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新批评 New Criticism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-29 05:59:25


新批评 New Criticism英语短句 例句大全

新批评,New Criticism

1)New Criticism新批评

1.The Metaphysical Poetry in the View ofNew Criticism;新批评视野中的玄学派诗歌——以《致他的娇羞的女友》为例

2.Tension in "To Autumn"——Elements of a Good Poem inNew Criticism Perspective;《秋颂》中的张力——新批评观中好诗的质素

3.On New criticism Theory and Ideology;关于新批评和意识形态的几点思考


1.Ontological Criticism--the Essence of the Anglo-American New Criticism;本体论批评——英美新批评的本质特征

2.The New Criticism and the Criticism and the Use of Text of Wen-hsin Tiao-lung;新批评派与《文心雕龙》批评方法略论及文本运用

3.The Influence of New Criticism on Western Literary Theory and Criticism新批评派对于西方文学理论与批评的影响

4.The critics came down hard on the new play.批评家批评这个新剧作。

5.Critical Metaphor Analysis:A New Method of Critical Discourse Analysis;批评话语分析的新方法:批评隐喻分析

6.Ethical Approach to Literary Studies: A New Perspective;文学伦理学批评:文学批评方法新探索

7.Reader-Response Criticism:A New Perspective on Literary Criticism读者反应批评——文学翻译批评新视角

8.The paper criticized the new movie.报抵批评这部新电影。

9.The new play has attracted a good deal of criticisms这出新剧招致很多批评

10.The new play has attracted a good deal of criticism.这出新剧招致很多批评.

11.The new play have attract a good deal of criticism.这出新剧招致很多批评。

12.Critics acclaimed the new play.批评家们盛赞这出新戏。

13.A Masterpiece of Translation Criticism--On An Introduction to Translation Criticism;翻译批评研究的新篇章——《翻译批评导论》述评

14.Aesthetic Criticism:Original Form of the New Age Feminist Literary Criticism;审美批评:新时期女性主义文学批评的原初形态

15.The Critical Strategies and Methods for the New Historicism;新历史主义文学批评的批评策略和方法

16.A New Trend in Translation Criticism;翻译批评的新走向——试论建设性的翻译批评

17.The Review of the Criticism of Golden Lotus in the New Period;新时期《金瓶梅》的社会历史批评及文化学批评

18.A Discourse Criticism:Reflection on a New Approach of Literary Criticism;话语批评学:关于一种文艺批评新模式的思考


the New Criticism新批评

1.On The Theories of the Modernization of Chinese New Poetry andthe New Criticism;论新批评理论与袁可嘉新诗现代化理论

2.An Analysis on Bi and Xing of Wenxindiaolong——Comparing with the Notion about Metaphor ofthe New Criticism;《文心雕龙》“比兴”论解析——兼与新批评隐喻观念比较

3.On the Scientific Efforts ofthe New Criticism;论英美新批评的科学化努力


1.The influence of Neo-Criticism on McLuhan’ communication studies文学新批评派对麦克卢汉传播研究的影响

2.The paper analyzes a short poem Amsterdam by AN Yu, a poet born in Sichuan Province, from the perspectives of Chinese traditional impressionist criticism and Americanneo-criticism, and points out that the poem is enchanting for its ambiguity and tension though it is formally simple.以传统印象论和美国新批评相结合的方法分析川籍诗人安遇的短诗《阿姆斯特丹》,指出这首诗以一种极简单的方式创造了一种含混的、充满张力的艺术魅力,并试图以此为范例,表明传统批评法与现代西方批评法相结合的可能性。

4)news criticism新闻批评

1.In the present society,news criticism is a main way to supervise through public opinion.在现代社会中,开展新闻批评是发挥舆论监督作用的重要途径,是人民监督的一种形式,是我党的一贯方针。

2.During this period,news criticism in Nanfang Daily has been resumed and prosperous gradually, becoming riper and riper.这一时期,《南方日报》的新闻批评逐步恢复、繁荣,并日渐成熟,新闻批评成为《南方日报》的一大品牌和特色。

5)new criticism school新批评派

1.On the basis of listing and analyzing several main ideas on what nature of literature is, this paper thinks thatnew criticism school, started from in the 19th century, has special opinions on this problem.而兴起于19世纪的新批评派在这个问题上有着独到的见解,它摒弃了前人观点的不足,将文学看成是一个以文本为中心的独立自足的世界,为推进文学本质研究起到了重要作用。

2.New Criticism School is one of the most important literary criticism schools at the 20th century and has made remarkable theoretical and practical achievements.新批评派作为20世纪最重要的文学批评流派之一,在理论建构与实践操作等层面都贡献颇丰。

6)criticism of new poems新诗批评

1.WEN Yi-duo s initiation of new poetic meters and hiscriticism of new poems are very striking in the establishment of the artistic form and aesthe tical principles of modern poems.闻一多先生“新格律诗”理论的倡导及其新诗批评,在确立现代新诗的艺术形式与美学原则方面,为世人所瞩目。


