100字范文 > 纸张染色 paper dyeing英语短句 例句大全

纸张染色 paper dyeing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-06 17:33:43


纸张染色 paper dyeing英语短句 例句大全

纸张染色,paper dyeing

1)paper dyeing纸张染色


1.A Study on the Measurement of the Brightening Effect of Fluorescent Brightener on Paper纸张染色测定荧光增白剂增白强度的方法研究

2.sheet-fed single colour perfector单张纸双面单色胶印机

3.Dyed the whole carton of eggs.把一纸箱鸡蛋都染上色

4.a heavy creamy-colored paper resembling parchment.一种重磅的乳白色纸张,类似羊皮纸。

5.The background of web pages is white by default, like a sheet of paper.背景色魔人是白色的,就像一张纸。

6.green paper have better effects on vision function than yellow paper do.读写时在影响视功能方面 ,绿色纸张低于黄色纸张

7.Acid-fast and spore stainings improved by the cover of filter paper and heating抗酸染色和芽胞染色的改良型滤纸覆盖加热法

8.How many pieces of grey/ olive green/ baby pink/ scarlet/ navy blue/ sky blue/ golden/ dark blue are there under the table?桌子下面有多少张灰色/榄绿/粉色/红色/蓝色/蓝色/色/黑色的纸?

9.Diverse deposed cloth, a piece of white paper, scissors, glue and multicolor cardboard.各种废旧布块、白板纸一张、剪刀、胶水、各色彩纸。

10.Duplex paper: Paper with a different colour or finish on each side.双面纸:底面颜色不同或修面方法不同的纸张。

11.Sheets of oxygenic paper aid in maintaining color.含氧的纸张有助於避免褪色。

12.Ann is putting the paper into a red bin.安把纸张放进一个红色的箱柜里。

13.You look as white as a piece of paper.你脸色像一张纸一样的苍白。

14.paper with a crinkled texture; usually colored and used for decorations.有皱纹的纸张,通常为彩色的,用于装饰。

15.The paper we offered is of refined colour and of the best quality, suggests neither cheapness nor extravagance.我方报供的纸张,色好质优,雅俗共赏。

16.Research on the Relationship between Properties of Printing Paper of Printed Matter Quality;纸张表面特性与色彩再现关系的研究

17.Preservation of ninhydrin treated paper;纸张经茚三酮显现指印后的变色现象

18.Determination of the relative manufacture date of the paper by DNS colorimetry利用DNS比色法推断纸张相对制成时间


stained paper压光机染色的纸张


4)Paper Color纸张颜色

5)tinted paper浅色纸张

6)unbleached paper本色纸张


