100字范文 > 选择过程 selection process英语短句 例句大全

选择过程 selection process英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-03-19 02:08:56


选择过程 selection process英语短句 例句大全

选择过程,selection process

1)selection process选择过程

1.Through document review,questionnaire survey,this article investigates the model of index system andselection process that multinational companies are using when they select suppliers for their purchase in China.文章的主题是研究跨国公司在华采购中供应商选择指标与选择过程之间的关系。

2.This article discusses the criteria system andselection process of supplier selection practiced by multinational companies in China,as well as the relationship between the two.跨国采购中供应商选择的核心问题是确定选择供应商时所使用的评价指标以及具体的选择过程。


1.half-life of recurrent selection process轮回选择过程的半衰期

2.The Process and Methods of Member Selection in AVE;动态联盟合作伙伴的选择过程与方法

3.An Analysis of the Index and the Process of Supplier Selection--The Research Based on the Multinational Companies" Purchase in China供应商的选择指标与选择过程分析——基于跨国公司在华采购的研究

4.No mapping type selected, please choose either "SP" or "Template".未选择映射类型。请选择“存储过程”或“模板”。

5.Select Database and Table, View or Stored Procedure选择数据库、表、视图或存储过程

6.Allow the user to select regional settings during Setup允许用户在安装过程中选择区域设置

7."User can select regional settings during Setup"在安装过程中,用户选择区域设置

8.chromatography that uses selective adsorption by a column of powders.利用药粉柱的选择性吸附的层析过程。

9.chromatography that uses selective adsorption on a strip of paper.利用纸条选择性吸附的层析过程。

10.Prototype selection of customized development process based on open source software开源软件定制改造过程中的原型选择

11.Do not want oversight and the process that boycott this kind of natural choice.不要忽略和抵制这种自然选择的过程。

12.A Study on Industry Choice in the Course of Enterprise Strategic Transformation;企业战略转型过程中的行业选择研究

13.Partners Selection in the Process of VE Construction;虚拟企业构建过程中的合作伙伴选择

14.The Determination of Technology Innovation Strategy in the Gowth of Enterprise;企业成长过程中技术创新战略的选择

15.Seeking to be Different in the Form of Chinese Character-Choice of the Form of Chinese Character in Its Development Process;字求异形——汉字发展过程中的构形选择

16.Budget Hypothesis Theory Choice in Managing Public Money;论公共理财过程中预算假设理论选择

17.Development strategy selection of hi-tech zones in china;我国高新区发展过程中战略选择研究

18.Selected of Metal Ions Organio Reagents in Precipitation;金属有机试剂在沉淀过程中的选择性


process choosing过程选择

3)geological selective process地质选择过程

1.The core processes are the effective transfer of energy and thegeological selective process.煤层气成藏维系于其能量平衡系统,宏观上受控于“四场互动”过程,核心是能量的有效传递及其地质选择过程。

4)COTS selection process构件选择过程

1.MultipleCOTS selection process based on extension to FCD;基于FCD扩展的多构件选择过程

5)spatial choice and process空间选择与过程

6)vapor rectification process选择冷凝过程


受众认知选择过程受众认知选择过程cognitive selection of the audience受众认知选择过程(eognitive seleetion0 f the audienee)亦称“受众的心理选择过程”。指受传者在认识、接受信息时对信息进行选择的心理过程。这一过程分为三个环节:选择性注意、选择性理解和选择性记忆。这三个环节构成受众心理的三层认知圈(见下图)。口S.A.选择性注意:S.P.选择性理解;5 .R.选择性记忆所传播的信息如果不符合受传者的观念或需要,就会在最外圈被挡住,引不起注意。但有些信息无法回避,它们混在被人们注意的信息中,这时,中层认知圈便在解释信息符号时进行有选择的理解(即以个人的态度观念把信息组织起来,并赋予其意义)。如果信息的含义一目了然,不用进行选择性理解,这些信息便在最内圈进行最后筛选,最后人的记忆储存库内只留下那些符合需要的信息。受众的认知选择过程体现了人对信息积极加工的能动作用。(纬向谕撰巨:亘国市)
