100字范文 > 被动式节能改造 passive energy-saving reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

被动式节能改造 passive energy-saving reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-13 03:39:51


被动式节能改造 passive energy-saving reconstruction英语短句 例句大全

被动式节能改造,passive energy-saving reconstruction

1)passive energy-saving reconstruction被动式节能改造

2)Passive energy saving被动式节能


1.Low energy-saving technology of the architectural design-the application of passive energy conservation低技术化的节能建筑设计——被动式节能的应用


3.Discuss on Passive Energy Saving Landscape Design of Nanning"s Garden南宁市被动式节能庭园景观设计的探讨

4.The Research of Energy-saving Effect of Passive Solar House in Yinchuan银川地区被动式太阳房节能效果的研究

5.Eco-Design of Energy Consumption: The scheme adopts geothermal energy, thermostatic system and passive solar energy to saving the energy consumption.能源生态型设计:采用地温恒温系统被动式太阳能等,节约能源。

6.Study on Resistive Functional Training of Passive Spread of Ankle Joint;踝关节被动伸展性抗阻功能训练研究

7.Analysis of energy-saving potential of energy regenerative suspension system on hybrid vehicle混合动力车辆馈能式悬架的节能潜力

8.Transform energy saving from “passive” to “demanded”--Inspiration from Energy Saving Measure in Germany;将节能从“被动态”转为“需求态”——德国节能举措的启示

9.A Movable Intelligent Node and its Realization in WMSNWMSN中一种可移动智能节点的实现方式

10.Research on energy-saving control of piston typed pneumatic vacuum generator活塞式气动真空发生器节能控制研究

11.Dynamic Indoor Temperature Prediction and Energy Consumption Analysis of Passive Solar Building;被动式太阳能建筑动态室温预测及能耗分析

12.Properties of Passive Green Humidity-controlling Materials;被动式绿色调湿材料性能的试验研究

13.Climate Division for Passive Solar Buildings;被动式太阳能建筑设计气候分区研究

14.A Contrastive Study of the Form and Function of English and Chinese Passive Voice;英汉被动语态的形式与功能对比研究

15.Experimental study on cooling method of passive solar house被动式太阳能建筑夏季降温实验研究

16.The cluster node failed to take control of the quorum resource because the resource is owned by another active node.群集节点未能控制仲裁资源,因为它被另一个活动节点拥有。

17.Energy-saving Research of Multi-power Modes for Wheel Loader Engines轮式装载机发动机多功率模式节能研究

18.Putting on a hat can be a ceremonious act, an elegant gesture in the ritual of dressing.戴帽子被看作一种礼节性的举动,是着装仪式上一个优雅的举动。


Passive energy saving被动式节能

3)passive energy saving house被动式节能住宅

4)energy-saving reform节能改造

1.Effect factors onenergy-saving reform of construction;影响既有建筑节能改造的因素

2.The application and analysis of conversion technique about the pump and fans inenergy-saving reform;变频技术在泵与风机节能改造中的应用分析

3.Theenergy-saving reform of injection moulding system was accomplished using frequency inverter.运用变频器对注塑机进行节能改造设计,采用比例流量、比例压力信号动态控制变频器的输出频率,从而控制油泵电机的转速,实现变压节能。

5)energy saving reconstruction节能改造

1.Research onenergy saving reconstruction of existent public building;既有公共建筑节能改造的研究

2.Profitability analysis ofenergy saving reconstruction in existing residential building;采暖居住建筑节能改造收益分析

bining with the application of frequency control technique in power plant,the power saving effect of frequency control was analyzed,and the situation of frequency control equipment was discussed,so as to promote the application of frequency control technique inenergy saving reconstruction of power plant.对变频调速技术进行了介绍,结合变频调速在电厂中的应用,对变频调速的节电效果进行了分析,论述了变频调速装置产品的情况,以促进变频调速技术在电厂节能改造中的应用。

6)Energy-saving reconstruction节能改造

1.Research on the energy consumption and analysis on energy-saving reconstruction of the air-conditioning system in one hotel;某宾馆空调系统能耗调研与节能改造分析

2.On measures for energy-saving reconstruction for window body of existing residential buildings in heating areas of North北方采暖地区既有居住建筑窗体节能改造措施

pared with new buildings, the energy-saving reconstruction work for existing building in the country is much larger and has more potential.我国既有建筑节能改造与新建建筑相比量大、潜力更大。


