100字范文 > 氧化镍 nickel oxide英语短句 例句大全

氧化镍 nickel oxide英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-03-16 10:16:08


氧化镍 nickel oxide英语短句 例句大全

氧化镍,nickel oxide

1)nickel oxide氧化镍

1.Preparation ofnickel oxide nanowire by homogeneous precipitation method;均相沉淀法制备氧化镍纳米线

2.The Research on Preparation and Electrochromism Nickel Oxide Films;氧化镍薄膜制备与电致变色性能的研究

3.Determination of nickelic innickel oxide氧化镍中三价镍含量的测定


1.Preparation and Characterization of Nanomaterials of Nickel, Nickel Oxide and Nickel Hydroxide;镍、氧化镍及氢氧化镍纳米材料的制备和表征

2.Zinc-Nickel Batteries,Nickel Oxy-hydroxide and Electrode Addictives;锌镍电池、羟基氧化镍及电极添加剂

3.Preparation of Nickel Hydroxide and Nickel Oxide Investigation on Supercapacitor Properties;氢氧化镍和氧化镍的制备及超级电容性能研究

4.Ni/NiO and Cu/Cu_2O Nanoparticles Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode for the Determination of Hydrogen Peroxide镍-氧化镍/铜-氧化亚铜复合纳米粒子修饰玻碳电极测定过氧化氢

5.In the nature, the nickel mainly exists by sulphide ore and oxide ore.在自然界中,镍主要以硫化镍矿和氧化镍矿状态存在。

6.Studies on the Synthesis and Characterization of Nickel Oxide and Nickel Metal Nanoparticles;纳米镍和氧化镍粒子的制备研究及其性能表征

7.The applicative research and the property-test of nano NiO in the Fe-Ni storage battery;纳米氧化镍在铁镍蓄电池中的性能测试分析

8.Research of the application on nano-NiO in the Fe-Ni storage cell;纳米氧化镍在铁镍蓄电池中的应用研究

9.Preparation and Capacitance Performance of Nanostructured Ni(OH)_2 and NiO;纳米氢氧化镍与氧化镍的制备及其电容性能研究

10.Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Nanosized Nickel Oxide and Manganese Oxide;纳米氧化镍和氧化锰的制备、表征及性能研究

11.Study on coatings formed on the pre-oxidized NiTi wires by micro-arc oxidation表面预氧化镍钛丝微弧氧化涂层的研究

12.The Study of Preparation and Modification of Electrode Material Ni(OH)_2;氢氧化镍电极材料的制备及改性研究

13.Reaction mechanism and preparation of nickel hydroxide electrode materials氢氧化镍材料的反应机理和电极制备

14.Preparation of Nano Nickel oxide by Reaction–Precipitation In Impinging Streams Reactor撞击流反应-沉淀法制备纳米氧化镍

15.Preparation and Characterization of New Type Nickel Hydroxide Cathode Material新型氢氧化镍正极材料的制备和表征

16.Preparation of NiO thin films by DC sputtering and structure characterization直流溅射沉积氧化镍薄膜及结构表征

17.Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Application of Mesoporous Metal Oxides (Alumina, Nickel Oxide and Others);中孔金属氧化物(氧化铝、氧化镍等)的合成、表征及催化研究

18.Study of Micro-arc Oxidation and Electroless Plating Ni on the MAO Coating of Magnesium Alloy AZ91D;镁合金微弧氧化及氧化膜上化学镀镍的研究



1.Catalytic Properties of Ethane Oxidative Dehydrogenation of NanoNiO;纳米氧化镍的乙烷氧化脱氢催化性能研究

2.Photocatalytic degradation of anthraquinone dye byNiO;氧化镍光催化降解蒽醌染料废水

3.Effects of Preparation Methods on Photocatalytic Performance ofNiO;制备方法对氧化镍光催化性能的影响

3)nickel monoxide氧化镍

4)nickel-nickel oxide镍-氧化镍

1.A modified electrode was fabricated by means of electrodepositionnickel-nickel oxide and copper-cuprous oxide on a glassy carbon electrode in the solution of Ni2+ and Cu2+.在含镍离子和铜离子的溶液中用循环伏安法在玻碳电极(GCE)表面电化学沉积一层镍-氧化镍及铜-氧化亚铜纳米粒子(Ni/NiO、Cu/Cu2O),在-0。

5)nickel-nickel oxide film镍-氧化镍膜

6)nickel hydroxide氢氧化镍

1.Preparation and characterization of nano-scalenickel hydroxide using hydrothermal synthesis method;纳米氢氧化镍的水热合成及其表征

2.ICP-OES Determination of Main Content and Impurity in Nickel Hydroxide;氢氧化镍中主含量及杂质含量的ICP-OES测定方法

3.Research on preparation and electrochemical performances of nano-sizednickel hydroxide;纳米级氢氧化镍制备及电化学性能研究


氧化镍NiO 分子量74.71 粉末状固体,色泽根据锻烧温度不同而至黑灰色或绿色。密度6.67g/cm3。熔点1990℃。溶于酸和氨水、热过氯酸、热硫酸,不溶于水、浓氨。空气中加热到400℃时,吸收氧变为三氧化二镍,600℃时又还原为氧化镍。经低温假烧制得的氧化镍具有化学活性。经1000℃高温煅烧制得的一氧化镍活性小,而且随制备温度的升高,密度和电阻增加,溶解度和催化活性降低。 应用领域 搪瓷工他用作瓷釉的密着剂和着色剂。陶瓷工业用作色料的原料。磁性材料生产中用作镍锌铁氧体的原料。玻璃工业用作茶色玻璃和显象管玻壳的着色剂。也是制造镍盐及镍催化剂的原料。
