100字范文 > 普查普治 mass screening and mass treatment英语短句 例句大全

普查普治 mass screening and mass treatment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-27 11:37:58


普查普治 mass screening and mass treatment英语短句 例句大全

普查普治,mass screening and mass treatment

1)mass screening and mass treatment普查普治


1.Analysis of Mass Survey for Gynaecological Disease of Community Women in Guilin桂林市社区妇女病普查普治效果分析

2.Status of the knowledge and behavior of gynecopathy prevention and the general screening and treatment service of gynecopathy in Huairou District,Beijing City北京市怀柔区妇女病防治知识、行为和普查普治服务现状

3.Universal Investigation and Prevention-Treatment on the Scoliosis Among School Age Population in Quan Zhou;泉州市区青少年脊柱侧凸普查与防治

4.Progress in Screening for Early Diagnosis and Early Treatment of Esophageal Cancer in Ci County,Hebei Province河北省磁县食管癌早诊早治普查进展

5.Here lie the mortal remains of George Chapman, eg as an inscription on a tombstone.乔治.查普曼的遗体葬於此处(如墓碑上的志文).

6.Study on Exercise Injury and Prevention Measurement of Our College Football Players;普通高校足球运动损伤调查及防治对策的研究

7.On the 200 Year s Social and Political Changes of U.S. s Population;从人口普查看美国200余年社会政治的变化

8.Investigation Analysis and Protection of College Students sports Injury;普通高校学生运动损伤的调查分析及防治

9.Survey of incidence of diseases among married women in Luocheng Mulam Ethnic County广西罗城仫佬族自治县已婚妇女疾病普查分析

10.The Investigation and Analysis of Physical Education in Universities of Changzhi对长治市普通高校公共体育课的调查分析

11.PHILIP: Victor Chapman. He killed your uncle.菲利普:维克多?查普曼。是他杀了你叔叔。

12.Census Counted 3.6 Million Fake People人口普查出360万死灵魂

13.reconnaissance geochemical survey普查性地球化学测量

14.chapman enskog method查普曼 豆科格方法

15.Pritchard spectra photometer普里查德分光光度计

16.distribution of services服务分布情况的普查

17.arranged in order of census population按普查人口次序排列

18.Chapultepec Peace Agreements查普尔特佩克和平协定


general investigation普查

1.Analysis on Guangxi reservoir safetygeneral investigation result and countermeasure;广西水库工程安全状况普查结果分析与对策

2.General investigation on 4752 women with breast diseases4752例妇女乳腺疾病普查分析报告

3.Based on thegeneral investigation of some oil-ga-water pipe network systems, a software of management information system for oil-gas-water pipe network visualization has been developed successfully through redevelopment of AutoCAD.在对某油田油气水管网系统全面、准确普查的基础上,通过对AutoCAD的二次开发,成功开发了油气水管网可视化管理信息系统软件。


1.The Discussion on the Radioactive Pollution Source in the first China pollution sourcecensus;第一次全国污染源普查放射性污染源普查的一些思考

2.Analysis on results of gynecological diseasescensus for female staff in a university;某高校在职女教职工妇女病普查结果分析

3.Application of Transabdominal Ultrasonography in the Census of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia;经腹壁超声测量内外腺比例在前列腺增生普查中的应用

4)general survey普查

1.Carrying outgeneral survey of reservoir safety in high quality;高质量地完成水库安全状况普查工作

2.General survey of ornamental diseases and insect pests with study on and application of the control techniques in FengTai District;丰台区观赏植物病虫害普查防治技术研究与应用

3.Ageneral survey report on the quarantine objects of forest plant in Jilin Province;吉林省森林植物检疫对象普查技术报告

5)Mass screening普查

1.Application of protein chip for detection of serum CA125 in mass screening;蛋白芯片在健康查体人群CA125普查中的应用

parative Analysis of Patients with Colorectal Cancer Clinically Diagnosed in Hospitals with those Detected by Mass Screening;医院就诊人群与普查人群中大肠癌患者临床资料的比较


1.Significance ofScreening by Iodine Staining of Endoscopic Examination in the Area of High Incidence of Esophageal Carcinoma;应用内镜下碘染色在食管癌高发区进行普查的意义

2.CTScreening for Lung Cancer: Baseline and 7 Years Follow-up;肺癌CT普查:基础扫描与7年随访

3.Screening Study of Colorectal Cancer in Asymptomatic Population in Xiaolan Town of Zhongshan City中山市小榄镇无症状人群结直肠癌普查


