100字范文 > 废纸脱墨 waste paper deinking英语短句 例句大全

废纸脱墨 waste paper deinking英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-02-18 20:11:18


废纸脱墨 waste paper deinking英语短句 例句大全

废纸脱墨,waste paper deinking

1)waste paper deinking废纸脱墨

1.It is briefly introduced that methods ofwaste paper deinking and mechanism of deinking and constitute of deinking agent.废纸的回收利用是当前制浆造纸工业的热门话题,而废纸脱墨是废纸回收利用的关键。


1.Study on Activated Sludge Treatment of Effluents in Waste Paper Deinking Process废纸脱墨废水活性污泥处理工艺研究

2.Mixture of cellulase and amylase for deinking of laser printed paper混合酶用于激光打印废纸脱墨的研究

3.Study on Structure and Effect of Polymeric Flocculant in Dealing with Deinking Waste Water;废纸脱墨废水处理中高分子絮凝剂的构效研究

4.Study on High Efficient Bleaching Technique of MOW Deinked Pulp混合办公废纸脱墨浆高效漂白方法的研究

5.Structure, Performance and Application in Wastepaper Deinking of Ethylene Oxide and Propylene Oxide Block Copolymer;嵌段聚醚的结构、性能及在废纸脱墨中的应用

6.The Problems Encountered In Deinking Process And The Solutions废纸脱墨过程中遇到的问题及解决方法

7.Mechanism of H_2O_2 Bleaching DIP Modified with Activator活化剂对废纸脱墨浆过氧化氢漂白的机理

8.Synthesis of Gemini Polyethers and its Application in Deinking of Office Waste孪链聚醚的合成及其在办公废纸脱墨中的应用

9.Study on Synthesis, Properties and Applications in Waste Paper Deinking of Anionic Gemini Surfactants;孪连阴离子表面活性剂的合成、性能及在废纸脱墨中的应用研究

10.Th is paper discusses the effect of components of offset ink such as pigment, bind er and additives on the quality of deinked pulp.介绍了胶印油墨的化学组成中颜料、结料和附加料对废纸脱墨浆质量的影响及其相应关系。

11.Study on Preparation and Performance of Deinking Agent for Old Newspaper废新闻纸脱墨剂的合成及其脱墨性能研究

12.Reseach on Chemical and Enzymatic Deinking of Laser-Printed Paper;激光打印废纸的化学及酶法脱墨研究

13.Study on the Chemical Neutral Deinking Technology of Office Wastepaper;办公废纸化学法中性脱墨技术的研究

14.Effects of Enzymatic Deinking Treatment on the Physical Characteristics of Colored Offset ONP and OMG彩色胶印废报纸与废杂志酶脱墨处理对脱墨浆物理性能的影响

15.Effect of Water-based UV-curable Ink Properties on the Deinkability of Waste newspaper水基UV油墨特性对废新闻纸脱墨性的影响

16.Enzymatic Explosion Deinking of Printed Xerox Paper静电复印纸废纸酶辅膨化脱墨工艺研究

17.Study on Laccase/Mediator System Deinking and Mechanism of Old Newsprint;废新闻纸漆酶/介体体系脱墨及其机理的研究

18.Study on Magnetic Deinking and Mechanics for Mixed Office Waste;混合办公废纸附聚—磁性法脱墨及其机理研究


wastepaper deinking废纸脱墨

3)waste paper de-inking废纸脱墨

1.2 inwaste paper de-inking process and the te chno logical conditions of the process are investigated.研究漆酶在废纸脱墨中的作用和工艺条件。

4)deinked waste paper脱墨废纸

5)deinked pulp废纸脱墨浆

1.The cationic starch with high substituted degree prepared by half-dry process was used as retention and drainage aids indeinked pulp.将半干法制备的高取代度阳离子淀粉应用于废纸脱墨浆作助留助滤剂。

2.The waste paperdeinked pulp was bleached with formamidine sulphinic acid (FAS).介绍了甲脒亚磺酸 (FAS)漂白废新闻纸脱墨浆和混合办公废纸脱墨浆的实验情况 ,探讨了FAS用量、NaOH和FAS比值、浆浓、漂白温度和时间对漂后纸浆白度的影响 ,同时用过氧化氢、连二亚硫酸钠进行了对比实验 ,并对废新闻纸脱墨浆进行了H2 O2 FAS ,FAS H2 O2 ,H2 O2 Na2 S2 O4和Na2 S2 O4 H2 O2 两段漂白研究。

3.The sizing efficiency of modified AKD in thedeinked pulp with a PEO/PF retention acid was investigated.采用自制的改性AKD,结合聚氧化乙烯/酚醛树脂留着体系,研究了改性AKD在废纸脱墨浆中的施胶效果,并研究了不同的添加次序对施胶效果的影响。

6)deinking agent for waste paper废纸脱墨剂


