100字范文 > 设计重现期 design return period英语短句 例句大全

设计重现期 design return period英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-06-13 13:08:27


设计重现期 design return period英语短句 例句大全

设计重现期,design return period

1)design return period设计重现期

1.The importance and the selection basis of inputted rain parameters including rainoff duration, rainoff intensity anddesign return period in drainage design for porous asphalt concrete pavement are discussed in this paper, which is expected to adopt the suitable concept and method in this kind of issue.讨论了道路采用多空隙沥青混凝土面层后 ,排水设计中降雨输入参数的意义及其选择依据 ,包括降雨历时、降雨强度与设计重现期 ,以期对这种路面的排水设计采取相对应的概念与方法。

2)designed rainfall reappearing period设计降雨重现期


1.Investigation on Design of Rainfall Reappearing Period in Highway Drainage Facilities公路排水设施中设计降雨重现期的研究

2.Study on the stability of landfill under the different repetition period of rainfall不同降雨重现期垃圾填埋场稳定性研究

3.Design and Implementation of the System for Artificial Simulation of Rainfall Based on PCC;基于PCC的人工模拟降雨系统设计与实现

4.Design and Implementation of Distributed Rainfall Runoff Forecasting;分布式降雨径流预报系统的设计与实现

5.depth-area-duration analysis of severe rainstorm暴雨的雨量─面积─降雨期分析

6.Based on changing principle of flow procedure lines produced by precipitation, one calculating method for designing area precipitation has been studied, in which the earlier stage precipitation must be considered.应用降水产生流量过程线的变化原理,研究了一个考虑前期影响雨量的设计洪涝面雨量计算方法。

7.Change Characteristics and Climate Return Periods Calculation of Heavy Precipitation in the Northeast Side of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau青藏高原东北侧强降水变化特征及其气候重现期计算

8.Regulating Model of DEM-Based Urban Rainfall Infiltration基于DEM的城市降雨入渗条件调控模型的设计

9.The new pipes and network will be designed and built for treatment of early-stage rainfall.新建排水管网考虑初期雨水处理设计。

10.intensity-duration-frequency analysis强度─降雨期─频率分析

11.Particular emphasis is given to the stents design, stents coating and biodegradable stents.重点放在可降解支架设计、支架涂层上。

12.Reducing the Design Cost--One Important Policy Decision of Cost;降低设计成本是一项重要的成本决策

13.Design and Realization of Statistical Inspection System for Jiangxi Artificial precipitation enhancement江西省人工增雨统计检验系统设计与实现

14.Design of GA-BP neural network model used in Daqing rainfall prediction基于遗传算法和BP算法的大庆降雨量神经网络优化模型设计

15.The Design of the Simulation Experiment on the Relationship of Debris Flow Velocity,Deposition Mode and Rainfall泥石流流速、堆积模式与降雨量关系模拟实验设计

16.Design and Application of Underdrain without Slope in Rainwater System of Residential Area无坡降地面式暗沟在居住区雨水系统中的应用与设计

17.Design and Implementation of Automatic Derating Design Based on Protel;基于Protel的自动降额设计系统设计与实现

18.Design and Implementation of Monitor System about Subsider Raker Load沉降槽耙机负荷监测系统设计与实现


designed rainfall reappearing period设计降雨重现期

3)Design Scene Reconstruction设计现场重建

4)Return period重现期

1.Determination of design return period for urban storm-drainage systems;城镇雨水管渠设计重现期取值方法探讨

2.Probing into the historical flood return period of the Guilin Lijiang river;确定桂林漓江历史洪水重现期的探讨

5)recurrence interval重现期

1.Holocene extraordinary flood of Qinhe River and itsrecurrence interval;沁河流域全新世特大洪水及其重现期初步研究

2.Therecurrence interval of disaster loss is the average time interval of arising disaster loss of some degree in the future.灾害损失的重现期指未来某一程度的灾害损失出现的平均时间间隔。

3.Based on floodrecurrence interval,floods can be classified into twelve grades.洪水等级是描述洪水大小的简易指标,根据重现期,洪水可以划分为12个等级。

6)recurrence period重现期

1.The storm flood features in Wujiang river basin are analyzed and the historical flood magnitude andrecurrence period are textually investigated,with the consideration of the deducted natural flood series from the flood affected by upstream reservoir,the natural dam site design flood and reservoir inflow design flood are analyzed.分析乌江流域的暴雨洪水特性,对历史洪水量级和重现期进行考证,加入受上游水库影响还原后的天然系列,分析计算天然坝址设计洪水和入库设计洪水。

2.Finally,the rational values of therecurrence periods of three seismic design levels are discussed.在计算了四类不同重要性建筑常遇、偶遇、罕遇地震相应于50a的超越概率后,通过分析各类建筑各级设防水准的重现期探讨了重现期的合理取值问题。

3.Finally, the suggestedrecurrence periods of three different levels of earthquake designs, i.本文讨论了设防地震动水准问题,建议在抗震设计规范中舍弃烈度,采用设防地震动区划图, 并建议采用重现期为50年、475年和1000年的地震动参数作为小、中、大三级设防地震动水准。


