100字范文 > 城市建筑评价 Evaluation of urban architecture英语短句 例句大全

城市建筑评价 Evaluation of urban architecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-21 18:32:22


城市建筑评价 Evaluation of urban architecture英语短句 例句大全

城市建筑评价,Evaluation of urban architecture

1)Evaluation of urban architecture城市建筑评价

2)Urban value of architecture建筑的城市价值

3)urban building城市建筑

1.The theory and application of natural ventilation are introduced in this paper, and it is suggested that the main problem of its application inurban building is the noise control and air -born pollution control after the analysis of its demand on surrounding environment.本文介绍了自然通风技术的原理和应用方式,并通过该技术应用的环境分析,指出自然通风技术在城市建筑中应用的主要障碍是环境的噪音和空气污染物的控制。

2.The 3D modeling ofurban building is one of the most important techniques in designing urban landscape and digital urban foundational construction.城市建筑物的三维建模是城市景观规划设计以及数字城市基础建设最重要的技术之一,在此对建筑物三维坐标测绘提出新的方法。

3.Along with the enormous construction ofurban buildings, the area of the green surface in our country is less and less.随着城市建筑物的大量兴建,使我国的绿地面积越来越少。


1.AMCBO = Association of Major City Building Official主要城市建筑官员协会

2.City & Building Intelligent System《城市建筑智能系统》

3.Study on Urban Architecture from Its "Urban-attribute";建筑城市性理念下的城市建筑专题研究

4.On Urban Cultural Features and Urban Architecture from the Aspect of City Construction;从南通城建看城市文化特色与城市建筑形态


6.Research on City Architecture Modeling from Image Sequences;基于图像序列的城市建筑物建模研究

7.Urban Identity Crisis and the Self-organized Mechanism of Urban Architectural Scene;城市特色危机与城市建筑风貌的自组织机制

8.Research on Integration of Urban Building Space and Urban Transportation Space城市建筑空间与城市交通空间的整合研究

9.The Sculpturing of Urban Architecture Scene and the Introduction of Urban Design Guidelines城市建筑风貌特色塑造及城市设计导则的引入

10.Urban architectural space and the construction of urban location:a survey on Beijing City;城市建筑空地遗留与区位建设——以北京市为例

11.A city rich in ancient buildings.古建筑极多的城市。

12.College of Architecture and Urban Planning建筑与城市规划学院

13.detailed,large-scale diagram of part of a town,district,group of buildings,etc(城市、区、建筑群等的)详图

14.Citizens in the city"s civil buildings are all civilized.城市名用建筑内的市民全都得到教化。

15.Architectural Design of Guangzhou Twin Towers and Urban Design of Perpheral Area广州市“双塔”建筑设计及周边城市设计

16.City·Building·Space--Expounding the Design of the Open Spaces at the Bottom of Buildings城市·建筑·空间——论建筑底部开放空间设计手法

17.All the buildings in the city stand on top of the hills.这城市的所有建筑物都建在小丘土。

18.Study on reconstruction and extension design of primary and secondary school buildings in city;城市中小学建筑改扩建设计研究初探


Urban value of architecture建筑的城市价值

3)urban building城市建筑

1.The theory and application of natural ventilation are introduced in this paper, and it is suggested that the main problem of its application inurban building is the noise control and air -born pollution control after the analysis of its demand on surrounding environment.本文介绍了自然通风技术的原理和应用方式,并通过该技术应用的环境分析,指出自然通风技术在城市建筑中应用的主要障碍是环境的噪音和空气污染物的控制。

2.The 3D modeling ofurban building is one of the most important techniques in designing urban landscape and digital urban foundational construction.城市建筑物的三维建模是城市景观规划设计以及数字城市基础建设最重要的技术之一,在此对建筑物三维坐标测绘提出新的方法。

3.Along with the enormous construction ofurban buildings, the area of the green surface in our country is less and less.随着城市建筑物的大量兴建,使我国的绿地面积越来越少。

4)urban architecture城市建筑

1.The Strategy of the Region Cultural Design in Modern Urban Architecture现代城市建筑的地域文化性设计策略

2.This paper briefly states the problems in urban design such as the utilization of nature and history and the design for urban landscape andurban architecture;points out that only by conducting the overall artistic layout for the city with the consideration of various factors,could the whole urban environmental quality be improved.文章简述了城市设计中自然条件的利用、历史条件的利用、城市景观设计、城市建筑设计等一系列问题,强调只有综合考虑各种不同因素对城市进行总体艺术布局,才能提高整个城市环境质量。

5)city buildings城市建筑

1.Thecity buildings which are in pursuit of big, foreign and new scales excessively and beyond actual economics are performing.贪大、求洋、求新、超越实际经济承受能力的城市建筑正在中国大张旗鼓的上演。

2.This article focuses efforts on introducing the applying environment of the mid-water engineering incity buildings as well as its social and economic benefits.由于城市用水量的不断扩大 ,所以大力推广和建设城市建筑中水工程已势在必行。

3.In the light of the p rese nt statement ofcity buildings renovation in China ,this paper criticized the d isadvantages of some reformed buildings which have great value in history and cu lture,and puts forward some principles which should be conformed to during the p eriod of renovation.从目前我国城市建筑的整治状况入手,指出了在对一些极具历史和文化价值的建筑进行改造中的不足,并提出了整治中应遵循的原则。

6)urban construction城市建筑

1.This article explains the purpose and meaning for cleaningurban construction,especially the external surface of the high rise buildings,analyzes the current cleaning methods and introduces an effective cleaning machine and a calculation method.阐述了清洗城市建筑、尤其是高层建筑外墙的目的和意义 ,对现有的高层建筑外墙清洗方法进行了分析 ,并介绍了一种提高清洗效率的清洗机械及计算方法。

2.We focus on the actuality that, the development of China\"surban construction after the reform and open policy is flourishing, but the theoretical Study is laggard and the consciousness of the chain reaction about the process is impercipient, result in the huge waste and duplicate build.其中“小尺度街区”是文章探索城市空间构成的前提条件和城市形态结构基础,并在此基础上通过城市街道、城市建筑、城市绿化系统、城市色彩各个方面的配套建设,最终实现建设集安全性、开放性、宜居性、经济性、可持续发展性等于一体的健康城市空间。

3.This article criticizes a lot of problems of theurban construction that have recently cropped up through observing and considering theurban construction nowadays.本文通过对现今生活的城市中的建筑的观察及思考,批判了近些年来在城市建筑方面的种种问题。


