100字范文 > 卸料车 discharging car英语短句 例句大全

卸料车 discharging car英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-22 01:56:27


卸料车 discharging car英语短句 例句大全

卸料车,discharging car

1)discharging car卸料车


1.Automatic control applied to mobile discharge car自动控制移动卸料车在选矿厂的应用

2.Automatic Control of Unloading Car of Intermediate Material Storehouse of Belt Conveyer System胶带输送机系统中间料仓卸料车的自动控制

3.bottom-dumping hopper body truck底卸料斗式运货汽车

4.transit site tank燃料油槽车下卸油罐

5.Reform of Screw-lifting Dumping Cart螺旋升降式卸料小车改造试验——散粮卸车新途径

6.skip loader vehicle后移式废料倾卸斗载重车辆

7.Modal Structural Analysis on Frame of Front Discharge Mixer Truck前卸料混凝土搅拌运输车车架结构模态分析

8.Design of control programming for floury materiel truck based on idea of micro program基于微程序思想的粉状物料车卸料程序

9.dumper ,for the transport of excavated or other materials, motorized for off-highway use越野机动卸货车,运输挖掘物或其他材料用

10.Operates lift-trucks to load, unload, carry or stack bulky materials.操控叉车装货、卸货、运输或堆放大体积的物料。

11.Realization of Unload Vehicle Control Signals Long-distance Transmission in Power Station;火电厂卸料小车控制信号远程传输的实现

12.Improvement of Vacuum Transportation Technique of Unloading Ship and Wagon of Bulk Cement;散装水泥车、船卸料中气力输送技术的应用改造

13.Application of Unloading Bucket in Bulk Grain Transferring Terminal卸料小车在散粮中转设施系统中的应用

14.Collaborative Optimization of Mining Truck"s Hoist System Based on Simulated Annealing Algorithm基于模拟退火法的矿用车辆卸料系统协同优化

15.The Safety Reforming Techniques of Unloading Machine of Raw Materials and Fuels for Enterprises厂矿企业大宗原、燃料卸车机械安全改造技术

16.Supporting Structure Design of Train Unloading Platform of the Main Storage Field in Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes Factory新兴铸管厂主储料场火车卸料平台支挡结构设计

17.This equipment is designed for application in mines, ports, docks, stations, coal, fields and particular material warehouse for loading and unloading.本机主要用于矿山港口码头车站煤场及散粒物料仓库的装卸工作。

18.All the farm workers had to help to haul the bags of cattle food down from the cart.所有的农场工人都得帮着把一袋袋牛饲料卸下大车。


unloading bucket卸料小车

1.Based on the installation and the work procedure ofunloading bucket in bulk grain transferring terminal of Yingkou Port,the technical performance of it,the approach to solve the malfunction occurred commonly in operation and the detailed technological program are discussed.通过营口港散粮中转设施卸料小车在安装使用过程中的实际情况,阐述其主要工艺设备的工艺性能及常见问题的处理,并对该工艺的详细流程进行探讨。

3)heavy-duty dumper重型卸料车

1.Analysis of reasons causing burn-up ofheavy-duty dumper motor;重型卸料车发生烧毁电机的原因分析及应对措施

4)tip unloading vehicle翻车卸料机

5)electrical dumper电动卸料车

1.The paper has described the control technology of the mechanical interlock valve andelectrical dumper which canbe synchro open and shut.介绍一种自行设计,并已实践应用的机械联锁控制阀与电动卸料车、同步开启关闭自动控制技术。

6)charge hoist装卸料吊车


“米-26”重型直升机Image:11588468177927021.jpg “米-26”重型直升机

“米-26”是俄罗斯米里实验设计局(今为米里莫斯科直升机厂)研制的多用途重型直升机。1981年6月在巴黎航展上首次亮相,北约给它起了个绰号叫“光轮”(halo),但“光轮”的光多年以来并不怎么亮,它引起世人注意还是近几年的事。是国际上快速反应部队的发展潮流,托起了米-26的“光轮”。它具有优良的整体性能、惊人的载运量,对快反部队的投送和保障有重要意义。“米-26”是当今世界上起飞重量最大的直升机,其运输能力相当于美国c-130运输机。c―130可运载92名武装士兵或64名伞兵,可一次运载13.5-20吨物资。“米-26”最大承载量为20吨,可搭载一辆坦克或80名全副武装的士兵。但与c-130相比,“米-26”对起落场地的要求更低,能够适应复杂的战场地形,且飞行更为机动灵活。☆参考资料:“米-26”主要参数尺寸数据 旋翼直径32.00米,尾桨直径7.61米,机长(旋翼、尾桨旋转)40.025米,机高(至桨毂顶部)8.145米。重量及载荷 空重28200千克,最大有效载荷20000千克,正常起飞重量49600千克,最大起飞重量56000千克。动力装置 2台d-136涡油发动机,单台功率为7460千瓦。性能数据 最大平飞速度295千米/小时,正常巡航速度255千米/小时,实用升限4600米,悬停高度(有地效、国际标准大气、有效载荷5100千克)1000米,(无地效、国际标准大气)1800米,航程800公里。★
