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自由平等 freedom and equality英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 17:19:50


自由平等 freedom and equality英语短句 例句大全

自由平等,freedom and equality

1)freedom and equality自由平等

1.His works had a great impact upon the Civil Right Movement in which the blacks strived for thefreedom and equality.他的作品对美国黑人争取自由平等的“民权运动”产生了很大的影响。


1.Everyone is born free and equal.人人生而自由平等。

2.Jane Eyre--Calling of Freedom and Equality;《简·爱》——女性自由平等的呐喊

ments on Young Werther s Pursuits in Life Natural, Pure , Freedom and Equality;试论少年维特的人生追求:自然、纯真和自由平等

4.Republic One and Indivisible. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, or Death!统一不可分割的共和国,自由平等博爱或死亡。

5.My country favors a world of free and equal states.我的国家希望全球国家都是自由平等的。

6.a system based on the notions of personal equality and liberty基于人的平等、 自由等观念的制度.

7.The Value Implication of Rousseau s Concept of Liberty;自主·平等·历史——卢梭自由观的价值命意

8.Between Liberty and Equality--To Analyse the Debate of the Neo-liberalism in America;在自由与平等之间——析美国新自由主义的论争

9."All men are created equal.""Government by consent of the governed.""Give me liberty or give me death."“人人生而平等”、“民选政府”、“不自由,毋宁死”。

10.All are equal and free-the women included.大家都是平等、自由的,包括妇女在内。

11.VIII. Upholding Equality and Unity Among Ethnic Groups, and Freedom of Religious Belief八、 坚持民族平等团结、宗教信仰自由

12.all human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights人皆生而自由,其尊严及权利均各平等

13.The mob declared for Liberty, Fraternity and Equality.那群人声称赞成自由、友爱、平等。

14.We should keep the principle of independence, freedom and equality and mutual benefit.应该坚持独立、自由和平等互利的原则。

15.the anti - feudal slogan of freedom, equality and fraternity反封建自由、平等、博爱的口号

16.French people declared for the abolition of slavery.法国民众赞成自由、博爱、平等。

17.The Relationship between Trade Liberalization and the Disparity of Income Distribution;贸易自由化与收入分配不平等的关系

18.Freedom and Equality: Reductionism Thinking on the Base of Humanism;自由与平等:人性基础上的化约论思考


equality and freedom平等自由

3)freedom and equality自由和平等

1.We have regardedfreedom and equality as a political belief for a long time, in reality, it is an existential fact in ourselves, that is to say, we are free and equal at the level of existentialism or deep personality,which has a normative function for constructing modern ethical relationship offreedom and equality.我们长期以来把自由和平等作为一种政治信念,实际上它是一个生存论的事实,也就是说,人们在生存论即深层人格的层次上是自由和平等的,这对我们在现实中建构自由平等的现代人伦关系有一种实质性的规范作用。

2.In terms of the State, the international legal system based on rule and regulation should expressfreedom and equality; but in the unification of legal series concerning private field, we found out two aspects, one is the unification of the cultures in surface, the other .对于国家主体而言 ,以规则为基础的国际法体系应当体现自由和平等 ;而对于私法领域的统一化运动 ,应当看到它的两面性 ,即作为文化表层的统一 ,以及作为一国文化特色的法律个性发展。

4)freedom and equality自由与平等

5)equal freedom平等的自由

1.This process accompanies with a basic value orientation, and this is theequal freedom.这个过程伴随着一个基本的价值取向,这就是平等的自由。

6)principles of freedom and equality自由平等原则

1.Through its advocacy by theprinciples of freedom and equality,the principle of equal opportunities,the ability difference principle,the principle of compensation for the disadvantaged,the principle of giving priority to the efficiency of the five basic principles of discourse and interpretation.本文从教育公平理论出发,通过对其所倡导的自由平等原则、机会均等原则、能力差异原则、弱势补偿原则、效率优先原则五个基本原则的论述和阐释,对远程教育公共支持服务体系建设的服务对象、事业框架、责任承担、福利战略和运行模式逐一进行了分析,文章最后指出,远程教育公共支持服务体系是教育公平理论的理想载体,是造福大众的公器,只要它存在,人们不论贫富、贵贱和聪愚,追求美好高等教育的梦想就不会破灭。


必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedomof口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。
