100字范文 > 植被覆盖 vegetation cover英语短句 例句大全

植被覆盖 vegetation cover英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-11 00:39:04


植被覆盖 vegetation cover英语短句 例句大全

植被覆盖,vegetation cover

1)vegetation cover植被覆盖

1.Study on land surface temperaturevegetation cover relationship in urban region:a case in Shenzhen City;城市地域地表温度-植被覆盖定量关系分析——以深圳市为例

2.Hydrological response to changes invegetation covers of small watersheds on the Loess Plateau;黄土高原不同植被覆盖对流域水文的影响

3.Effects ofvegetation cover and precipitation on the process of sediment produced by erosion in a small drainage basin of loess region;黄土地区小流域植被覆盖和降水对侵蚀产沙过程的影响


1.Planting and making forests is to raise the earth"s vegetation plant cover rate.植树造林﹐提高土地的植被覆盖率。

2.Study of Mechanism between Vegetation Coverage and Soil Wind Erosion;植被覆盖对土壤风蚀影响机理的研究

3.A Study on the Vegetation Cover Change in Horqin Sandy Land during the Recent 20 Years;近科尔沁沙地植被覆盖变化研究

4.Spatial-Temporal Change of Vegetation in the Western Liaohe River Basin, Northeast China;西辽河流域植被覆盖的时空变化研究

5.Analysis Vegetation Coverage Changes in Karst Area on RS and GIS;基于RS和GIS岩溶地区植被覆盖度分析

6.The Picking Vegetation Fraction by SPOT5 DATA;由SPOT5提取植被覆盖度技术研究

7.Method of Estimating Vegetation Coverage Based on Remote Sensing基于遥感的植被覆盖度估算方法述评

8.Assessment on the Vegetation Coverage after Land Reclamation Based on RS基于遥感的土地复垦植被覆盖度评价

9.Multilayer random coupled model to observe vegetation cover in sample areas多层随机拟合法测量样方植被覆盖度

10.RS Dynamic Monitoring and Analysis of Vegetation Changes in Puge普格县植被覆盖度遥感动态监测分析

11.Determination of Vegetation Coverage By Photograph and Automatic Calculation植被覆盖度的照相测量及其自动计算

12.A Research on Extracting Vegetation Fraction Based on MODIS Image基于MODIS影像的植被覆盖度提取研究

13.Influence of Vegetation Coverage on Soil Moisture in Desert Grassland荒漠草原植被覆盖对土壤水分的影响

14.This is due to an increase in forest cover in the rich world.这归功于发达地区森林植被覆盖率的增长。

15.Studies on the Relationship between Vegetation Cover and Urban Heat Island Effect in Hangzhou;杭州市热岛效应与植被覆盖关系的研究

16.was green with vegetation,覆盖着绿色的植被,

17.(botany) covered with tiny scales.(植物学)被小鳞片覆盖的。

18.The hills are clothed with varied vagetation.群山覆盖着各种植被。


vegetation coverage植被覆盖

1.Analyses on the variation ofvegetation coverage and water/sediment reduction in the rich and coarse sediment area of the Yellow River basin;黄河流域多沙粗沙区植被覆盖变化与减水减沙效益分析

2.Effects of differentvegetation coverage on microbial functional diversity in black soil;不同植被覆盖对黑土微生物功能多样性的影响

3.Dynamic changes of forestvegetation coverage in Letianxi basin of Three Gorges Reservoir Area:A study based on multi-source data;基于多源数据的三峡库区乐天溪流域林地植被覆盖动态监测

3)vegetation coverage植被覆盖度

1.Remote sensing estimation ofvegetation coverage in Guangzhou based on the correction of atmospheric radiation;基于大气辐射校正的广州市植被覆盖度遥感估算

2.The relationship between soil erosion andvegetation coverage on the basic of TM image interpretation in Nanchuan City,Chongqing;应用TM图像分析重庆南川市土壤侵蚀与植被覆盖度的关系

3.Estimation ofvegetation coverage based on an improved sub-pixel model;基于修正的亚像元模型的植被覆盖度估算

4)vegetation cover ration植被覆盖比

5)vegetation fraction植被覆盖度

1.Temporal-spatial characteristics and grading structure ofvegetation fraction based on TM image in Guangzhou;基于遥感影像的广州市植被覆盖度内部结构与时空变化

2.Spatio-temporal characteristics ofvegetation fraction calculation from TM imagines in Guangzhou from 1990 to ;广州市1990—植被覆盖度的时空变化特征

3.The Method of Vegetation Fraction Estimation by Remote Sensing;植被覆盖度的遥感估算方法研究

6)Vegetation cover植被覆盖度

1.Retrieval and analysis of vegetation cover in the Three-North Regions of China based on MODIS data基于MODIS数据的三北防护林工程区植被覆盖度提取与分析

2.Multilayer random coupled model to observe vegetation cover in sample areas多层随机拟合法测量样方植被覆盖度

3.Vegetation cover characteristics have both spatial and temporal components.在防治风蚀过程中过去人们只关注植被覆盖度的空间特性,但对其随时间变化的特性未引起足够的重 视。


