100字范文 > 城市生活固体废弃物 Municipal Domestic Solid Waste英语短句 例句大全

城市生活固体废弃物 Municipal Domestic Solid Waste英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-14 10:58:31


城市生活固体废弃物 Municipal Domestic Solid Waste英语短句 例句大全

城市生活固体废弃物,Municipal Domestic Solid Waste

1)Municipal Domestic Solid Waste城市生活固体废弃物

1.Research on Evaluation of the EcologicMunicipal Domestic Solid Waste Logistics;生态型城市生活固体废弃物物流的评价研究


1.Research on Evaluation of the Ecologic Municipal Domestic Solid Waste Logistics;生态型城市生活固体废弃物物流的评价研究

2.Settlement of Municipal Solid Wastes;城市生活固体废弃物(MSW)的沉降变形研究

3.Research on City Life Solid Wastes Logistics Process Based on Life Cycle Assessment基于生命周期的城市生活固体废弃物物流流程分析

4.The Study of Ecological Assessment of Municipal Solid Waste Logistics System Based on Process Optimization基于流程优化的城市生活固体废弃物物流系统的生态评价研究

5.Research on Location-Routing Problem in the Municipal Solid Wastes Reverse Logistics Network;城市生活固体废弃物逆向物流网络选址—路径问题研究

6.Technological development for disposingmunicipal domestic garbage;城市固体废弃物——生活垃圾处理技术发展方向

7.Research on Logistics Network of Living Solid Wastes of Beijing;北京市生活固体废弃物物流网络研究

8.On the Perfecting of Life Solid Castoff Logistics System in Cities;试论城市生命体中生活固体废弃物物流系统的完善

9.Production of Activated Carbon from Municipal Solid Organic Wastes;城市固体有机废弃物制备活性炭的研究

10.Stability analysis of slope of municipal solid waste sanitary landfill城市固体废弃物卫生填埋场边坡稳定性分析

11.Research on Domestic Waste Logistics System of Chongqing City重庆市主城区生活废弃物物流体系建设研究

12.Primary Study on Greenhouse Gas;城市固体废弃物(MSW)填埋处理温室气体

13.Characterization of Deformation and Strength for Municipal Solid Waste;城市固体废弃物变形及强度特性研究


15.A Study on the Municipal Solid Waste Impact on Urban Ecosystem of Lanzhou;城市固体废弃物对兰州城市生态系统的影响研究

16.Research on the Management of the Reclamation of the Urban Solid Waste;城市生活废弃物回收链管理对策研究

17.The Development and Reform of Solid Waste Collection and Transportation System in Dalian大连市城市固体废弃物收运系统发展及改革

18.The Research on Theory and Practice of Municipal Solid Waste Sanitary Landfill Design;城市固体废弃物卫生填埋场设计理论与应用研究


municipal solid waste城市固体废弃物

1.Shear strength mechanism and constitutive model ofmunicipal solid waste;城市固体废弃物的剪切强度机理及本构关系

2.Dynamic characterization and parameter identification formunicipal solid waste;城市固体废弃物的动力特性及参数确定

3.Thermogravimetric analysis and pyrolytic kinetic study onmunicipal solid wastes(MSW);城市固体废弃物热重分析及热解动力学研究

3)municipal solid waste(MSW)城市固体废弃物

1.To study the dynamic strengths of municipal solid waste(MSW),the dynamic triaxial tests on artificial MSW samples were performed by using moderate-scale dynamic triaxial apparatus.通过人工配制城市固体废弃物试样,利用中型动三轴试验仪,进行城市固体废弃物的动强度试验。

2.A laboratory testing method,which is used to measure water holdup of municipal solid waste(MSW) is introduced.提出城市固体废弃物填埋场垃圾土持水率研究的室内试验方法,并对根据我国南方某填埋场垃圾组成配置的垃圾混合物进行试验。

4)urban solid waste城市固体废弃物

1.The paper suggests to change the traditional terminal management mode ofurban solid wastes into positive management from the origination and to establish united and coordinated recycling logistics system of theurban solid wastes.首先,摈弃传统的城市固体废弃物终端处理模式,改为从源头做主动处理。

2.Modern sanitary dumping engineering is a safe, effective and controllable method for dumpingurban solid wastes, which concerns many disciplines involving environmental safety, ecological safety, industrial safety and sanitary safety.现代卫生填埋工程是一种安全、有效、有控制地处理城市固体废弃物的方法,其涉及众多学科,属于环境安全、生态安全、工业安全、卫生安全共同关注的问题。

5)municipal solid wastes城市固体废弃物

1.Application of mineral processing techniques in the recovery of secondary resources frommunicipal solid wastes;选矿技术在城市固体废弃物资源化中的应用

2.Current situation and advance of research on settlement model formunicipal solid wastes;城市固体废弃物沉降模型研究现状及其进展


1.PresentMSW Conditions and Its Treatment and Disposal Both Home and Abroad;现阶段国内外城市固体废弃物的治理技术与治理概况

2.Having the advantages of remarkable volume-reduction, weight-reduction and energy-recovery, disposing of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) by incinerations have been widely used abroad during the past twenty years.焚烧法处理城市固体废弃物具有显著的减容、减重以及可回收热能等优点,过去的二十多年内在国外得到广泛应用,目前在我国正逐渐得到推广。

3.With the rapid growth of the urban economy and its expansion, these pollutions caused by municipal solid waste (MSW) are worsening increasingly, hence disastrously degrade the environment and the health of the inhabitant living within.但由于我国对城市固体废弃物的管理起步也较晚,很多管理体制都不够完善,固体废弃物管理问题依然严重。


