100字范文 > 生态建筑形态 The form of eco-architecture英语短句 例句大全

生态建筑形态 The form of eco-architecture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-15 00:51:56


生态建筑形态 The form of eco-architecture英语短句 例句大全

生态建筑形态,The form of eco-architecture

1)The form of eco-architecture生态建筑形态

2)architectural shape建筑形态

posed of threearchitectural shape of creativity busi- ness street, creativity LOFT and creativity ecological residence, Hi-Shanghai is a comprehensive plot of breaking the boundary of commerce, housing and office.海上海新城由创意商业街、创意LOFT和创意生态居三种建筑形态组成,是一个打破商、住、办边界的综合性小区。


1.The Dynamic Performance of the Form"s Variation in Contemporary High-rise Buildings当代高层建筑形态变异中的动态表现


3.A Probe into the Form of Taoism Architecture--Based on Examples in Shanxi Province道教建筑形态初探——以山西省道教建筑为例

4.The Research on the Affection of Missionary Architecture to Modern Chinese Architectural Style基督教建筑对近代中国建筑形态影响研究

5.Study on Frank Gehry s Creation of Architectural Shape Languge;弗兰克·盖里的建筑形态语言创作研究

6.Research on the Southern Dong Nationality s Traditional Architecture and Habitation in Southeast of the Guizhou Province;黔东南地区侗族村寨及建筑形态研究

7.Image and Abstract in Form of Museum;意象与抽象——博物馆建筑形态构成初探

8.The Analysis of Architecture Morphoiogy and Aesthetics on Cao s Dwelling House of Beiguang Village in Taigu County;太谷县北洸曹宅建筑形态及审美分析

9.Shape Variation --A Kind of Trend in Contemporary Architectural Form形体的变异——当代建筑形态中的一种倾向

10.Creation of the Structural Morphology and the Architecture Form of Long-span Architectures;大跨度建筑的结构形态与建筑形象塑造

11.Patterns·Expression,On the Construction of the Museum of Art with the Meaning形态·神态——论艺术馆建筑中的搭配意义

12.Analysis of the Effect of Terse Form Architecture of the Time;浅析简约形态建筑对当前国内建筑创作的影响

13.Study on the Exterior Space Form of the Modern Commercial Buildings around the Environment of History Architecture;古建筑周边的现代商业建筑外部空间形态研究

14.The Influence of Architectural Details to the Creational Form and Architectural Esthetic建筑细部对创作形态和建筑审美的影响

15.The Study on the Architectural Style & Space Configuration of the Dong Fuxiang Mansion in Ning Xia;宁夏董府的建筑风格与空间形态研究

16.Data Analysis and Process of Building Static Deformation Monitoring;建筑物静态变形监测数据分析与处理

17.The Analysis of Layout and Space Modality of Guandi Temple Architecture;关帝庙建筑的布局及其空间形态分析

18.An Approach to "Protoform" in Hiroshi Naito s Works;内藤广“原生形态(Protoform)”的建筑研究


architectural shape建筑形态

posed of threearchitectural shape of creativity busi- ness street, creativity LOFT and creativity ecological residence, Hi-Shanghai is a comprehensive plot of breaking the boundary of commerce, housing and office.海上海新城由创意商业街、创意LOFT和创意生态居三种建筑形态组成,是一个打破商、住、办边界的综合性小区。

3)architecture form建筑形态

1.Control ofarchitecture form in water spaces;水域空间建筑形态的控制

2.The emergence and development of the ecological thought have enriched, perfected, updated, and extended the main meanings of traditional architecture, as well as influence on the development and evolution of contemporaryarchitecture form.生态思想的产生与发展,丰富、完善、更新并拓展了传统建筑学的学科内容,对当代建筑形态的发展与演变产生了重要的影响。

4)architectural form建筑形态

1.The stereoscopic constitution artistic estbetics embodiment inarchitectural form;立体构成的艺术美在建筑形态中的体现

2.On topographic structure inarchitectural form design;建筑形态设计中对地形结构的思考

3.A probe over thearchitectural form of new style schools adapt to quality education (the first chapter) development and trend of education buliding;适应素质教育的新型中小学建筑形态探讨(上)——中小学建筑的发展及其动向

5)The form of architecture建筑形态

1.From the angle of space,the effect of the entrance on architecture forms is analyzed,the basic types of the space forms for the entrance are summarized,and the relation between the entrance and the form of architecture is researched.文章从空间角度入手,对入口在建筑形态中的作用进行了分析,总结了入口空间形态的基本类型,进一步对建筑入口空间与建筑形态之间的关系进行研究,探讨了由局部到整体,局部服从整体的“整体化”的设计方法。

2.From the angle of space, the article researches on the relation of the entrance and the form of architecture start, discusses the way of design from part to whole, and part submitting to whole.本文从空间入手,研究建筑入口空间与建筑形态之间的关系,探讨由局部到整体,局部服从整体的“整体化”的设计方法。

6)Architectural morphology建筑形态

1.A Study on Contemporary Digital Design Method and Strategy of Western Architectural Morphology;当代西方建筑形态数字化设计的方法与策略研究

2.Different theories and architectures shed light and inspiration on how to deal with the relationship of architecture and environment, while architecture and environment means much more in the process of designing when we put architectural morphology·topographic structure into t.当我们把“建筑形态·地形结构”放入这样一种背景时,建筑与环境在设计上就有了更深一层的含义。

3.Based on plenty of residential mapping information and field research, example surveying and statistical analysis of data, the author analyzed the features of Huizhou Residential Architectural Morphology from the viewpoints of structuralism, morphology and typology, revealed the composition of the internal law and organization rules.本文是对徽州地区古民居建筑形态的专题性分析和探讨。


生态1.显露美好的姿态。 2.生动的意态。 3.生物的生理特性和生活习性。
