100字范文 > 民族传统文化 national traditional culture英语短句 例句大全

民族传统文化 national traditional culture英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-02 02:48:09


民族传统文化 national traditional culture英语短句 例句大全

民族传统文化,national traditional culture

1)national traditional culture民族传统文化

1.In the background of economical globalization,the protection ofnational traditional culture has not already been the static arrangement.在全球经济一体化的今天,各民族的文化差异亦日益缩小,因此而带来保护民族传统文化多样性的问题。

2.Driven by thenational traditional culture which is the autonomous complex, the authors of XG literature contain abundant archetype images in their works.寻根文学作为新时期的一个重要的文学流派,在反思民族历史、寻找民族传统文化之“根”的过程中,表现了深厚的人文精神。


moditization of Ethnic Tourism Culture and the Development of Ethnic Traditional Culture;民族旅游文化商品化与民族传统文化的发展

2.Inheritance of Ethnic Traditional Cultures in the Perspective of School Education;学校教育视野中的民族传统文化传承

3.On the Development of the Traditional Cultures of Ethic Minorities in China我国少数民族传统文化的传承与发展

4.The Humane Olympic Games of Beijing under the Traditional Cultural Vision;民族传统文化视野下的北京人文奥运

5.A Brief Discussion of National Traditional Culture and Pluralistic Integration s Education;浅谈民族传统文化和多元一体化教育

6.Reflections on Modernization of the TraditionalCulture of the Minority Nationalities in Northwest Areas;西北少数民族传统文化的现代化思考

7.Cultural Reconstruction and the Protection of National Traditional Culture--With Example of Xiangxi National Tourism;文化重构与民族传统文化的保护——以湘西民族旅游文化为例

8.Cambodian National Heritage Protection Authority柬埔寨民族传统文化保护局

9.Cultural Reconstruction and Transmission of Traditional National Programs;民族传统节日传播的文化重构和传承

10.On the Traditional Culture of GuangXi Yao Nationality and Its Development in Contemporary Age广西瑶族传统文化与当代民族发展

11.Discussion on Traditional Tibetan Festivals and Traditional Tibetan P. E. Culture;藏族传统节日与藏民族传统体育文化的探讨

12.The Construction and Inheritance of Ethnic Minority Traditional Costumes;少数民族传统服饰文化的构建与传承

13.Inheriting process on national and traditional physical education cultures in China;论我国民族传统体育文化的传承机制

14.On the modern vicissitude,inheritance and development of the nation traditional physical culture;民族传统体育文化的变迁、传承与发展

15.On Significance of Legislation on Protection of Traditional Folk Culture of Nationalities;论民族民间传统文化保护立法的意义

16.The Inscription of Shang Dynasty and the View of Traditional Appreciation Culture of Nationality;殷商文字与民族传统的审美文化视野

17.The Choices of Traditional Sports Culture on the Background of Globalization;全球化时代民族传统体育文化的选择

18.Enhance Ethnic Identity for Sustained Development of Ethnic Cultural Traditions;增强民族认同感,保持和发展民族文化传统


ethnic traditional culture民族传统文化

1.This paper analyzes the relations between tourism, modernity andethnic traditional culture.本文在分析旅游、现代化与民族传统文化关系的基础上探讨在强大的现代化力量之下民族传统文化该何去何从。

2.By education,ethnic traditional culture is accumulated with the constant development of society and ethnic groups.民族传统文化伴随着社会与民族的发展不断的积淀,通过教育传承和传扬。

3)traditional national culture民族传统文化

1.By analyzing the needs oftraditional national culture and school education for each other,the author concludes that thetraditional national culture can t be standardized,scientific and universal without school education,meanwhile,the reform of school education can be improved by constructing a scientific inheritance system oftraditional national culture.通过对民族传统文化与学校教育互求关系的深入分析,提出学校教育是民族传统文化由原始形态走向规范化、科学化、普及化的必经之路;同时,构建民族传统文化在学校教育中传承的科学体系,对于学校教育的改革也将起到较好的促进作用。

2.The market economy, however, brings a great shock totraditional national culture, and the intellectual property of traditional culture of minority nationalities is often infringed and their national feelings are frequently hurt dur.市场经济条件下开发和利用少数民族传统文化已成为民族地区发展特色经济、实现社会可持续发展的自觉行为。

4)traditional ethnic culture民族传统文化

1.Thetraditional ethnic culture in those regions,which was ever intact,has already been in a condition of devline because of natural and social reasons.这些地方的各主体少数民族,经过漫长的历史变迁,由于自然和社会的原因,使其原本完整的民族传统文化已经趋于支离破碎,处于衰落状况。

2.Bringing ceramic music into the classroom can not only carry forwardtraditional ethnic culture,but also strengthen basic music education for the adolescents,thus their complex of the traditional Chinese culture will be consolidated.为了大力培养青少年的民族传统文化情结,让瓷乐走进音乐课堂,不仅能弘扬民族音乐,而且还能加强青少年的音乐基础教育。

3.By summarizing the changes and development of thetraditional ethnic culture of a Yi village in Yunnan Province over the past three decades, this paper finds out the causes and driving forces behind the rejuvenation of the traditional culture and concludes thattraditional ethnic culture can be revived by means of cultural readjustment and adaptation.通过追溯云南一个彝族村寨近三十年来民族传统文化变迁的历程,总结出彝族村寨民族传统文化复甦的原因及动力,得出民族传统文化可以通过文化调适后达到适应状态,并获得"再生"。

5)traditional nationality culture民族传统文化

1.The development of tourism resources in China’s west has brought a positive-and-negative-sided effect on the protection oftraditional nationality culture.中国西部地区旅游资源的开发给民族传统文化的保护带来了正反两方面的影响 ,如何在发展旅游业的同时保护民族优秀传统文化是一个重要课题。

6)traditional culture民族传统文化

1.It is the important way to exhibit the host’straditional culture and we can fully realize scenes of the nation.奥运会设计是展现主办国家民族传统文化的重要途径和方式,我们可以通过奥运会充分领略举办国家的民俗风情。




