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婚姻习俗 Marriage Custom英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-20 08:58:48


婚姻习俗 Marriage Custom英语短句 例句大全

婚姻习俗,Marriage Custom

1)Marriage Custom婚姻习俗

1.Under the specific social and cultural influence, the marriage custom of the Dai nationality in Dehong has its own traits different from those of the Dais in other places.由于特殊社会文化的牵制和影响,德宏傣族婚姻习俗具有不同于其他地区傣族婚姻习俗的特点。

2.Xinjiang ethnic groups\" marriage custom is a hot topic in social studies as well as in history studies.无论在当代社会学研究领域,还是在史学研究领域,新疆少数民族婚姻习俗都是颇受重视的研究课题,这里集中居住着维吾尔、哈萨克、回族等12个少数民族。


1.The Conflicts and Adjusting Rightly of Tujia Nation s Marriage Custom and Marriage Law;土家族婚姻习俗与婚姻法的冲突和调适

2.The Marriage Custom of the Dai Nationality in Dehong and its Relation with its Society and Culture德宏傣族婚姻习俗与社会文化的关系

3.Reflection on Some Marital Customs in the Old Babylonian Period古巴比伦婚姻习俗若干问题的再考察

4.A Study on the Same Surname Marriage Custom of Chuan Shang People in the Northern of Guangxi;桂北船上人同姓婚姻习俗的考察研究

5.The Out-going Minority Women and the Changes of the Marriage Customs of the Minority Nationalities in Southwest China妇女外流与西南民族婚姻习俗的变迁

6.The Traditional Marriage Mode of Miao Nationality-with the marriage customs of people of Miao Nationality in Wenshan, Yunnan as a case study;苗族传统婚姻模式——以云南文山苗族婚姻习俗为例

7.The Conflict and the Adjustment Between Tibetan Marriage Customs and the Modern Marriage Law--Taking the Tibetan as Examples藏族婚姻习俗与现代婚姻法的冲突与调适——以西藏地区为例

8.The marriage usages in which they originated have long since disappeared.它所渊源的婚姻习俗很早以前即已废除了。

9.The Survey of Traditional Marriage Customs of Tibetan YiShenzha Tribes青海化隆乙什扎藏族部落传统婚姻习俗调查

10.This is a relatively modern change in the age-old custom of the arranged marriage.这是在古老的包办婚姻习俗方面一个比较时新的转变。

11.Manchu People"s Wedlock Habitude--Seeding Tang"s Stemmata"s Education to Search the Living of Manchu Family满族人的婚姻习俗——从《唐氏家谱》家训篇看满族人家族生活

12.The Relationship between Marriage Convention in the Early Qin State and the Reform of Political Power Development;秦国早期婚姻习俗及其对后世政治势力和政治变革的影响

13.consensual union; companionate marriage; concubinage自愿的结合; 习俗婚姻; 同居; 习惯婚姻

14.The Evolution of Marriage Conception and Customs during the Transformational Period of May 4th Movement论五四转型时期婚姻观念和习俗的演进

15.At the same time, changing social mores and expectations have placed stresses on long-term relationships.与此同时,变化的社会习俗和人们对婚姻的期望值也在使人们开始重视长期的婚姻关系。

16.Marital and Family Customs of Yunnan Minority Nationalities and Building a Harmonious Society;云南少数民族婚姻家庭习俗与构建和谐社会的探讨

17.The Legality of Marriage,Public Order and Good Customs;婚姻的效力与公序良俗——从两起婚姻实例谈起

18.The Features of Matrimonial Customs in Ancient China & The Chinese Mentality of Marriage;古代婚姻风俗的特点与中国人的婚姻观念


marriage Customs婚姻习俗

1.This paper explains the marriage customs implied by a number of English metaphorical words or phrases.本文解读了若干英语隐喻词汇所蕴涵的婚姻习俗。

2.The marriage customs of the ethnic minorities in Guangxi are colorful and varied, particularly in forms, which have distinctive features.广西少数民族的婚姻习俗多姿多彩 ,在婚姻形态方面很有特色。

3.According to the author\"s survey article,this paper study marriage customs of Tibetan Amdo dialect YiShenzha tribes from thirties to the fifties in the twentieth century,in this period YiShenzha Tibetan tribes compared Amdo dialect of Tibetan traditional marriage customs have been mutated.本文根据作者的调查,主要叙述藏族安多方言区乙什扎藏族部落二十世纪三十至五十年代的婚姻习俗,说明这一时期乙什扎藏族部落比较藏族安多方言区传统婚姻习俗已发生变异,并分析了影响传统婚姻习俗变异发生的主要原因,以及藏传佛教信仰对藏民族婚姻习俗的影响,因为相对稳定的文化内核,保持了乙什扎藏族部落传统婚姻习俗的本民族特质。

3)marital custom婚姻习俗

1.This paper from selects the marriage, discussed the marriage, the marriage, the bridal taboo and so on various aspects to elaborate the health Rutter Mongolia in themarital custom aspect many taboo phenomenon.从择婚、议婚、嫁娶婚、新娘禁忌等方面论述了卫拉特蒙古在婚姻习俗的诸多禁忌现象。

2.The author in this article probes into themarital customs evolut io n in West Hubei from tradition to modern times, and also makes theoretical analy sis on the system factor and cultural factor in the evolution ofmarital customs .本文探讨了鄂西土家族婚姻习俗由传统到现代演进的诸多形式,并就婚姻习俗变迁的制度因素及文化因素进行了理论分析。

4)marital customs婚姻观念习俗

1.The turn-of-the-century period in China was a time of enormous social transformation and political revolution,whenmarital customs,along with many other aspects of the social life,underwent a significant change.民国时期是中国社会变革剧烈的时期,婚俗的变化也是这一时期社会变化的重要内容之一;随着婚姻观念习俗的变化,婚姻法的变化也在所难免;但民国时期婚姻法对于一夫一妻制的规定有名而无实;"新旧并存,中西共用"是这一时期婚姻习俗演变的主要特点。

5)marital conventionalities婚姻禁忌习俗

6)marriage and family practices婚姻家庭习俗


