100字范文 > 电动机管理 motor management英语短句 例句大全

电动机管理 motor management英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-17 00:19:27


电动机管理 motor management英语短句 例句大全

电动机管理,motor management

1)motor management电动机管理

2)electromechanical management机电管理

1.Though the analysis on the conditions of the occurrence of the gas accidents and on the present situation of the gas, this paper expounds the importance of strengthening theelectromechanical management in the gas treatment, and advances four measures for strengthening theelectromechanical management for preventing the gas accidents.通过对瓦斯事故的发生条件以及瓦斯现状的分析,论述了强化机电管理在瓦斯治理中的重要性,提出了4条强化机电管理的措施,从而实现瓦斯事故防治。

2.This paper analyzes the present situation ofelectromechanical management in Chengzhuang Mine,Jincheng Coal Group,introduces the concrete method for electromechanical safety management in Chengzhuang Mine,and puts forward some suggestions on future electromechanical safety management in Chengzhuang Mine.分析了山西省晋城煤业集团成庄矿机电管理的现状,介绍了成庄矿机电安全管理工作的具体做法,对今后成庄矿机电安全管理工作提出了几点建议。

3)motor management controller电动机管理控制器

1.Application of two kinds of field bus protocols on MODBUS-RTU and PROFIBUS-DP in themotor management controller is introduced.介绍了MODBUS-RTU和PROFIBUS-DP两种现场总线协议在电动机管理控制器中的应用。

4)MMCmicro motor management controllerMMCmicro电动机管理控制器

5)Management Machine of Power Communication电力自动化通信管理机

1.To realize this, design and implementation ofManagement Machine of Power Communication is set forth.在整个电力系统综合自动化系统中,电力通信扮演着至关重要的角色,本文就研究了位于电力通信中底层的现场智能控制装置和远方调度以及其和现场监控的通信,设计了实现这级通信的装置—电力自动化通信管理机。

6)engine management发动机管理

1.This paper describes the necessity of adding an OBD system to theengine management system to control the engine emission.阐述了发动机管理系统中加入随车诊断系统对控制排放的必要性 ,论述了OBD—Ⅱ系统对催化剂、失火、O2 传感器、燃油蒸发系统、燃油供给系统等的监测原理及可行控制方案。


1.Study on Testing Technology and Platform for Engine Management System Development发动机管理系统开发的测试技术与平台研究

2.The Study on Reliability Growth Management for Liquid Rocket Engine;液体火箭发动机可靠性增长管理研究

3.Research on Civil Aeroengine Condition Based Maintenance Management;基于状态的民航发动机维修管理研究

4.Thermal Management System Design and Simulation Study of PEMFC Engine;PEMFC发动机热管理系统设计及仿真研究

5.Study on Project Management Technology of Engine Calibration;发动机标定项目管理技术的研究(续1)

6.The Dynamical Mechanism and Self-management of Moral Development;德性发展的动力机制及自我管理研究

pilling the Management System of the Vehicle Carriage Tax with PFoxpro 2.5;FOXPRO编制开发机动车营运税管理系统

8.Study on Product Structure Management of Engine Based on PDM基于PDM的发动机产品结构管理研究

9.Self Tuning On-board Real-time Engine Model for EHM;发动机健康管理的自适应机载实时模型

10.Study on Operating Mechanism and Performance of Energy-focused Thermoacoustic Engine s Resonator;聚能型热声发动机谐振管工作机理与性能研究

11.Research of BPR Application in Organization and Management of Engine Block ProductionBPR在发动机机体生产组织管理中的应用研究

12.Tube hydro-forming mechanism and automobile engine cradle forming study管材液压成形机理与汽车发动机托架成形实验

13.The Initialization of Pipeline Robot Based on Motor Engine Features基于摩托车发动机原理的爬管机器人设计

14.Development of a Two-cylinder Motorcycle Engine Management System;双缸摩托车发动机电控管理系统的开发研究


16.Objective To discuss genesic mechanism of trachea arteria anonyma fistula after tracheotomy.目的探讨气管切开术后并发气管无名动脉瘘的发生机理。

17.Development of Locomotive Freight Car Roller Bearing Data Management System机车车辆轮对滚动轴承数据管理系统的开发

18.Purchasing Management Research of Volkswagen FAW Engine (DaLian) Co., Ltd;大众一汽发动机(大连)有限公司采购管理研究


electromechanical management机电管理

1.Though the analysis on the conditions of the occurrence of the gas accidents and on the present situation of the gas, this paper expounds the importance of strengthening theelectromechanical management in the gas treatment, and advances four measures for strengthening theelectromechanical management for preventing the gas accidents.通过对瓦斯事故的发生条件以及瓦斯现状的分析,论述了强化机电管理在瓦斯治理中的重要性,提出了4条强化机电管理的措施,从而实现瓦斯事故防治。

2.This paper analyzes the present situation ofelectromechanical management in Chengzhuang Mine,Jincheng Coal Group,introduces the concrete method for electromechanical safety management in Chengzhuang Mine,and puts forward some suggestions on future electromechanical safety management in Chengzhuang Mine.分析了山西省晋城煤业集团成庄矿机电管理的现状,介绍了成庄矿机电安全管理工作的具体做法,对今后成庄矿机电安全管理工作提出了几点建议。

3)motor management controller电动机管理控制器

1.Application of two kinds of field bus protocols on MODBUS-RTU and PROFIBUS-DP in themotor management controller is introduced.介绍了MODBUS-RTU和PROFIBUS-DP两种现场总线协议在电动机管理控制器中的应用。

4)MMCmicro motor management controllerMMCmicro电动机管理控制器

5)Management Machine of Power Communication电力自动化通信管理机

1.To realize this, design and implementation ofManagement Machine of Power Communication is set forth.在整个电力系统综合自动化系统中,电力通信扮演着至关重要的角色,本文就研究了位于电力通信中底层的现场智能控制装置和远方调度以及其和现场监控的通信,设计了实现这级通信的装置—电力自动化通信管理机。

6)engine management发动机管理

1.This paper describes the necessity of adding an OBD system to theengine management system to control the engine emission.阐述了发动机管理系统中加入随车诊断系统对控制排放的必要性 ,论述了OBD—Ⅱ系统对催化剂、失火、O2 传感器、燃油蒸发系统、燃油供给系统等的监测原理及可行控制方案。


