100字范文 > 改良的细胞培养法 Modified cell culture英语短句 例句大全

改良的细胞培养法 Modified cell culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-08 00:28:21


改良的细胞培养法 Modified cell culture英语短句 例句大全

改良的细胞培养法,Modified cell culture

1)Modified cell culture改良的细胞培养法

2)Modified culture method改良培养法

3)cultured cells培养的细胞

4)MDCK cell culture techniquesMDCK细胞培养法

1.Methods The inhibitory cytopathic effects (CPE) of catechu extract on influenza A virus were observed byMDCK cell culture techniques.方法用狗肾传代MDCK细胞培养法观察儿茶提取物抑制甲型流感病毒的致细胞病变作用;用鸡胚培养法观察儿茶提取物抑制甲型流感病毒增生的作用;用红细胞凝集试验观察儿茶提取物体外直接抑制甲型流感病毒的作用。

5)cell culture/methods细胞培养方法


1.Objective: To modify the monolayer culture method of human fetal islet cells.目的:改良消化培养人胎胰岛细胞培养方法。

2.A Study on the Culture of Myocardial Cells in Newly-born SD Rats;新生SD大鼠心肌细胞培养方法的研究

3.Establishment of Cultural Method for Porcine Intestinal Epithelial Cells猪小肠黏膜上皮细胞培养方法的建立

parative study of cultivation of hair follicle bulge stem cell毛囊bulge干细胞培养方法的比较研究

5.Establishment of human trophoblasts culture method and primary studies on entry of HBsAg into human trophoblasts;人滋养层细胞培养方法的建立与HBsAg进入滋养层细胞的初步研究

6.Three Methods for Pyrethrum Cell Suspension Culture;除虫菊细胞悬浮培养3种方法的比较

7.Isolation and in vitro culture of neonatal rats liver cells新生大鼠肝细胞分离及体外培养方法

8.Prospective Trial of Two Cultural Systems on the Developmental Capacity of Mouse 2-cell Embryos in Vitro两种2-细胞鼠胚体外培养方法比较

9.A Counting Method for Monolayer Cells Attached to Culture Plate in Situ培养板单层贴壁细胞的原位计数方法

10.A novel method for culturing the olfactory ensheathing cells一种新的培养嗅鞘细胞方法(英文)

11.Development of the technique for isolation and primary culture of bovine hepatocytes原代牛肝细胞分离和培养方法的建立

12.Research of primary cultural method for human glioma cells人脑胶质瘤细胞的原代培养方法研究

13.Methods The hypertrophic scar fibroblasts were cultured with tissue culture method.方法用组织块法培养人瘢痕成纤维细胞。

14.Methods: Cell culture in serum-free medium, indirect immunofluorescence cytochemistry were used.方法:采用无血清细胞培养技术,间接免疫细胞化学染色法。

15.Methods: celt engineering thchniques including isolation, culture and subculture of human keratinocytes and fibroblasts were used, and to observe the pattern and growing course of cells.方法:利用细胞工程方法进行组织分离、原代培养及传代培养等,观察细胞形态;

16.Methods Endothelial cells obtained from bovine retinas were cultured in vitro.方法体外培养牛视网膜微血管内皮细胞。

17.Methods: Fibroblasts from human skin and hypertrophic scar were primary cultured and subcultured.方法:人皮肤及瘢痕成纤维细胞原代、代培养。

18.Improvement of Method for Primary Culture of New Natal Rats Cardiac Myocytes in Vitro新生大鼠心肌细胞原代培养方法的改进


Modified culture method改良培养法

3)cultured cells培养的细胞

4)MDCK cell culture techniquesMDCK细胞培养法

1.Methods The inhibitory cytopathic effects (CPE) of catechu extract on influenza A virus were observed byMDCK cell culture techniques.方法用狗肾传代MDCK细胞培养法观察儿茶提取物抑制甲型流感病毒的致细胞病变作用;用鸡胚培养法观察儿茶提取物抑制甲型流感病毒增生的作用;用红细胞凝集试验观察儿茶提取物体外直接抑制甲型流感病毒的作用。

5)cell culture/methods细胞培养方法

6)cell culture/methods细胞培养/方法


改良①去掉事物的个别缺点,使更适合要求:~土壤 ㄧ~品种。②改善。
