100字范文 > 教育普及水平 the level of education popularization英语短句 例句大全

教育普及水平 the level of education popularization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-01 23:00:21


教育普及水平 the level of education popularization英语短句 例句大全

教育普及水平,the level of education popularization

1)the level of education popularization教育普及水平


1.Influences of Popularization of Rural Compulsory Education upon the Income Gap between Urban and Rural Citizens;农村义务教育普及水平对城乡收入差距的影响

2.1. To realize the goal of education for all and constantly raise the level of education universalization.第一,实现全民教育目标,不断提高普及教育水平。

3.the standard of education was rising in the Church and spreading among laymen.教会的教育水平正在上升,并且在俗人中普及。

4.When education has been made universal and when the cultural and scientific level of the masses has been raised, there will be more inventions and innovations.教育普及了,群众的科学文化水平提高了,发明创造就会多起来。

5.We will realize the goal of popularizing education, improving the level of medicare and the quality of people, and strengthening the ability of personal development.普及教育,提高卫生保健水平和人口素质,增强自我发展能力。

6.Having an education, especially one above the average.受过教育的受过教育的,尤指受过超过普通水平教育的

7.If popularization remains at the same level for ever, won"t the educators and those being educated be six of one and half a dozen of the other?如果普及工作永远停留在一个水平上, 那么教育者和被教育者岂不都是半斤八两?

8.A Study on Education Management of High-Level Sports Team of Univerties;我国普通高校高水平运动队文化教育管理研究

9.Practice and Thoughts on Improving the Educational Level of Dancing in Universities;提高普通高校舞蹈教育水平的实践与思考

10.Analysing University Students’Language Ability Education From the Pronunciation Mistreading of the Mandarin Level Test;从普通话水平测试的失分看大学语言能力教育

11.On Humanist Education of High-Level College Athletes;浅析普通高校高水平运动员的人文教育

12.The principal component analysis of overall situation of development of higher education in China;我国普通高等教育发展水平的全局主成分分析

13.On the Pronunciation breath S change of the Teaching and Mandarin Chinese Examination;普通话水平测试与教学中音变常见问题及对策

14.Law Universal Education with the Help of Modern Correspondence Education in the West;论西部地区运用现代远程教育技术平台进行法律普及教育宣传

15.View on Chinese Teaching from Chinese Proficiency Test;从普通话水平测试看高职普通话教学

16.Quality and level of higher education as well as discriminating relevant concepts高等教育质量与水平及相关概念辨析

17.Secondly, the average educational level of the people is still low, compared with neighbouring countries or region like South Korea, Hong Kong and the Philippines.其次,我国人民的普遍教育水平,比起韩国、港、律宾等地还是很低。

18.Secondly, the average educational level of the people is still low, compared with neighbouring countries or regions like South Korea, Hong Kong and the Philippines.其次,我国人民的普遍教育水平,比起韩国、香港、菲律宾等地还是很低。


Popularization of education普及教育

1.Czech educator Comenius thought onPopularization of education is an important principle of educational thought in the world.捷克教育家夸美纽斯(1592-1670)是普及教育思想的代表人物。

2.Chen Du-xiu and Du Ya-quan launched the debate about Chinese-West cultural coordination,traditional cultural integration and popularization of education aspect,and so on.陈独秀和杜亚泉二人在东西文化调和论、传统文化“统整说”和普及教育等方面展开了辩论。

3.This paper mainly analyses Tao Xingzhi s thoughts on the popularization of education: the purpose, the objectives, the contents and measures.陶行知关于普及教育的目的、对象、内容、具体措施等方面的思想不仅对当时的人才培养、教育事业的发展和革命事业的推进做出了巨大贡献 ,而且对研究和促进我国现代普及教育的发展仍具重要的参考价值和现实意义。

3)universal education普及教育

1.The education on geographical information technology includes major education anduniversal education.地理信息技术教育包括专业教育和普及教育。

2.The ruraluniversal education in the United States developed by the historic stages of conception formation,institutionalization,quality enhancement and equal educational opportunity.美国的农村普及教育经历了从理念萌生、制度构建、教育质量提升,到实现城乡教育机会均等的历史过程,其成就受到世人瞩目。

3.By the adopt ion of German and Japanese models, the emphasis onuniversal education as a basis of Constitutionalism, and the insistence of using compulsion as a means to spread education, the Court not only went apparently against the objective realitics at the time, but also stirred the people to destroy schools at different localities for a time.其效法德国和日本,强调普及教育为立宪基础,并坚持以强迫为手段,不仅明显 与客观现实相悖,更一度激起各地毁学风潮。

4)popularizing GPS technological education普及GPS教育

5)the popularity of education普及性教育

6)Education for All Network普及教育网


