100字范文 > 水松原纸 tip base paper of cigarette英语短句 例句大全

水松原纸 tip base paper of cigarette英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-07 01:51:04


水松原纸 tip base paper of cigarette英语短句 例句大全

水松原纸,tip base paper of cigarette

1)tip base paper of cigarette水松原纸

1.This paper discussed the dying method based on L, a, b value for the orangetip base paper of cigarette.利用表色系统Lab值对橘黄色水松原纸的染色工艺进行优化,以探讨最佳染色工艺。


1.Study on Application and Mechanism of AKD Sizing in the Production of Tip Base Paper of Cigarette;水松原纸生产中AKD施胶工艺及机理研究

2.The Research on Countermeasure of Management in the Paper Pulb Material Land of Pinus Elliottii Engelm;湿地松纸浆原料林经营管理对策研究

3.The Development of the Application for the Three-unit Electrostatic Perforation System of Tipping Paper;三单元水松纸静电打孔技术应用开发

4.Density Control of Slash-pine Pulpwood Forest and Its Management湿地松纸浆原料林密度控制与管理技术研究

5.The Development and Application of Glue Supply System of New Type Passim Tipping Paper新型PASSIM水松纸胶池式供胶系统的开发应用

6.We work with Radiata pine lumber, Eucalyptus chips as well as Eucalyptus pulp logs and hardwood logs and lumber.产品有辐射松锯材、树木片,以及桉树纸浆材原木和阔叶原木及锯材。

7.The Research of Water Contamination to Second-songhuajiang River in Songyuan City;第二松花江流域松原市江段水污染控制研究

8.Lint: Loose surface fibres on paper.纸毛:纸上面的松散纤维。

9.Fibrous raw material--Determination of moisture contentGB/T2677.2-1993造纸原料水分的测定

10.testing method of moisture in sample for analysis of raw material for pulp纸浆原料中水分含量测定方法

11.Fibrous raw material--Determination of water solubilityGB/T2677.4-1993造纸原料水抽出物含量的测定

12.testing method of water soluble matters in raw material for pulp纸浆原料中水溶性氯化物的测定

13.Research on Reducing Sugar Production by Diluted Acid Hydrolysis of Old Corrugated Carton旧瓦楞纸箱稀酸水解制还原糖的研究

14.The production process for 160g/m~2 absorbent paper160g/m~2吸水原纸生产工艺

15.Baggy paper:Loosely wound web.松弛纸卷:松而卷不实的卷筒纸。

16.Disciplinarian of Groundwater in Water Shortage Region in Western Songliao Plain;松辽平原西部严重缺水区地下水赋存规律研究

17.Research of Water Resources Ensure System of Main Diversion Area of Nenjiang River in Songnei Plain;松嫩平原嫩江主要引水区水资源保障体系研究

18.The steam of boiling water loosened the wallpaper from the green plaster behind it.沸水的蒸汽已经把糊墙纸从绿色的粉墙上剥松了。


tipping base paper水松原纸

1.It is introduced the characters, production flows and technologies of whitetipping base paper in this paper.本文介绍了白色水松原纸的特性以及生产工艺流程、工艺条件等,针对生产和使用过程中易出现的问题提出了一些解决措施。

3)tipping paper水松纸

1.New-Style On-line Measuring Syetem for Tipping Paper with Micro Perforation;一种新型水松纸透气度在线检测系统

2.The study of laser cutting technology oftipping paper;水松纸激光切割技术研究

3.Laser perforating technology oftipping paper;水松纸激光打孔技术研究

4)cork paper水松纸

1.Application of pneumatic control on the drive ofcork paper supply in YJ29 plug assembler;气动控制在YJ29接装机水松纸进给传动中的应用

5)Printing tipping paper印字水松纸

6)absorbent paper吸水原纸

1.The production process for 160g/m~2absorbent paper160g/m~2吸水原纸生产工艺


艾洛松 ,糖酸莫米松 ,糠酸莫米松乳膏药物名称:艾洛松英文名:Mometasone Furoate别名: 艾洛松 ,糖酸莫米松 ,糠酸莫米松乳膏外文名:Mometasone Furoate作用与用途: 为合成的糖皮质激素。有抗过敏作用,用于对皮质类固醇治疗有效的皮肤病,如神经性皮炎、湿疹、异位性皮炎及银屑病等引起的皮肤炎症和皮肤瘙痒。适应症: 对皮质类固醇有效的皮肤病,如异位性皮炎。 用量用法: 1次/日,涂于患处。 不良反应: 极少见局部感觉异常,瘙痒和皮肤萎缩。 注意事项:1..本品不宜长期大量使用。2.大面积、长期或采用封包方式使用会增加药物全身吸收,使副作用增加。3.小儿使用应尽可能减少药用量。4.有皮肤感染必须同时使用抗感染药。5.发生刺激和过敏反应应停止用药并治疗。6.孕妇慎用,哺乳期妇女使用本品需考虑停止哺乳或停止用药。规格: 乳膏 0.1% x 5 g。 类别:皮肤病用药
