100字范文 > 鞋柜 Shoe Cabinet英语短句 例句大全

鞋柜 Shoe Cabinet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-12 02:43:03


鞋柜 Shoe Cabinet英语短句 例句大全

鞋柜,Shoe Cabinet

1)Shoe Cabinet鞋柜

1.The Humanized Design ofShoe Cabinet in Home Decoration家装鞋柜的人性化设计初探


1.Range of Application: room, car, furniture, refrigerator, wardrobe, bookcase, shoecase, shoes, washing room and so on.居室、汽车、家具、冰箱、衣橱、书柜、鞋柜、鞋、卫生间等。

2.“Nice shoes,want to go back to my pad?“好漂亮的鞋子,你愿意将它放在我的鞋柜上吗?”

3."Exceeding lofty or great " white shoe ark and abdominous hearth are complacent make.“通天”的白色鞋柜和大肚子灶台都是自得之作。

4.Miss Ma wants to buy a pair of leather shoes. She comes to a counter at a department store.马小姐想买一双皮鞋,于是她来到一家百货商店,走到一个柜台前。

5.A: And I want to look at the shoe department. And there can we go to a bookshop and a sports shop?我想去鞋类专柜看看。然后我们能去书店和体育用品店吗?

6.The man in the middle is mending shoes. At a counter on the right, a woman is showing an old man a towel and some soap.中间这位男子正在修鞋,靠右边的柜台里,女售货员拿出毛巾和肥皂给一位老人看。

7.I had made adjustments in my wardrobe at the first sign of warm weather, packing up my long coat, and wearing short sleeves, skirts and flip-flops whenever possible.天气刚一转暖,我就整理了衣柜,把长衣服收了起来,穿上了短袖衬衫、裙子和凉鞋。

8.kick off one"s slippers, shoes, etc踢脱拖鞋、 鞋等.

9.For boots shoes, work shoes, leisure shoes, foam rubber sole pads, babies shoes and high quality leather shoes.用于马鞋、运动鞋、工作鞋、休?鞋、海绵鞋、婴儿鞋、高级皮革鞋类缝制。

10.CY [container yard]货柜堆场、货柜集散场[

11."The ark of the law, with its rods and its cover;"法柜和柜的杠并施恩座,

12.A chest, closet, or wardrobe in which clothes are kept.衣柜,衣橱放衣服的柜子、橱柜或衣橱

13.The ark with its cover and its rods and the veil hanging before it;柜和柜的杠,施恩座和遮掩柜的幔子,

14.felt slippers with pompons on vamps鞋面钉绒球的毡拖鞋

15.one with a thick sole and the other with a thin one.一只鞋底厚,一只鞋底

16.footwear usually with wooden soles.通常有木制鞋底的鞋子。

17.the outer sole of a shoe or boot.鞋或靴的外层的鞋底。

18.The shoemaker"s wife often goes in ragged shoes.[谚]鞋匠的老婆没鞋穿。


electronic shoe cupboard电子鞋柜

1.A novel multifunctionelectronic shoe cupboard was developed.研制一款新颖的多功能电子鞋柜,它由稳压电源、控制器和外围电路三部分组成。

3)Employee Shoes Lockers员工鞋柜

4)For Visitors Use Only贵宾衣柜/鞋柜

5)electron antisepsis shoes cabinet电子消毒鞋柜


1.Present Situation and the Development Countermeasures of the Shoes Export in Wenzhou;温州鞋类出口现状与发展对策

2.The Experimental Study of Orthopedic Shoes on Calcaneal Fractures by Electric Measure and Finite Element Analysis;跟骨骨折矫形鞋电测与有限元实验研究


步云鞋 本名软翻鞋 赠玄真观单姑等献履鞋【诗文】:幸遇教风开。和气洽吾怀。玄真清众总仙才。志谦和、恭顺垂慈惠,殷勤献,步云鞋。妙手巧剜裁。珠宝砌双*。一回朝礼蹑坛台。待他年、真行真功满,超尘世,赴蓬莱。【注释】:【出处】:
