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初中数学 Junior High School Mathematics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-28 08:17:41


初中数学 Junior High School Mathematics英语短句 例句大全

初中数学,Junior High School Mathematics

1)Junior High School Mathematics初中数学

1.Research on the Curriculum Conformity of Information Technology andJunior High School Mathematics;信息技术与初中数学教学整合问题研究

2.The junior high school mathematics textbook in new edition has no big changes in its content, hut is characterized by being up-to-date in knowledge, less complicated in calculation, practical and functional.新修订的初中数学教材虽改动不大,但具有增强新技术含量,减少繁难复杂运算,贴近生活注重实际应用等特点。

3.Under the concept of new course, dramatic changes have already taken place in the standard of junior high school mathematics classroom teaching evaluation.新课程理念下的初中数学课堂教学评价的标准已发生重大变革,准确理解新课程课堂教学评价理念,认真研究新的课堂教学评价标准,对教师反思课堂教学行为,提高专业化水平都有直接帮助。


1.In Junior Middle School Mathematics New Curriculum Number and Algebra Teaching Research;初中数学新课程中数与代数教学研究

2.On Teaching Models of "Research Studying" in junior Maths;初中数学“探究”学习教学模式初探

3.On the Infiltration of Maths Thought and Method in Maths Teaching of Junior Middle School;初中数学教学中数学思想方法的渗透

4.The Study on Teaching Patterns of Math Activity Course in Junior Middle School;初中数学活动课教学模式的初步研究

5.A Trial Probe into Junior Math Teaching in the Case of New Course Reform;新课改下初中数学课堂教学实践初探

parative Study on "Number and Algebra" of Middle School Math of Mainland and Taiwan海峡两岸初中数学“数与代数”比较研究

7.A Study on Cultivating Students Creative Ideology in the Process of Mathematics Teaching in Junior Middle Schools;初中数学教学过程中培养学生创新意识初探

8.The Initial Discussion on the Application of Cooperative Teaching Methodology into Math Teaching in Junior School;“合作教学论”在初中数学教学中的应用初探

9.Discussion on the Application of "Question Teaching" in Math Teaching of Junior Middle School;“问题教学”在初中数学教学中的应用

10.A Teaching Study on Using Well-designed Worksheets in a Junior High School对初中数学“学案助学”的教学研究

11.Analysis of cultivating mathematical ability in mathematics teaching of Junior middle school浅析初中数学课堂教学中学生数学能力的培养

12.The Teaching Practice of Mathematics Method of Thinking in Junior High School Mathematics;初中数学中的数学思想与方法的教学实践

13.Study of Mathematical History in Junior Middle School Text Published by Beijing Normal University;北京师范大学版初中数学教材中数学史的研究

14.Application of Mathematics Thought Way in Junior High School Mathematics Concept Teaching数学思想方法在初中数学概念教学中的运用

15.The Experiment Research of Teaching That Mathematics Topic of Junior High School Studies;初中数学“课题学习”教学实验研究

16.High School Mathematics "Preliminary Algorithm" Preliminary Study of Teaching高中数学“算法初步”教学的初步研究

17.On applying mathematical thinking to junior high school math teaching;在初等数学教学中渗透数学思想方法

18.Mathematical Model of Scale on Epistemic Beliefs about Mathematics for Junior Middle School Students;初中生数学认识信念量表的数学模型


junior middle school mathematics初中数学

1.Through the practice of mathematics teaching under the new curricula,the author proposes that further reform of the teaching ofjunior middle school mathematics can be realized through the reform of teaching materials,effective integration of learning strategies,modernization of teaching methodologies,and diversification of assessments.通过新课程下的数学教学的实践,提出了在现阶段的初中数学教学中,应通过教学内容重组,学习方式有效结合,评价形式多样化,教学手段现代化,从而达到深化课改的目的,促使学生数学素养的全面提升和发展。

2."The task-based learning" entering into the teaching materials ofjunior middle school mathematics is a spotlight in mathematics elementary education reform.“课题学习”走进初中数学教材是数学基础教育改革的一大亮点。

3)junior mathematics初中数学

1.Learning Strategies of Algebra in Junior Mathematics New Curriculum;初中数学新课程代数学习策略研究

2.The Practice and Research of Layered Teaching in Junior Mathematics;初中数学分层教学的实践研究

3.Design of Instructional Resources of Junior Mathematics Based on the Thought of Integrable Ware;基于积件思想的初中数学教学资源设计

4)junior high school初中数学

1.Teaching implementation of a network of teaching courses in Junior High School Mathematics has become the curriculum reform to promote a new round of a breakthrough in network class.初中数学教学采用网络课实施教学已经成为推进新一轮课程改革的突破口,网络课是指利用网上丰富的信息资源和网络的互动性,为学生的学习创设一种情境,提供一个学习和交流的平台,学生在教师的帮助下,借助于计算机软件通过同学之间的相互协作进行研究性学习,从而获取知识、解决问题,同时提高课堂效率,学生在网络课中通过实验、观察、猜想、验证、归纳、表述、交流、上传作品等活动,从“听”数学的学习方式,改变成在教师的指导下“做”数学。

5)Mathematics of Junior School初中数学

1.The Research on Intuitive Methods of Teaching inMathematics of Junior School;初中数学的直观性教学研究

2.The Research on the Mould of the Effective Cooperative Study inMathematics of Junior School;初中数学有效合作学习模式研究

6)Junior school mathematical teaching初中数学教学

1.Junior school mathematical teaching is an important path to foster the student creative ability and it has the obvious advantage.初中数学教学是培养学生创新能力的一个重要途径,具有明显的优势。


《初中数学万题选》《初中数学万题选》新编精解本 第三版,初一适用。北京大学出版社出版中国人民大学附属中学,北京大学附属中学,北京市第四中学,北京师范大学附属实验中学,清华大学附属中学合编。责任编辑;王 艳封面设计;林胜利定价;12元书号;isbn 7-301-03357-5/g·400
