100字范文 > 公路生态绿化 highway ecological greening英语短句 例句大全

公路生态绿化 highway ecological greening英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-10 19:02:30


公路生态绿化 highway ecological greening英语短句 例句大全

公路生态绿化,highway ecological greening

1)highway ecological greening公路生态绿化

1.This paper defines the concept ofhighway ecological greening,and thinks the ecological greening as the foundation and conditions recovering ecological environment in the highway.界定了公路生态绿化概念,认为生态绿化是公路路域生态环境恢复的基础和条件。


1.Research of Light Environmental Characteristics and Vegetation Quantity for Road Ecology Greening Plants Communities公路生态绿化植物群落光环境及绿量研究

2.The concept of road eco-green going to ecological civilization走向生态文明时代的公路生态绿化理念

3.Evaluation on the Economic Benefits and Construction Principles of Road Ecological Greening公路生态绿化建设原则及其经济效益评价

4.Studies on Design of Ecological Afforestation and Landscape on Expressways in Henan Province河南省高速公路生态绿化与景观设计研究

5.Appraisal System Construction of Ecological Greening of Expressway in Plain Area平原区高速公路生态绿化评价体系构建

6.The Method Researching of Design about Landscape and Ecological of ShaanXi Expressway陕西高速公路绿化设计与路域生态恢复的研究

7.Ecological Construction Along Chongqing Outer-ring Expressway via Ecological Greening实施生态绿化,促进重庆外环高速公路的路域生态建设

8.Ecological Landscape Greening Design of Central Separate Belt of Highway高速公路中央分隔带景观生态绿化设计

9.Application of Landscape, Greening and Ecological Elements in Construction of Expressway景观、绿化和生态要素在高速公路建设中的应用

10.Assessment of Greening Reform Construction for Huangtu Highway in Road Ecology道路生态学视野下黄土公路绿化改造景观分析与评价

11.On Greening Functions:Ecological and Cultural Greening of Urban Roads in Chongqing;论绿化功能与重庆城市道路的生态与文化绿化

12.Effects of Ecomat on Greening Engineering on the Side-slope of Winding Mountain Highway in Stony Mountains of Northern Beijing生态垫在京北石质山区盘山公路边坡绿化工程中应用效果评价

13.Study on Greening of Ning-Hang Expressway by Vegatation Ecology;宁杭高速公路(江苏段)景观绿化的植被生态学研究

14.Application of Greening Cage Brick in Ecologic Restoration of Roads Slope in Mentougou绿化笼砖技术在门头沟公路边坡生态修复中的应用实践

15.Ecological Modernization--A Report on China Green Development (abstracted) (Cotinued);生态现代化——中国绿色发展之路(摘要)(续)

16.Ecological Modernization--A Report on China Green Development(abstracted);生态现代化——中国绿色发展之路(摘要)

17.Pay Close Attention to Plant Design in City Streets with an Ecological Viewpoint;以生态的观念关注城市道路绿化设计

18.A Green Highway Incorporating Ecology and Landscape Shanghai ChongQi Channel Environmental Landscape Planning整合生态与景观的绿色高速公路 上海崇启通道生态景观规划


road greening公路绿化

1.A comparison of light environmental characteristics forroad greening plants communities in Beijing Shunyi District;北京市顺义区公路绿化植物群落的光环境特性

2.View onroad greening from building resource-saving,environment-friendly society in Shanghai;从建设资源节约型和环境友好型社会看上海公路绿化的发展

3.The authors considered thatroad greening being the part of road construction had functions of ecological restoration as well as functions of road maintenance and road landscape.江汉平原日益发展的公路建设对该区域的湿地生态系统的破坏越来越严重,笔者认为公路绿化作为公路建设的组成部分,其功能不再仅仅是公路养护以及道路景观的作用,还应当具有对这种破坏进行生态恢复的功能。

3)Highway afforestation公路绿化

1.Taking the highway afforestation of the section of Zhenjiang of 312 National Road as an example,this paper describes a new thoughts in highway afforestion.以312国道镇江段绿化景观设计为例,阐述干线公路绿化设计的新理念,即在干线公路绿化设计中改变过去纯粹的道路绿化种植方法,采用景观再生和景观利用等创新性手法,从满足驾乘人员的视觉需求出发,把公路沿线的景观和人文资源融入道路景观设计中,使道路、绿化和景观形成自然有序的节奏变化和主题转换,构成一幅流动的画卷,跳动的音符。

2.Descriptions were made on effect of highway construction and operation on environment, and on importance of highway afforestation to environment improvement.叙述了公路建设以及公路运营对环境的影响和破坏,阐述了公路绿化对公路环境改善的重要作用。

3.Big tree transplanting is the indispensable part in highway afforestation,which can help the afforestation finish in a very short time.大树移植是现代公路绿化建设不可缺少的组成部分,它可使公路绿化一次成景,在短期内达到绿化美化效果。

4)highway greening公路绿化

1.Selection of optimum time forhighway greening in the northern area;北方地区公路绿化最佳时间的选择

2.Study on the evaluation system of the landscape function of thehighway greening in Beijing;北京市公路绿化景观功能评价体系研究

5)highway planting公路绿化

1.Present condition ofhighway planting in the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and discussion on the countermeasures;内蒙古自治区公路绿化发展现状及对策的探讨

2.For thehighway planting area,as the important ecological corridor,one of its most important ecological function is the preservation of biodiversity.通常把防风固土,改善(美化)环境作为公路绿化的主要目标,而公路绿化带作为重要的生态廊道,其重要的生态功能之一应该是保护生物多样性。

3.In order to realize diversified,scaled and garden-likehighway planting,according to realistic conditions of Liaoning province,based on the specific characters of the location of highway and harmful influence to the plant,the tree species are summarized which could be selected inhighway planting of Liaoning.为了使公路绿化真正达到多样化、规模化、园林化的要求,根据辽宁省实际条件,结合公路立地条件的特殊之处及其对公路绿化植物材料所造成的不良影响,调查总结出辽宁省公路绿化主要乔灌木树种,从而为树种的选择提供可衡量的依据。

6)Ecological Greening生态绿化

1.Problems in urban garden greening and construction of ecological greening城市园林绿化存在的问题与生态绿化建设的探讨

2.Ecological Construction Along Chongqing Outer-ring Expressway viaEcological Greening实施生态绿化,促进重庆外环高速公路的路域生态建设

3.Based upon analysis of present situations of ecological greening design in modern residential districts existed greening landscape design ideas are generalized.总结了现代城市居住区生态绿化设计现状,概括了已有的绿化景观设计理念,指出在城市居住区环境设计中应进一步加以重视生态绿化设计。


