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相态理论 phase state theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-14 22:01:11


相态理论 phase state theory英语短句 例句大全

相态理论,phase state theory

1)phase state theory相态理论

1.Based on the flow character of natural gas and the petro-condensate liquid in the formation,combiningphase state theory with flow mechanism of condensate gas.基于凝析气和反凝析油在地层中渗流特点,结合凝析气体系相态理论和渗流机理,运用状态方程进行模拟,考虑流体相态和组分的变化、凝析气井的表皮系数以及流态的性质,引入稳态理论的两相拟压力函数,建立适合凝析气井的产能分析方法,并根据凝析油的临界压力和临界饱和度与渗流的关系,给出预测凝析气井产能的三种数学模型:无凝析液析出时气井单相气体渗流数学模型;凝析液析出时气体单相参与流动的渗流数学模型;凝析油气两相流动的渗流数学模型。


1.A Study on the Complex Phase Behavior Theory of Multiphase Fluid in Deep Gas Condensate Reservoirs and the New Method to Improve Gas Well Productivity;深层凝析气藏多相流体复杂相态理论及提高气井产能新方法研究

2.The Ultimate State Theory’s Idea on the Special Relativity;元态理论对狭义相对论的认识(续)

3.Related Theories and Exploration on Dynamic Model of Empathy共情的相关理论评述及动态模型探新

4.Research of Industrial Cluster Growth Mechanism Based on the Theory of Ecology-related;基于生态学相关理论的产业集群成长机理研究

5.The relative static economic theory and equilibrium theory explained the dynamic theory of the developing countries is out of date.相对于静态经济理论和一般均衡理论来说,用于解释发展中国家的动态理论本身是落后的。

6.Application of Dynamic Phasor Theory in Simulation of Modern Power Systems;动态相量理论在现代电力系统仿真中的应用

7.Application of Time-Varying Dynamic Phasor Theory in Analysis of Electric Power System;时变动态相量理论在电力系统分析中的应用

8.A Study of Metastable Alloys Formation in Solid Thin Films;固态薄膜中亚稳合金相的形成及理论研究

9.Research and Practice on the GPS Rapid Static Relative Positioning Theory;GPS快速静态相对定位理论的研究与实践

10.Modeling Biological Bistable Switch and Its Application in Synthetic Biology;生物双稳态理论与相关合成生物学研究

11.Research on the Interrelationship between the Corporations from the Prospective of Population Ecology Theory;种群生态理论视角下的企业间相互关系研究

12.Quantum Equation of the Extremely Relativity Under the Ideally Systematized Conditions of High Temperature;理想体系高温条件下极端相对论量子态方程

13.Discussion on the integration of theory and practice浅谈理论与实践相结合的具体形态及其果效

14.Advances in Research of the Phase Morphology Formation of Polymer Blends and its Theory聚合物共混相态形成过程及其理论研究进展

15.Research on Experimental Model for Water Distribution Network Based on Distorted Similarity Theory基于变态相似理论的供水管网试验模型研究

16.What’s the Due Attitude about Legal Doctrine from Angle of Their Mutual Fight;什么是应有的法学理论态度观——从法学理论的相互搏杀言起

17.Theories on compatibilizer application and morphology control should be study more in the future.提出今后应以相容剂研究和相态控制理论研究为重点。

18.Phase Separation Morphologies and Phase Diagrams of Block Copolymers by Self-consistent Mean Field Theory;嵌段共聚物的微相分离形态及相图自洽场理论研究


coherent state theory相干态理论

1.Meanwhile,by taking thecoherent state theory and angular momentum projection method,we study the shape phase transitions of axially symmetric even-even nuclei with U(5) symmetry,SU(3) symmetry and those in the transitional region of the two symmetries in the framework of Interacting Boson Model-1(IBM-1),which does not distinguish the proton bosons from neutron bosons.简要回顾原子核形状相变研究的现状,并将相干态理论与角动量投影方法相结合,在不区分质子玻色子和中子玻色子的相互作用玻色子模型(IBM-1)框架下,对角动量驱动的轴对称情况下的具有U(5)、SU(3)对称性以及两种对称性之间过渡区的原子核的形状相变进行了具体研究。

3)PVT analysis相态恢复理论

4)phase dynamic theory相位动态理论

5)stationary phase theory静态位相理论

6)the theory of low critical solution temperature非晶态智能相变理论


