100字范文 > 教学实践 teaching practice英语短句 例句大全

教学实践 teaching practice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-09-17 11:38:39


教学实践 teaching practice英语短句 例句大全

教学实践,teaching practice

1)teaching practice教学实践

1.Teaching Practice and Innovation in Chemical Technology;化学工艺学教学实践与探讨

2.Clinical practice training: curricular construction andteaching practice effect;临床实训课程建设与教学实践

3.A New Teaching Concept A New Teaching Practice ——The Thought on Adoption 《New College English》;全新的教学理念,崭新的教学实践——采用《新编大学英语》教学实践体会


1.The thinking and establishment of practice teaching base out of campus;校外教学实践基地建设的思考与实践

2.The Practice on Putting Bilingual Dynamic Instructional Design into Body Building Gymnastics in Colleges and Universities;高校健美操实践课动态双语教学实践

3.The Research and Practice of the Practice-week Teaching in Engineering Drawing;工程制图测绘实践周教学实践与研究

4.Optimizing Practical Teaching System,Strenthening Practical Skill Teaching;优化实践教学体系 加强实践技能教学

5.Building Practice Teaching System and Changing Practice Teaching Concept;构筑实践教学体系 转变实践教学理念

6.Improving Practice Teaching Quality through Deepening Reform;深化实践教学改革 提高实践教学质量

7.On the System Establishment and its Level Improvement of Practical Teaching;建立实践教学体系,提高实践教学水平

8.Intensifying Practical Teaching Reform to Improve Practical Teaching Quality;加强实践教学改革 提高实践教学质量

9.Optimizing Practice Teaching System to Improve Teaching Quality;优化实践教学系统提高实践教学质量

10.On The Explore and Practice of Production Combining Teaching Mode;产教结合实践教学模式的探索与实践

11."Witkey Practice":Open the Trial Educating the New Carrying out Teaching“威客实践”——开放教育实践教学的新尝试

12.Strengthen The Practice of University Teaching and Improve Students Ability to Practice;强化高校实践教学,提高学生实践能力

13.Theories and Practice of Reform of Practical Teaching in Colleges and Universities;高等学校实践教学改革的理论与实践

14.Study on New Mode of Clinical Practice Teaching;新型临床实践教学模式的研究与实践

15.Research and Practice of Cooperated Practice Teaching Soft Environments;协同式实践教学软环境的研究与实践

16.Promoting the construction of practical platform through completing practical teaching system;完善实践教学体系,促进实践平台建设

17.Study on Reform of Practical Teaching System for Economics Major;经济类专业实践教学体系研究与实践

18.Research and Practice of the Reform about Practice Teaching of Construction Measurement;建筑测量实践教学改革的研究与实践


teaching practices教学实践

1.Beside, it discussed experience of itsteaching practices.本文阐述了ISO9000族标准课程教学内容和教学计划的安排;介绍了ISO9000族标准课程教学实践的一些体会。

3)practical teaching教学实践

1.In teaching the college computer course,practical teaching should be strengthened to train and improve computer application ability and autonomous study ability of ethnic minority students.在学校的公共计算机教学中,应加强教学实践环节,培养和提高少数民族学生计算机的应用能力和自主学习能力。

2.We could search for room and broaden the view on teaching ideas,teraching modes, teaching contents, teaching methods,practical teaching, etc.本文着眼于学生的人文素养、创新思维、实践能力、专业技能的形成和发展,在教育理念、教学模式、教学内容、教学方法、教学实践等几个方面开辟领域,拓宽门径,力求教法课程教育教学结构理论框架及其具体可操作的实践活动方式进入创新轨道,与中文专业人才培养规格和教育教学目标视角的变换协调一致,同步发展。

4)teaching experience教学实践

1.From the angle of the discipline characteristic and theteaching experience,this paper explored the adjustments of the teaching structure and contents,teaching methods and patterns.从学科特点和教学实践的角度出发,针对教学结构与内容的调整、教学方式、方法、手段等问题进行探索,提出在讲授本课程时的想法。

2.Based on the current teaching situation of "Compiler Principle" and the authorsteaching experience, the author presents some problems in current "Compiler Principle" teaching and puts forward some proposals on how to carry out the reform of the "Compiler Principle" teaching.基于对编译原理教学现状的分析,结合作者的教学实践,文章指出了目前编译原理教学中存在的问题,给出了编译原理教学改革的基本思路。

5)instructional practice教学实践

1.By combining our years teaching experience,the authors point out the problems of instructional design ininstructional practice.作者结合多年教学实践,指出教学设计应用于教学实践存在的问题,在此基础上提出了解决的办法:在教学实践中普及、推广教学设计;纠正对教学设计的错误认识;改变传统的教育观念,提高教学设计能力;积极寻求并建立新的与教学实践更接近的教学设计理论,力求为有效的教学设计提供一些参考。

2.Theinstructional practice on the link between the real-life topic and senior middle school history curriculum that under the guidance of modern teaching theories, it is call of the times curriculum reform, is the demand of education for all-round development, and is an effective method to train students innovative consciousness, and it also is a good way to develop an .在现代教学理论指导下进行现实主题与高中历史课程相联系的教学实践,是时代课程改革的呼唤、是素质教育的要求、是培养创新意识的有效方法、是开展探究式学习的良好途径。

6)practical education实践教学

1.Extending thought on innovation ofpractical education with undergraduate virtual fictitious company;本科生虚拟公司拓宽实践教学改革思路

2.Research on enhancingpractical education for training applied talent person;加强实践教学培养应用型人才研究

3.Thepractical education is an important link to attain the training target.实践教学是达到培养目标的重要环节。


