100字范文 > 高职物流教育 Logistic Education in Higher Vocational Colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职物流教育 Logistic Education in Higher Vocational Colleges英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-06 19:16:15


高职物流教育 Logistic Education in Higher Vocational Colleges英语短句 例句大全

高职物流教育,Logistic Education in Higher Vocational Colleges

1)Logistic Education in Higher Vocational Colleges高职物流教育


1.Some Considerations about Developing Higher Vocational Logistics Education in Our Country;关于发展我国高职物流教育的几点思考

2.Some Thoughts on the Logistics Management Education In Higher Vocational Colleges;对高职物流管理专业教育的几点思考

3.Investigate the building of the logistics training center by college and enterprise高职教育校企共建物流实训基地探析

4.A Study of Perplexity and Tactic of School-Enterprise Cooperation in Higher Logistics Vocational Education;物流高职教育校企合作的困惑及对策探讨

5.Order Production--the Model Choice of Logistics Education in Vocational Colleges;订单式生产——高职物流专业教育模式的选择

6.An Ana Iysis on modern logistics industry and development of higher vocational logistics management;试论现代物流产业发展与高职物流管理专业教育

7.Higher Vocational Education Logistics Professional "Custom-style" Model of Training高等职业教育物流专业“定制式”人才培养模式初探

8.The Guidance of Physical Experiments Teaching in Higher Vocational Education;高职物理实验教学在高职教育中的引导作用

9.The Derivation and Error-correction of Logistics Specialty Teaching Plan;高职高专物流类专业教学计划的设计

10.Vocational "Modern Logistics" Teaching Reforms;高职《现代物流学》课程教学改革的研究

11.Perfect the Practice Teaching System of Logistics Management Major in Advanced Vocational Institute;高职物流管理专业实践教学体系完善

12.Teaching Reform on Courses of Logistic Management Major in Higher Vocational Education;高职物流管理专业课程教学改革初探

13.Research of Practical Teaching Mode in Logistics Management Specialty at Vocational Colleges;高职物流管理专业实践教学模式探讨

14.Probe into PBL Teaching Methods for Logistic Management Course in Higher Vocational Institution;高职物流管理课程的PBL教学方法探索

15.Research on Bilingual Teaching of Logistics Management Major in Higher Vocational Education;高职类物流管理专业双语教学的探讨

16.A Research into the Teaching Methods of Logistics Management in Higher Vocational Colleges;高职院校物流管理专业教学方法初探

17.Study of Teaching Reform in Logistics Management Specialty at Vocational Colleges;高职物流管理专业实践教学改革探讨

18.Discussions on Whether to Have Physics Classes in the Higher Vocational Education;关于高职教育是否设置物理课的议论


Higher vocational physics education高职物理教育

3)Vocational higher education of biology高职生物教育

4)Vocational education高职教育

1.Analysis to the impossibility of vocational education of medicine;医学高职教育的不可行性分析

2.To Create a Newly Feature of Running a School in Vocational Education;高职教育办学特色的构建与实施

3.Teaching reform of measurement lesson in vocational education;高职教育测量课教学改革的探讨

5)higher vocational education高职教育

1.Role of psychological consultation in thehigher vocational education;心理咨询在高职教育中的作用

2.Investigation on reform of methods of examination inhigher vocational education;高职教育考试方式改革探讨

3."Dual Certificates" System,a Critical Route to the Higher Vocational Education Development;“双证书”制度是我国高职教育发展的必由之路

6)high vocational education高职教育

1.Try to discuss the brand managing ofhigh vocational education as enterprise;刍议高职教育品牌的企业化经营

2.How to fully apply modern educational technology tohigh vocational education;现代教育技术如何充分应用于高职教育

3.On the Teaching Material Building of the High Vocational Education;关于高职教育教材建设的几点建议


