100字范文 > SAVR2000励磁系统 SAVR2000 Excitation System英语短句 例句大全

SAVR2000励磁系统 SAVR2000 Excitation System英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-05-03 05:38:21


SAVR2000励磁系统 SAVR2000 Excitation System英语短句 例句大全

SAVR2000励磁系统,SAVR2000 Excitation System

1)SAVR2000 Excitation SystemSAVR2000励磁系统

1.The Application ofSAVR2000 Excitation System in DaTun Mining GeneratorsSAVR2000励磁系统在大屯矿区发电机机组的应用


1.The Application of SAVR2000 Excitation System in DaTun Mining GeneratorsSAVR2000励磁系统在大屯矿区发电机机组的应用

2.A Study on the Excitation Control System For AC Excited Generator交流励磁发电机励磁控制系统的研究

3.Study and Simulation on Excitation System for AC Excited Generator;交流励磁发电机励磁系统研究与仿真

4.rotating amplifier excitation system旋转放大器式励磁系统

5.Within our countrys power system, synchronous generator excitation system primarily consists in direct current exciter system and semiconductor exciter system.在我国电力系统中,同步发电机的励磁系统主要有直流励磁机励磁系统和半导体励磁系统两种。

6.1000MW Generator Static Excitation System Design1000MW发电机自并励励磁系统的设计

7.Design of Excitation System for ACEG Excited by the Dual PWM Converter;双PWM变换器励磁的交流励磁发电机励磁系统设计

8.Intelligent Control of the Brushless Excitation System of the Synchromotor;无刷励磁同步电动机励磁系统的智能控制

9.Simulation and Study on AC-AC Excitation System for AC Excited Generator;交流励磁发电机交—交励磁系统仿真研究

10.A Vector Excitation Control System of a Novel Hybrid Excitation Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator一种新型混合励磁永磁同步发电机的矢量励磁控制系统

11.Excitation system for synchronous electrical machines--Technical requirements excitation system for large and medium synchronous generatorsGB/T7409.3-1997同步电机励磁系统大、中型同步发电机励磁系统技术要求

12.Study on the Switching Mode Self-excited Excitation System of Synchronous Generators;同步发电机开关式自并励励磁系统研究

13.Research and Simulation on the Self and Shunt Excitation System of Synchronous Generator;同步发电机自并励励磁系统研究及仿真

14.The Study and Implement on Technique of Bus Fed Static Excitation System in Turbogenerator;汽轮发电机自并励励磁系统技术的研究与实践

15.Design and Implementation of Excitation Source for Brain Magnetic Induction Tomography and Study on Magnetic Excitation Field;BMIT系统激励源的设计实现和激励磁场研究

16.The Analysis of the Phase Excitation System of the Medium-and-small-sized Synchronous Generator;中小型同步发电机相复励励磁系统分析

17.Inquire into static shunt self-excitation system protection and current equalizing measurement静止自并励励磁系统的保护及均流措施探讨

18.Main Circuit Engineering Design of Synchronous Generator Potential Source Static Excitation System同步发电机自并励励磁系统主回路工程设计


exciting controller SAVR-2000SAVR2000励磁调节器

3)Excitation system励磁系统

1.Improved strategies of genetic algorithm and their applications in parameter identification of nonlinear generator excitation systems;遗传算法的改进策略及其在非线性发电机励磁系统参数辨识中的应用

2.Analysis and research to improve grid transmission capacity by reforming excitation system;改造发电机励磁系统提高电网输送能力的分析和研究

3.Simulation and measurement of excitation system parameters for 30 MW turbo generator;30MW汽轮发电机励磁系统参数测试与仿真

4)excitation systems励磁系统

1.It calls for the necessity thatexcitation systems be modeled in detail.发电机励磁系统对电力系统的电压控制和稳定控制具有重要作用。


1.The Parameters Identification of Excitation System of Power Plant;发电厂励磁系统参数辨识

2.Periodic phase conversion overvoltage is inevitable in silicon controlled rectifierexcitation system.阻容式过电压保护装置广泛用于可控硅励磁系统周期性换相过电压的抑制,各种阻容保护方案的优劣及阻容参数的选取一直是现场应用的一大难点。

3.Among these methods to improve stability of generators, one of the most efficient and economic way is to make the performance ofexcitation device better, which has been acknowledged generally.在诸多改善发电机稳定性的措施中,提高励磁系统的控制性能,被公认为最有效和经济的措施之一。

6)exciting system励磁系统

1.Wave analysis of main loop of synchronous generator SCRexciting system in fault state;同步发电机可控硅励磁系统主回路异常情况下的波形分析

2.Aiming at safe and reliable operation of power generating sets,design concepts ofexciting systems of generators,as well as four main ways of their control,are respectively being analyzed and discussed.为使发电机组安全可靠运行,探讨了发电机励磁系统的设计理念。

3.Theexciting system with static self parallel excitation consists of exciting transformer, exciting regulator, silicon controlled rectifier; magnetic extinguishing switch and rotor over voltage protection, etc.静止自并励励磁系统由励磁变压器、励磁调节器、可控硅整流装置、灭磁开关及转子过电压保护等组成。


