100字范文 > 专利联营 patent pool英语短句 例句大全

专利联营 patent pool英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-27 15:22:22


专利联营 patent pool英语短句 例句大全

专利联营,patent pool

1)patent pool专利联营

1.Study on antitrust law regulation ofpatent pool;论专利联营的反垄断法规制

2.However,patent pool is a sort of agreement between companies that inherently has anticompetitive potential.专利联营解决了这一问题,它整合了互补技术,降低了交易成本,排除了专利间实施的交互限制,避免了昂贵的法律诉讼。

3.As a developing country, China needs anti-trust laws to governpatent pool, and in other hand.作为已有一百五十余年历史的产业组织形式,专利联营经历了由盛转衰而又复兴的曲折历程,目前已成为全球技术贸易的主流模式之一。


1.Analysis Report about DVB-T Patent Pools of MPEG LA (Part One);MPEG LA的DVB-T专利联营专利分析报告(上)

2.Anti-Monopoly Regulation on the Combination of Patent Pool and Technical Standards;专利联营与技术标准结合的反垄断规制研究

3.Antitrust Regulation on patent Pool in standardization strategy;论以反垄断法规制标准化进程中的专利联营

4.Legal Problem Research of Patent Pool Basing on Technical Standard Anti-monopoly含技术标准专利联营反垄断法律问题研究

5.Patent Thicket,Patent Portfolios and Patent Alliance--From Patent Strategy to Patent Cluster Strategy;专利丛林、专利组合和专利联盟——从专利战略到专利群战略

6.Deutsche Reichs Patent德意志联邦共和国专利

7.International Federation of Patent Agents国际专利代理人联合会

8.Examples include patents, copyrights, trademarks, franchises, and goodwill.例如专利、版权、商标、专营权和商誉等。

9.A Research on the Specialization of the Professional Staff in Non-profit Organization;非营利组织专职人员专业化问题研究

10.Analysis on Cooperation of Profit Organizations and Non-Profit Organizations;营利性组织和非营利性组织的战略联盟分析

11.And, as far as rights are concerned, the one who owns the patent right enjoys the exclusive right to exploit it.就权利来说,专利权人享有实施这项专利的专营权。

12.Patent pool:The theory and its inspirations for the patent strategy of Chinese enterprises专利联盟理论及其对我国企业专利战略的启示

13.A research of patent alliance member"s patent licensing decision专利联盟成员的专利许可投入决策研究

14.Patent Strategy of Pool Member: An Exploration from the Key Components of Patent Pool;专利联盟中企业的专利战略:基于联盟要件的考察

15.Our store with small capital deals in small commodities for a little profit.本店专门经营小商品,本小利微。

16.Research on the Performance Evaluation of Patent Enterprise Operation based on BSC基于BSC方法的专利运营绩效评价研究

17.Australian-Europe Container Service澳大利亚-欧洲集装箱联营公司

18.Chilean Confederation of Employment in the Private Sector智利私营企业雇员联合会


The Patent Pool basing on Technical Standard含技术标准的专利联营

3)patent pool专利联盟

1.On the establishment ofpatent pool in China"s tobacco industry;我国烟草行业构建专利联盟的分析与探讨

2.The successful practice ofpatent pool operation on the technological standard by foreign euterprises and its enlightenment;国外企业利用专利联盟运作技术标准的实践及其启示

4)Patent Aggregation专利联合

5)Russ.P.(Russian Patent)苏联专利

6)patent alliance专利联盟

1.A research ofpatent alliance member"s patent licensing decision专利联盟成员的专利许可投入决策研究


