100字范文 > 优劣势 advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

优劣势 advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 19:57:07


优劣势 advantages and disadvantages英语短句 例句大全

优劣势,advantages and disadvantages

1)advantages and disadvantages优劣势

1.Analysis of theadvantages and disadvantages of the construction of energy heavy-chemical engineering bases in the northern part of Shaanxi and the strategic consideration;陕北能源重化工基地建设的优劣势分析及战略思考

2.This article illustrates theadvantages and disadvantages of the two ports first,then makes an analysis of their competition strategies by employing the analyzing methods based on the theory of oligopoly competition Finally,it puts forward some strategies to enhance the competitiveness of Ningbo Port.文章首先对比了两大港口的优劣势,接着运用寡头垄断竞争的分析方法,对两大港口的竞争策略进行了分析,提出了提升宁波港竞争力的对策。

3.Aiming at the actuality and problems existing now in HaiNan weather video advertisement market,we analyzed itsadvantages and disadvantages and put forward corresponding resolvents in order to promote the video advertising development perpetually.针对海南气象影视广告业现状和存在问题,分析了海南气象影视广告媒体的优劣势,并提出了相应的解决方法和经营策略,从而推动气象影视广告业不断创新发展。


1.Q: What do you think are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?(你自认自己最大的优劣势分别为何?

2.Anhui north district advantage and disadvantage analysis and developent strategy selection;皖北地区优劣势分析与发展策略选择

3.The Advantages and the Disadvantages of the Tourism Industry in Northeastern China;东北旅游区旅游业发展的优劣势分析

4.An Analysis Xinxiang Modern Logistics Industry of and Development Strategies;新乡物流产业优劣势及发展对策研究

5.Transformation of initiative and passive,advantages and disadvantages in Sanshou;论散打竞赛中主被动与优劣势的转化

6.The Strength Analysis on WTO and China s Foreign Trade Development;WTO与我国对外贸易发展优劣势分析


8.Analyse Only-child’s Advantages and Disadvantages Under the Attitude of Treating Equally without Discrimination一视同仁态度下独生子女优劣势分析

9.Superiority and inferiority ranking method for grey stochastic multi-criteria decision-making灰色随机多准则决策的优劣势排序法

10.But all in all, I would say the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.但是,总的说来,我认为其优势大于劣势。

11.identify market opportunities, weaknesses and future competitive advantage.识别市场机会、劣势及未来竞争的优势。

12.In the first stage, the enemy is superior and we are inferior in strength.第一阶段敌是优势,我是劣势。

13.Advantages and disadvantages of the various channels各通路的优势与劣势比较

14.Some Advantages/Disadvantages of “Brand-Name” computers include:一些优势/劣势"名牌"电脑包括:

15.Is it an advantage or more a disadvantage?那是一个优势还是更像是一个劣势?

parative Advantage and Competitive Disadvantage of ChineseManufacturing Enterprises;中国制造企业的比较优势与竞争劣势

17.Hanzhou exhibition industry s advantage, disadvantage and development countermeasure;杭州会展业的优势、劣势和发展对策

18.Analysis on advantages and disadvantages of leisure fishing development in Wei Hal;威海发展休闲渔业的优势与劣势分析


advantage and disadvantage优劣势

1.Analyse the strategy sadvantage and disadvantage of "Two Economic Corridors and One Rim";“两廊一圈”战略的优劣势之分析

2.Seeing clearly the situation,grasping firmly the opportunity and striving for the development in competition ——The analysis ofadvantage and disadvantage of Chinese fund and foreign fund banks;认清形势,抓紧时机,在竞争中求发展——外资银行与中资银行优劣势分析

3)superiority and inferiority优劣势

1.This paper analyzed thesuperiority and inferiority of paper making industry in Shaanxi from the raw material frame, papermaking circumstances, scale, technology funds and so on, introduced some paper types that poplar APMP can be used to produce.从原料结构、造纸环境、规模、技术、资金力量等方面分析了陕西省造纸工业的优劣势 ,对杨木 APMP浆可开发的纸张品种作了介

2.This article studies thesuperiority and inferiority of the ocean exploitation and its present situation, from the angle of the ocean comprehensive exploitation, makes an approach to major subjects on promoting Fujian ocean exploitation and making it conforming to the standard for policy decisi.本文从海洋综合开发高度,考察福建海洋开发的优劣势和开发现状,探讨促进和规范福建海洋开发的问题,供决策参考。

4)advantages and disadvantages优势劣势

5)superior and inferior situation优劣态势

1.In the development the great western China, Guangxi should bear a clear mind its ownsuperior and inferior situations and positively look for countermeasures in order to realize the striding development of "flourishing Guangix and enriching its people邓小平同志"两个大局"构想是指导中国东西部区域经济发展的重要思想,在西部大开发中,广西应该认清自己发展的优劣态势,积极寻求对策,最终实现"富民兴桂"的跨跃式发展。

6)advantages and disadvantages优势和劣势

1.Based upon introduction of the situations of Nansha port itsadvantages and disadvantages are analyzed.对广州南沙港的现状作了探讨,对其优势和劣势作了分析,阐述了南沙港的发展机遇和定位的紧迫性,并对南沙港的未来定位和发展战略作了论述。

2.The paper uses the data of sampling and surveys,analyzes theadvantages and disadvantages of this kind of universities in the introduction of talents by comparing them with the Mimistry of Education owned universities,and then gives several suggestions.本文结合抽样调查和问卷访谈的有关数据,从北京市属高校与部属高校对比的角度,分析北京市属高校在人才引进方面的优势和劣势,进而提出对北京市属高校引进人才的几点建议。


