and Luohe River沙河、漯河以西防洪工程体系防洪经济效益分析

12.4.8 billion cubic meters of water was drained by the Taipu River Project, Wangyu River Project and South Diversion Project in Hangzhou, Jiaxing and Huzhou areas, which effectively relieved flood pressure on the basin.太浦河、望虞河、杭嘉湖南排等工程,外排洪水48亿立方米,有效地减轻了流域的防洪压力;

13.Flood protection evaluation and research to a project in Xiaoqinghe flood diversion area小清河分洪区某工程的防洪评价研究

14.Water conservancy project would inevitably affect river wetland.水利防洪工程开发建设中,不可避免地对河流湿地产生一定的影响。

15.Causes of the Flood Disaster in the Huaihe River Valley in Anhui Province in 1991 and the Comprehensive Measures of Prevention安徽省淮河流域1991年洪涝灾害成因及综合防御措施

16.Quality Control Technique of Flood Control Works of Raoyang Main River in Winter Dike Construction;绕阳河干流防洪工程冬季筑堤施工中的质量控制技术

17.Best Management Practices (BMPs) in Stream Corridor Renaturalization,Flood Control and Stormwater Management at Lower Rhine;下莱茵流域河道半自然化、生态防洪与雨水管理案例

18.On Existing Problem and Countermeasure on Flood Control in Jiaocheng’s Area Located in Upstream and Midstream of Ciyao River磁窑河流域交城境内防洪存在的问题及应对措施


flood control of river course河道防洪

3)Henan reach河南防洪

4)river flood flow河流洪水

5)Hedong Flood Protection Levee河东防洪堤

1.Safety Check ofHedong Flood Protection Levee in Wuzhou and its Reinforcement Engineering Designs梧州市河东防洪堤安全复核及工程加固设计

6)Hongjiahe valley洪家河流域

1.The niche of main story tree species of communities inHongjiahe valley;洪家河流域植物群落主林层树种生态位

2.The forest community species diversity inHongjiahe valley were discussed in this paper.对洪家河流域森林群落植物多样性进行了研究,结果表明,该流域不同群落类型的植物多样性和均匀度存在较大差异,表现为多优种阔叶林(S im pson指数为0。

3.The similarity of communities and cluster analysis inHongjiahe valley were discussed in this paper.对洪家河流域植物群落相似性与聚类分析结果表明,有些群落如黄心夜合毛椿木荷林与化香枫香林、马尾松丝栎栲林、杉木马尾松林等之间的Jaccard指数、Sorenson指数为0。


被污染的河流被污染的河流叱自 被污染的河流《自然生物之旅》
