100字范文 > 机构惯性力 mechanism inertia force英语短句 例句大全

机构惯性力 mechanism inertia force英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-24 21:11:37


机构惯性力 mechanism inertia force英语短句 例句大全

机构惯性力,mechanism inertia force

1)mechanism inertia force机构惯性力

1.The varying law on mean square root values ofmechanism inertia forces along parallel and vertical directions under the condition of unchanged sizes and inertia moment of mechanism of brace slipping block is presented.介绍了在不改变曲柄滑块机构尺寸和惯性力矩的条件下 ,寻求机构水平惯性力均方根值和垂直均方根值之间的变化规律 ,从而确定曲柄滑块机构中的水平或垂直方向机构惯性力的平衡质


1.full balance of inertia force of mechanism机构惯性力的完全平衡

2.The second degree complex number method and its application on the balance of inertia force of spatial mechanism.二次复数法及其在空间机构惯性力平衡中的应用

3.Research on Inertial Piezoelectric Actuator with Changeable Pressure;正压力变化式惯性压电驱动机构研究

4.Analysis of Inertial Forces of Combine"s Slipper-type Cutter联合收割机滑块式切割机构的惯性力研究

5.Study on Piezoelectric Inertia Mechanism Driven by Changing Friction Force;摩擦力变化式压电惯性驱动机构的研究

6.The Strenthening Force Mechanism Design of the Low Speed Inertia Friction Clutch低速惯性摩擦离合器二级铰杆增力机构设计

7.Research on Identifying Inertial Parameters of 6-SPR Parallel Mechanism;6-SPR并联机构惯性参数辨识的研究

8.Research on Inertial Piezoelectric Actuator and the Actuator under Magnetic Effect惯性压电驱动机构及磁作用影响研究

9.Research on Two-dimensional Inertial Piezoelectric Actuator Driven by Piezoelectric Stack叠堆驱动二维惯性压电驱动机构研究

10.Simulation Analysis of MEMS-Based Inertial Delay Pendulum Mechanism基于MEMS的钟表惯性延时机构仿真分析

11.inertia reaction-torque tester for small motor小型电机惯性反作用力矩测试仪

12.Random Dynamic Analysis and Parameter Optimization of Ins Bracket;惯导支架结构的随机动力响应分析与参数优化

13.The Calculation of Inertial Force and Moment of Motorcycle Engines摩托车发动机惯性力和力矩的计算研究

14.Research on Height Distribution Coefficients of Earthquake Inertia Forces on Retaining Structures挡土结构地震惯性力沿高度分布系数研究

15.Research on the New Style Inertial Rotary Actuator Driven by Piezoelectric Bimorphs;新型压电双晶片式惯性旋转驱动机构的研究

16.Research on the Observation Rov Structure and Its Strap-down Inertial Navigation System;观测型水下机器人结构及其惯性导航方法研究

17.Optimization Design of the Inertia Safety Mechanism Based on QPSO Algorithm基于量子粒子群算法的惯性保险机构优化设计

18.Inertia Tensor Analysis for High-Rolling Projectile with Inner Moving-Mass Framework滑块机构下高旋弹头的惯量张量特性分析


inertial delay mechanism惯性延时机构

3)inertia safety mechanism惯性保险机构

1.This paper introduces the basic structure types and function principle ofinertia safety mechanism with sequential leaves.介绍了互锁卡板式惯性保险机构的基本结构形式及作用原理,并利用Solid W orks三维机械设计软件对3块卡板进行结构设计,并在此基础上,分析了卡板的受力情况及可靠解除保险条件,给出受力方程,计算出卡板及扭簧的相关参数。

2.Aimed at the operation characteristics of cluster sub-munitions fuze,according to the requirements and standards of fuze safety design,a newinertia safety mechanism is put forward,and the mathematical model of mechanical motion is established.针对子母弹子弹引信的工作特点,根据引信设计要求和引信安全性设计准则,提出了一种新型的引信惯性保险机构。

4)inertial impact mechanism惯性冲击机构

5)Inertial actuator惯性执行机构

6)inertia force classifier惯性力分级机


