100字范文 > 澳门教育 education in Macau英语短句 例句大全

澳门教育 education in Macau英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-11-13 15:23:31


澳门教育 education in Macau英语短句 例句大全

澳门教育,education in Macau

1)education in Macau澳门教育


1.Develop Macao Education, Accelerate Macao Prosperity ──some Humble Ideas about the Present Situation of Macao Education, Its Problems and Counter Measures发展澳门教育促进澳门繁荣──浅论澳门教育发展现状、问题及对策

2.Macau"s Educational Development since Its Return to China回归十年来澳门教育发展的回顾与前瞻

3.Open Education Finds Its Foothold in Macau SAR;电大开放教育向澳门特区延伸的思考

4.Macau"s Educational Status of "Sanwen Siyu" since Its Return to China澳门回归后“三文四语”教育现状研究

5.The Development of Higher Education in Macau from the Perspective of Higher Education Ecology高等教育生态学视野中澳门高等教育的发展

paratively Analyzing the Teaching Adminstration in Physical Education at Secondary Schools in Guangdong and Macao广东澳门两地中学体育教学管理的比较分析

7.The Study of the Direction of Autochthonal Portuguese" Elementary Education in Macao after Regression;回归后澳门“土生葡人”基础教育路向探讨

8.A Consideration of Opening TV Education to Macao SAR;珠海电大开放教育立足澳门特区的思考

9.Investigation on the Status Quo of Special PE Teaching in Macao;澳门特殊体育教学实施现状与意见调查

10.Practices and Enlightenments of Offering Higher Education for Macao Special Administrative Region;面向澳门特区进行高等教育的实践与启示

11.St. Paul College of Macao and the beginning of Western-style higher education in China;澳门圣保禄学院与中国西式高等教育的开端

12.The deviating behavior for Macao s marginal juveniles and its educational interference;澳门边缘青少年偏差行为及其教育干预

13.Strategies of Enhancing Quality of Schooling in Macao since 1999澳门回归以来学校教育优质化的策略评析

14.The Quality of Moral and Civic Education in Macao:An Analysis of a City-wide Program Evaluation澳门中小学品德与公民教育成效的评价研究

15.A Research on the Managerial Direction under the Revision of the Education System by the MSAR Government during the Initial Stages after the Handover of Macao;澳门回归初期特区政府修改教育制度之管理路向研究

16.The Influence on Sexual Role Consciousness among Macau Secondary Students in Same-sex and Co-educational Institutes;分校、合校教育模式对澳门中学生性别角色认知的影响

17.Cooperative Development of Regional Higher Education--Taking Zhaoqing and Macao as Examples;区域性高等教育合作发展探索——以肇庆和澳门为例

18.The Developmental Trend of Higher Education in Macao;澳门高等教育的发展路向——建立一所具有国际学术水平的重点大学


free education in Macau澳门免费教育

3)Macao higher education澳门高等教育

4)Primary teachers in Macau澳门小学教师

5)leisure education of HK & Macow & Taiwan港澳台休闲教育

6)system of TAFE education in Australia澳大利亚TAFE教育

1.This essay illustrates the differences between thesystem of TAFE education in Australia and the system of higher technical education in China in several aspects such as the teaching aims, the teaching place, the examination system, the teacher-centered or student-centered teaching methods, and the cooperation between schools and enterprises.中国职业教育与澳大利亚TAFE教育在教育目的、教育方式、授课地点、考试方法、以教师为中心还是以学生为中心、学校与企业的结合程度等诸多方面都表现出明显的差异。




