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学习型组织 learning organization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-04 17:48:12


学习型组织 learning organization英语短句 例句大全

学习型组织,learning organization

1)learning organization学习型组织

1.Probe into application oflearning organization in nursing management;学习型组织应用于护理管理的探讨

2.The measures of the corporate culture establishment onlearning organization;浅议学习型组织的企业文化实施

3.Study on the dimensions oflearning organization and the validation;学习型组织构面与检验方法研究


1.Analysis of the Relationship among Individual Learning,Organizational Learning and Learning Organization;个体学习、组织学习与学习型组织之辨析

2.Learning organization is a new type of organization pattern.学习型组织是一种新型的组织模式。

3.A Study on Innovational Organization of Industrial Cluster;集群创新:从“学习型组织”到“创新型组织”

4.Appraisal model of learning organization of enterprise and organization study effect;企业学习型组织及组织学习效果综合评价模型

5."Learning Organization "and Teacher Development in Polytechnic;"学习型组织"与建设学习型教师队伍

6.Construction of Learning Organization in the Public Administrative Organization;学习型组织在公共行政组织中的建构


8.A new direction of organization changing-to establish the learning organization;组织变革的方向——建立学习型组织

9.Building Schools of the Study Type--The Conceptualization of the Research in Building the Study Type Organization of Schools;营造学习型学校——学校学习型组织建设研究构想

10.Structural Pattern of Learning-type Organization and Optimization of Academic Organizations in Colleges;学习型组织结构模式与大学学术组织优化

11.The Research on Organizational Change in Colleges and Universities Based on the Theory of Learning Organization;基于学习型组织理论的大学组织变革研究

12.On the Revelation of the Theory of Learning-Typed Organization for the Development of Organizations in Schools;试论学习型组织理论对学校组织发展的启示

13.The Application of the Learning Organization Theory in Establishing the Learning University;学习型组织理论在“学习型高校”创建中的运用

14.Establishment of Study-typed Organization and Enterprise Culture;创建学习型组织和学习型企业文化之我见

15."Learning-type Organization" and Building Higher Vocational Teaching Staff of Learning Type;“学习型组织”与建设学习型高职教师队伍

16."Learning Organization"and Establishment of Learning Staff in vocational Institutes;“学习型组织”与高职学习型教师队伍建设

17.Studies on "learning entity" in learning organization: Types and case studies;学习型组织中的“学习主体”类型与案例研究

18.Effects of Transforming Leadership on Building Learning Organization;变革型领导对创建学习型组织的影响


learning-type organization学习型组织

1.Study on the construction of thelearning-type organization in the construction enterprise;施工企业创建学习型组织的探讨

2.Reflections on problems of establishinglearning-type organization in Chinese enterprises;关于我国企业创建学习型组织若干问题的思考

3.After reviewing and concluding the past 50 years experience of constructing teaching and research section,the system and content of teaching and research activities,this paper proposes that innovation of teaching and research section s construction exists in shaping learning-type one:To make teachers become learners as well,and make teaching and research sectionlearning-type organization.回顾总结了学院50年办学历程中积累的教研室建设的经验,教研活动的制度和内容要点;提出教研室建设的创新在于创建学习型教研室,使教师成为学习者,使教研室成为学习型组织。

3)learning organizations学习型组织

1.Bring knowledge management into effect quickly to expediting the traditionary enterprise translated intolearning organizations;加快实施知识管理促进传统企业向学习型组织转化

2.St·Jean s definition of thelearning organizations as the basic theory of learning libraries,the paper probes into the connotation and characteristics of learning libraries as well as the reality meaning of constructing learning libraries,and puts forward some specific measures on how to construct learning libraries.圣吉博士的学习型组织理论,探讨了学习型图书馆的含义和基本特征及建立学习型图书馆的现实意义,并对如何创建学习型图书馆提出了具体措施。

3.Nowadayslearning organizations have been begun to construct by many units,but they can not correctly understand its necessity in the history.目前虽然许多单位已开始创建学习型组织,但是并未能正确理解它的历史必然性。

4)study organization学习型组织

1.Upgrading college teachers creativity instudy organization;构建高校学习型组织中教师创造力培养的模式

2.Thestudy organization in library and librarian s continuing education;学习型组织与图书馆员的继续教育

3.Research on Training System of Aerospace Seventh Academy Based on Study Organization Theory;基于学习型组织理论的航天七院培训体系研究

5)the learning organization学习型组织

1.The Instiration of the Management of Students Statues s Reform by the Learning Organization Thorey;学习型组织理论对改革高校学籍管理制度的启示

2.Vocational schools must becomethe learning organization;职业学校必须成为学习型组织

3.Try to find out the solving scheme about financial management and accounting onthe learning organization;学习型组织及其财务与会计解决方案初探

6)learning-organization school学习型组织学校

1.This paper,by analyzing deeply the present developing situation of the learning organizations in China,reflects profoundly on such problems as opaque understanding of the theories,guidelines,infrastructures,methods and instruments in the process of constructinglearning-organization schools.本文对学习型组织在中国的发展现状进行了深入分析,针对中国在构建学习型组织学校过程中对学习型组织理论的模糊认识,对学习型组织的架构——"指导观念与理论"、"基础设施"与"方法和工具"等三部分组成的理解不到位,只强调指导观念,忽视基础设施、方法和工具等问题,进行了深刻反思,揭示了五项修炼的方法和工具及其对我们当前构建学习型组织学校的意义。


J型组织J型组织type J organizationJ型组织(type J organization)美国日裔心理学家威廉。大内在((z理论:美国企业界怎样迎接日本的挑战》一书中,把日本的企业组织称为J型组织。他认为,J组织的文化基础是个人流动性低、团体感强等。它渊源于日本人世代为邻、居住环境没有隐私、靠协调合作而得以生存的社会环境,它产生一种最重要的社会价值观是个人并不重要,个人的需要绝对不可超越整体的利益。因此威廉·大内认为,日本的J型组织是对民族文化的同质、稳定、集体主义等状况的一种适应。在这种组织中,个体间的心理与行为总是亲密地融合在一起的。威廉·大内在把日本的J型组织同西方的A型组织进行对比研究时,对两者在人力资源管理方面的差异进行了对比,并提出Z型组织。J型组织与A型组织在人力资源管理方面的差别如下:理(孙俊山撰张熨审)
